What was your COVID news for the day?

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DH and I did a Walmart grocery order yesterday. We started Friday night and scheduled the pickup for Sunday afternoon. The site was very easy to use and we went back to our shopping list a few times to add items. Very nice service and we will use it again if needed.

Walmart isn't our regular weekly store but we knew they carried our dogs canned food in the flavor she likes and they usually carry a 12 pack so we got two of those. Also two bags of her favorite kibble.

This afternoon I got an email from our police department contact for the School Crossing Guards. It included a letter from the Mayor telling us that the city has laid off all part-time employees. We are on Spring Break this week but while school is closed for the pandemic we were allowed to work 2 hrs/day for the free school lunch distribution. Now we have no opportunities to work until they call us back if/when school is back in session.

This is not a big surprise. I just hope they continue the free food as many families really need that.

The letter mentioned filing for unemployment benefits so I checked it out and I don't make enough to meet the minimum to get any benefit. DH and I will be fine without my income, his pension covers all our monthly expenses and I always saved my income in a Roth IRA.

But I'm just feeling sad over this.
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Maryland ordered all non-essential businesses to close until 5PM today until further notice. Including golf courses. DRAT!:'(

I wish they had just told them to ban the use of golf carts, it is easy to social distance when walking the course. Oh, well...
Maryland ordered all non-essential businesses to close until 5PM today until further notice. Including golf courses. DRAT!:'(

I wish they had just told them to ban the use of golf carts, it is easy to social distance when walking the course. Oh, well...

Just a thought. If no one is there, can't you just walk the course?

I know it defies the rules, but let's just say you and you friend took a walk on the course and happened to carry your clubs, keeping your social distance.
Just a thought. If no one is there, can't you just walk the course?

I know it defies the rules, but let's just say you and you friend took a walk on the course and happened to carry your clubs, keeping your social distance.

I would hate to get the owner in trouble. The course is very visible at several points from bordering streets, and there are houses along several of the holes. I can see a passing police officer noticing, or a homeowner reporting that the course is defying the rules.
I would hate to get the owner in trouble. The course is very visible at several points from bordering streets, and there are houses along several of the holes. I can see a passing police officer noticing, or a homeowner reporting that the course is defying the rules.

Yeah. I probably wouldn't do it either. It just seems like a waste of outdoor time, spent with a friend, and within the social distancing guidelines.
WA Gov. Jay Inslee just issued a state-wide "stay at home" directive. Guess I gotta get serious about learning that Travis guitar-picking I've been meaning to get around to for the longest time now.
WA Gov. Jay Inslee just issued a state-wide "stay at home" directive. Guess I gotta get serious about learning that Travis guitar-picking I've been meaning to get around to for the longest time now.

Your governor seems to be shutting the barn door after the entire herd of horses escaped. It will be interesting to see if this works better than it has in California.
17 days is actually pretty alarming because that would mean the virus could actually be packed up on a product in one country, shipped overseas, and still arrive intact after delivery.
We scored some bread. We live in a HCOL area and I never thought I'd be excited to be able to buy a loaf of bread but I guess that is our new reality.
Something to consider for those who like taking cruises..

CDC says coronavirus survived in Princess Cruise ship cabins for up to 17 days after passengers left.


This scares the heck out of me, cruise or not.

So, there's some basis behind all those Asian countries spraying disinfectant in the streets, inside public places, buses, etc..., after all. They knew something we did not.
First day here of police enforced lockdown. Only allowed out once per day to exercise. DW had told our son she would come supervise his gardening this afternoon, standing well back and advising him on plants, pruning, etc. She has now told him to leave the garage doors open, front and back, and she will run around to his house and straight through to the garden. (It’s less than a mile).

We are fortunate to be on the edge of the North York Moors so plenty of places to walk from our house. Exercise today for me will be mowing the front lawn.
The lockdown rules have tightened a bit in France. Large fines and prison sentences are now possible for people who get caught repeatedly violating the confinement rules. Nighttime curfews are in place for a number of cities. Open air food markets are closed indefinitely. We are still allowed to get out, one by one, for fresh air and exercise. But we have to stay within a 1km radius from home and we can't be out for more than 1 hour (we are limited to one outing per day). When we are out, we have to stay at least 6' away from others. The government also announced that the confinement measures are likely to continue for "a few weeks".

