Worst drivers in which vehicle?

Our auto insurance takes miles driven into account (or at least they ask for odometer readings before issuing our renewal).

Mine doesn't, except perhaps in very broad bands. I never have had an insurer that did. Probably varies from company to company. I am in no way trying to say that women are worse drivers. :)
To me women are the worst drivers in any vehicle. I've had 4 accidents in my life all caused by the opposite sex. Going through stop lights, stop signs, illegal turns. Very annoying!

I was hit by a young male last spring! (yes, he was at fault!) :angel:
Thank the lord we're all above average drivers on this board.

Oh, wait, I almost ran over a compact car in my van two days ago because my GPS was acting up and directing me back to my home instead of the lunch meeting I had programmed earlier in the day.
Completely tongue-in-cheek and only when I ride shot gun with DW I always observe that "Women all learned how to drive in a kiddy-car. They don't think they're driving if they aren't pushing a pedal." She is NOT amused. But I do have the proof. Her car needs brakes every 35K or so. I've never put brakes on my car w/130K. But, YMMV
Completely tongue-in-cheek and only when I ride shot gun with DW I always observe that "Women all learned how to drive in a kiddy-car. They don't think they're driving if they aren't pushing a pedal." She is NOT amused. But I do have the proof. Her car needs brakes every 35K or so. I've never put brakes on my car w/130K. But, YMMV

That's so funny, Koolau--you are describing DH and me but the opposite. He speeds up to get to the red lights; he also hits the brakes at every intersection even when he has the right of way.
Was that with or without vehicle?:)

Not hit "on" ;) That was other guys! LOL

Yes, a two vehicle collision! Tried to pass me on the left while on a 15 mph one way street, and I was turning left into my office parking lot (yes, blinker was on!) Young, male, sporty car, NOT paying attention. He explained (with a lot of exasperation) to the cops that he wanted to pass me, and I had the audacity to slow down to make a turn :whistle: He tried passing me on left out of habit! The cops just shook their heads...his insurance paid me. No major damage.

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