One Irishman's thoughts on their financial crisis

Eloquently expresses how I feel!
I do miss the colourful language!
Seeing this makes me clearer on what all this tax bill anger is about. People have been raped, but not by their fellow citizens earning over $200,000/$250,000.

We have been violated by a protected species- protected by both parties because they funnel important money to candidates, party chairmen, etc., and do favors like invite pols to events that they could only otherwise dream about. People who have destroyed families, the housing market, our banking system, etc etc etc.

So whip up a lot of hatred against the surgeon or radiologist or Ob/Gyn down the block. After all, hatred is not usually a discriminating emotion and most people will forget who it is they should be angry with, if they ever even had the wit to know.

As Sen Claire McCaskill, D-MO says, "...if Republicans are gonna pout if we don't give more money to millionaires, then it really is time for people to take up pitchforks..."

Video: Dem calls for pitchforks if GOP extends current tax rates in deal? « Hot Air

Pitchforks? My goodness!

Seeing this makes me clearer on what all this tax bill anger is about. People have been raped, but not by their fellow citizens earning over $200,000/$250,000.

We have been violated by a protected species- protected by both parties because they funnel important money to candidates, party chairmen, etc., and do favors like invite pols to events that they could only otherwise dream about. People who have destroyed families, the housing market, our banking system, etc etc etc.

So whip up a lot of hatred against the surgeon or radiologist or Ob/Gyn down the block. After all, hatred is not usually a discriminating emotion and most people will forget who it is they should be angry with, if they ever even had the wit to know.

As Sen Claire McCaskill, D-MO says, "...if Republicans are gonna pout if we don't give more money to millionaires, then it really is time for people to take up pitchforks..."

Video: Dem calls for pitchforks if GOP extends current tax rates in deal? « Hot Air

Pitchforks? My goodness!


Hey...I say give the people what they voted for.
Seeing this makes me clearer on what all this tax bill anger is about. People have been raped, but not by their fellow citizens earning over $200,000/$250,000.
I agree that the true evil doers are a small protected class but I don't understand why the GOP will fight to the death for a slightly lower marginal tax rate on large incomes with no offsetting spending cuts but are offended to the core that we might extend unemployment payments without offsetting spending cuts. When the Bush temporary tax cuts were installed I profited tremendously since DW and I were way up in the upper brackets where the cuts paid off the most. But I opposed them then and oppose them now. The only conceivable reason to make or continue such cuts is an unstated intention to "starve the beast" and force drastic cuts in programs down the line.

The only sensible aspect of the proposed extension is that it is temporary at all income levels and thus can be part of a longer term negotiation on debt reduction. But I am not holding my breath on action on that front.
I agree that the true evil doers are a small protected class but I don't understand why the GOP will fight to the death for a slightly lower marginal tax rate on large incomes with no offsetting spending cuts but are offended to the core that we might extend unemployment payments without offsetting spending cuts.
I have no idea either. I think it has to be something about extremely polarized party activists on both sides.

No more "Rockefeller Republicans" today.

I loved the Irishman interview, you'd get the same attitude and colorful language down the local pub back home in Co. Durham (different accent but the same theme).

Thanks for posting it :greetings10:
I loved the Irishman interview, you'd get the same attitude and colorful language down the local pub back home in Co. Durham (different accent but the same theme).

Thanks for posting it :greetings10:
Since we all like this so much, perhaps we might relax board language standards so that we too could be pithy and colorful?

Since we all like this so much, perhaps we might relax board language standards so that we too could be pithy and colorful?


Somehow, the spoken language in a popular colorful accent makes obsenities more acceptable than the written word. At least to me, but then I grew up in a very "colorful" environment, so YMMV :D
Somehow, the spoken language in a popular colorful accent makes obsenities more acceptable than the written word. At least to me, but then I grew up in a very "colorful" environment, so YMMV :D
Well, I am actually an equal opportunity guy when it comes to vulgarities-say it, write it, use dialect, just don't fail to do it...
Well, I am actually an equal opportunity guy when it comes to vulgarities-say it, write it, use dialect, just don't fail to do it...

If I swear, I still duck. It's an automatic reaction from the clip around the ear my mother used to deliver. She couldn't stop us kids from hearing it everywhere but woe betide us if she head us use bad language.

We learned to become bilingual like our Dad ...
As one of Irish descent (and having visited Ireland on 5 separate occasions), I have to agree that listening to the "F" word over there doesn't sound as gross as, say, listening to sailors use it during my US Navy career. I know that's completely illogical. And around the house I never use the "F" word in American English. But if I occasionally use it with an Irish accent (either with the oo sound replacing the "u" or the short e followed by the "ck" replacing the normal American pronunciation) it becomes acceptable.

Doesn't make sense, I know.
When I was a young division officer on submarines, I decided that I would never swear, and I never did. The guys in my division found that immensely amusing, as it sometimes appeared that they could not communicate at all without invoking fornication in some form.
When I was a young division officer on submarines, I decided that I would never swear, and I never did. The guys in my division found that immensely amusing, as it sometimes appeared that they could not communicate at all without invoking fornication in some form.
I don't know if you remember MAJ Dunham USMC from USNA, but he once demonstrated how to chew out a poorly-performing midshipman using multiple loudly-invoked instances of the F word-- which quickly degraded its effectiveness and even seemed a little humorous.

Then he repeated his extemporaneous remarks in a quiet intimate tone with even more emphatic language, yet no obscenities. His creativity, specificity, and extensive genealogical descriptions were an order of magnitude more explosive for their lack of profanity.

I never measured up to his standards but I saved it for special situations, where its (very sparse) application worked an accelerant magic all its own.

I also learned not to swear on the public-address system. Even if it's 0230 on the midwatch, no matter how tired & disgusted you are, and whether or not you're positive that no one else is awake...
We need the Boondock Saints and their manifesto or especially Il Duce to cure this problem, be it political or otherwise (bankers?). :) Again, the accents sure provide a nice 'ring' to the explanation.

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