This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

Rain/snow mix last evening, rain now. Colder weather coming, too early to say what for sure will happen. Some weather apps say rain, some say several inches of snow.
The prediction for snow in the lowlands here this weekend is fizzling out. Mountains are getting a nice dump though.

But as we say around Puget Sound, if you like or don't like the weather, wait five minutes!
colder weather and snow has started, tiny dry flakes, will probably change to rain soon or freezing rain as it gets chillier, who knows around here.
I don't mind a little bit of snow.
Had 16" of snow the past week. Today is cold, somewhere around 18 below zero this morning. It may have been colder but I wasn't going outdoors.
Today's high was 78F, :dance: sunny with no rain and a wind advisory. As the day progressed, the winds have been getting stronger and stronger. By now they are starting to sound pretty strong.

I love the warm weather but after a rainy Monday we're supposed to get a hard freeze on Monday night. Brrr.

Honestly I am greatly impressed with how Northerners manage to cope with freezing weather, with such great calm and equanimity.
We got 5 inches of snow Wednesday night and Reno is not good at snow removal. I had an appointment with a client on Thursday morning and was hoping he would cancel but no such luck. I drove 20 all the way. Luckily it wasn’t far. We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow.
We’ve been hit by a dry storm. Temps are below freezing all day. The dew point is in single digits. It’s negative in some areas. Break out the hand lotion and the nasal spray.
Woke to minus 17 this morning. Got to a high of 0. Low of minus 22 tonight. I’ve been manning the wood stove all day and watching football. Glad I didn’t have to go anywhere.
Brrrr! Stay warm, everybody. Apparently this cold wave will be pretty intense throughout most of North America.

Local weathermen are saying we should complete our preparations for the colder weather and hard freeze by tomorrow afternoon.

Right now, it's 39F here in New Orleans. Today's high was 53F after 78F the day before. So, it's getting colder rapidly.

Chilly in the 50s today and got spritzers of rain coming home from todays motorcycle ride. Good ride anyway.

Best luck getting fixed up, you whose places got hit.
-50's as lows here with wind - high 20's without wind. Will be cold for one more day than we start to get better. I haven't done any walking or outside much in the last two days. No snow to fight with but nasty cold.
-50's as lows here with wind - high 20's without wind. Will be cold for one more day than we start to get better. I haven't done any walking or outside much in the last two days. No snow to fight with but nasty cold.

Yeah, we were lucky we didn’t have any wind otherwise it would have been brutal.
We’re supposed to touch 30 degrees briefly two nights in a row. I’m going to trim and cover my Thai lime tree. I hope it doesn’t get colder. Hard freezes are rare here.

Plenty of North wind expected.
It will be single digits every night this week here in northern Kentucky. We rarely get that, even for one or two nights, so it will be a challenge. Still, much colder in many places so no point in complaining.

As we used to say in the military, there is no such thing as inclement weather -- there is only a poor choice of clothing.
-11 with -38 wind chill in northern Illinois . Forecast shows this is as cold as it's going to get for a while. Looks it will start warming up a little in a day or 2, with highs around 40 10 days from now. That'll be a shock.
In Iowa. 24 inches of snow in the last week, -10 degrees right now with a -39 wind chill. It/s supposed to be colder tommorrow. any rooms for rent down south, but I just don't see that much improvement in this country unless maybe florida or hawaii.
Lots of sore muscles after clearing my driveway and my parents driveway twice in 4 days. 20 inches total. Snow won't be going anywhere with temps around zero all week.
So glad the USDA released the updated Hardiness Zone map this past fall to place us just into Zone 9a here in Central Texas, putting the expected low no colder than 20°F. :rolleyes:

We've already hit 19°F with a wind chill under 10°F. The next two nights are expected to be colder, both in terms of measured temperatures and in the wind chill. I expect the wind chill to hit 0°F and maybe go negative.

Most of our plants are now Zone 6 hardy (Abelia, Nandina, Drift roses, etc.) just for this reason. Despite that, and despite watering the plants well the past couple of days, they are already taking a hit.

The winters of 2021, 2022, 2023, and now this one so far have been in complete contradiction to the USDA Hardiness Zone assignment for us. Of course, the USDA stopped with 2020 in determining the new Zone maps.
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Well, the big snowstorm became the big ice here. Everything is a solid sheet of ice, our city declared an emergency with several trees down, power outages all over. Temps have been in the low teens with strong wind.
Today, luckily, the wind and ice pellets have stopped for now. Still at 16 degrees and thankfully, we still have power.
Here’s an unfortunate first. Yesterday evening our local power company sent out an email asking people to cut back on their electricity and gas use as the current cold snap is taxing their resources. This morning they sent out a second such email.

That’s never happened before.

Meanwhile we are past 72 hours of temps in the teens and low 20’s. We might hit 31 today for an hour or so before the sun goes down. Brrrr…. This makes our normal mid 40degree highs look positively toasty. Thankfully, there is no snow to cause accidents and bring down the power lines.
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We hit 2 today as a high. Tomorrow is supposed to be something around 12 so I think we might try to ride some in the mountains on the sleds. It is probably still below zero at elevation but it is going to be bright and sunny which makes for beautiful (if cold) riding with all of the snow covered evergreens.

I think I will wear 4 layers and try really hard not to get stuck.
Here’s an unfortunate first. Yesterday evening our local power company sent out an email asking people to cut back on their electricity and gas use as the current cold snap is taxing their resources. This morning they sent out a second such email.

That’s never happened before.

Meanwhile we are past 72 hours of temps in the teens and low 20’s. We might hit 31 today for an hour or so before the sun goes down. Brrrr…. This makes our normal mid 40degree highs look positively toasty. Thankfully, there is no snow to cause accidents and bring down the power lines.

Here's likely why:

A massive storage facility in Washington state serving the natural gas network that provides electricity and heating fuel to millions of Americans from the Pacific Northwest south to New Mexico went down Saturday, HuffPost has learned.

The Jackson Prairie Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility in Lewis County, roughly two hours south of Seattle, suffered a complete outage, triggering an emergency on the 1,500-mile Northwest Pipeline that ships gas to power plants and heating networks across a region currently struck by arctic weather.

PSE isn't saying what caused the shutdown.

I'll be happy when it warms up in the next day or two.
Warmer. Into the 60's here today.
Guess it's time to request a propane tank fill anyway.

Down to about 30%.
We were supposed to get a snowstorm Saturday but got nothing. Yesterday was 51 and sunny and that’s the forecast for a few days. Because the Sierra Nevada mountains are so tall frequently when bad weather is predicted it never makes it over the mountains.
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