Meanwhile, hospitals outside the worst hit areas in Northeastern France have been able to prepare for the upcoming pandemic peak (which should happen over the next 8-15 days according to experts). They have freed up hospital beds and set up auxiliary ICUs to handle the surge. Cooperation between the public and private healthcare system has been reinforced to handle the crisis in a more unified way. Patients are being moved away from the worst hit areas via military transport to even out the load on hospitals across the country.

After 7 days of police-enforced lockdown, it is starting to feel like the "new normal". So far I have been able to keep my pre-lockdown home routine for meals and sleep.
17 days is actually pretty alarming because that would mean the virus could actually be packed up on a product in one country, shipped overseas, and still arrive intact after delivery.

"the researchers wrote, adding that the finding doesn’t necessarily mean the virus spread by surface."

The real risk still is from other people, not from a few virus particles that manage to survive on surfaces.
Made my first senior-hour shopping trip to a local grocery. I can’t recall the last time I saw TP in the wild - our supply is dwindling (and I’m a little annoyed at hoarding behavior although I get it - drew a weird analogy in my mind between TP and $; some have a lot, some don’t and at least one justification for gathering it up is to be able to offer it to me later as an act of charity? If it was left on the shelf I could have bought it myself! I am talking to myself here, saw myself really.)

Wait, where was I? Oh, senior hour at the grocery store...TP was actually rationed from a large pallet by store personnel handing a what now seems tiny 4 pack to the first 8 people in line and then the rest of us were offered a single roll of paper towels. I got one of the latter and felt quite accomplished. Lots of limits on quantities which I found encouraging, perhaps boding well for future supply. Got eggs. Got chocolate chips.

Feeling my way forward in trusting that supply will be there and only taking what I need, all things considered (including how often to forage).
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"the researchers wrote, adding that the finding doesn’t necessarily mean the virus spread by surface."

The real risk still is from other people, not from a few virus particles that manage to survive on surfaces.

They found remnants of the viral RNA. The media is misreporting this finding and will result in unnecessary fear.
Tried to do order and curbside pickup from our Kroger store yesterday and when I got to the select a pickup time page there were no slots available for yesterday, today, wednesday and thursday available That was as far out as the choices went.

About 12:45 last night I turned over in bed and saw what time it was and wondered when Friday curbside delivery slots were posted. After a few minutes I figured I would get up and see if Friday was available and it was! Finished checkout and our scheduled to pick up on Friday between 11:00am and noon. We will see how many items are actually available. Don't need TP, paper towels or meats so maybe we will be lucky.
Local News this morning, reaches several counties down south.

Massive hiring, in the 1000's, but I forget exact number:

Big Box Stores
They found remnants of the viral RNA. The media is misreporting this finding and will result in unnecessary fear.

Look close enough and they'll likely find residue of just about every germ that ever existed.
Hokey smokes!

Possibly a complete shutdown...NO domestic passenger air travel here in the good ol' USA:


Some tidbits from the original WSJ article (sadly, still behind a paywall):

- TSA reports screenings last Sunday down 80% from a year ago.

- Flight from NY to DC has all of 3 passengers...many more flights are simply being canceled as time passes.

- Sickness in air traffic controllers and maintenance technicians is raising concerns that even under contingency plans there won't be the minimum personnel necessary to direct air traffic safely.
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3 new channels appeared out of nowhere on my cable tv: msnbc, cnn, and fox. I assume the cable co is letting us 'basic' cable folks see more corona news by doing this as a public service.
One of the Ranch board members reported that her husband and son-in-law are in the hospital with pneumonia. She described it as starting from a virus, but it sounded like COVID 19 results had not come back yet. She is in her 80s. SIL probably late 40s.
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