What is it like to retire to a place where you don't know ANYBODY?!?

Among the meetup groups to which I belong, no one really cares about your age or gender (except for one-- the "Women over 50" group. LOL) The rest are adventure/hiking groups, dining, wine tasting, attending local music and art venues, etc.

Like Ha , I also attend a Spanish conversational language meetup group that meets every other week for dinner and conversation at a nearby Mexican restaurant. That group is about 50% marrieds (both men and women who mostly come "stag") of all ages (18 to 75). Language skills vary from beginner to fluent.

Thanks Omni for your reply. And thanks to Ha also. It sounds like you two should get together and talk Spanish. :)

I mentioned "older married guy" because I imagine some groups might be more singles oriented then others. I've seen that some groups mention specific ages and also singles orientation so this would be easy for me to avoid. Also ladies seem to have a special advantage in making friends and guys tend towards the "let's parallel play" sort of thing. That's my theory anyway.

I currently meet occasionally with a mixed group of plein air painters which schedules once per week and recently with a sketch group which goes out about once per month. These are not organized around meetup.com.

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