Friendly Reminder to get your colonoscopies.

Age 50, a few polyps removed
Age 57, the same
Age 63, no polyps, but diverticulosis
Age 70, 2 polyps, diverticulosis
They want me back for another at 75, and I'm leaning toward doing it, even though some say you should stop after 70.

I also had 2 polyps removed at age 70, just this year, and doc said come back for "one more" at 75. I am definitely going to do it, even though the prep is so ghastly for me, with vomiting etc. My previous colonoscopy at 65 I had 2 polyps, and before that, they found none, but did have diverticulosis. Better safe than sorry!
I also had 2 polyps removed at age 70, just this year, and doc said come back for "one more" at 75. I am definitely going to do it, even though the prep is so ghastly for me, with vomiting etc. My previous colonoscopy at 65 I had 2 polyps, and before that, they found none, but did have diverticulosis. Better safe than sorry!

No polyps found in the colonoscopy I just had but the report (for the first time) indicated diverticulosis. I don't know the significance of that & will have to look into it.
Mine was uneventful. No polyps (had 2 the last time). My doctor recommended the next in 5 yrs, when I'll be 78.

. After checking the list of permissible items I ran out & bought apple juice. That tasted amazingly good when I was feeling depleted & it definitely helped.

Apple juice wasn’t on my list of acceptable liquids, although i am sure it would have been fine if I had it. White grape juice was on my approved list and wow, that tasted delicious!

I was planning on drinking the white grape juice Immediately drinking that awful prep liquid, but the artificial sweetness and aftertaste from that stuff made it impossible for me to drink anything sweet right away. The lifesaver for me was chicken broth. I finished the prep liquid then heated up 16 oz of the broth. It was perfect: salty, warm, a little fatty tasting so it felt like I was drinking something substantial (even though I wasn’t; it was only 10 cals), and most importantly, it got rid of the prep liquid aftertaste.

I had diet Sprite, water, and then some of the grape juice. And lemon sorbet for dessert, after most of the bathroom trips were over.
Scheduled the pre-appointment for my 5-year follow up this week (2 polyps last time). I'm switching doctors and hospitals because I've moved since my last one, so the pre-appointment is required. Pre-appointment is mid-November and I'm hoping they can do the colonoscopy in December because I'd like to put it on this year's insurance, if there is going to be any cost to me.
Scheduled the pre-appointment for my 5-year follow up this week (2 polyps last time). I'm switching doctors and hospitals because I've moved since my last one, so the pre-appointment is required. Pre-appointment is mid-November and I'm hoping they can do the colonoscopy in December because I'd like to put it on this year's insurance, if there is going to be any cost to me.

I have my third colonoscopy scheduled in about a month--one new wrinkle is that I have to have a negative Covid test 3 days ahead of the colonoscopy. The office made me an appt for the Covid test and they said there was usually not a problem getting the results in time.
Last go round I had private insurance and they billed me $1,200 for the anesthesiologists. This time with the reminder “your are do for a colonoscopy notification” sitting before me I called Medicare to see if it was covered.

Interesting and unsettling the Medicare person tried to tell me I had to have it done in July. July of 2019 is when I hit 65. After a couple of “that can’t be right” by me I asked to talk to a claims person. She was no nonsense and said no you are covered since July of 2019. And apologized for the wrong information.

I’m all set for December earliest I could get a morning appointment.
Just got home from my colonoscopy this morning (still a little goofy so excuse typos). All went well--it was my third one (at ages 49,59 and now 69). I had "conscious sedation" I was awake-- but felt nothing. No polyps so the doc told me I don't ever have to have another one unless I develop problems. YAH!!!

I had to have a negative Covid test three days before (but what happens if you catch Covid in the 3 days since the test?)

The colonoscopy confirmed I have hemorrhoids and the doc said I may want to do something about those--I will start a different thread on that.

DH drove me and had to stay in the parking lot until it was finished. The doc called him with the report and he drove to the front door to pick me up. I felt fine walking and declined the wheelchair.

I was a little nervous about having the colonoscopy with Covid cases rising. I was supposed to have it last spring but things were shut down and I was afraid things would shut down again so I decided to take the risk and go ahead and have the colonoscopy now. I felt good about the precautions. I was required to wear a mask all during the procedure. I had worn my thickest well fitting cloth mask but they made me change to a flimsy surgical type one that did not fit me well. I wish they had let me keep my mask on and put the surgical mask on top but they would not allow.
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Glad your report was good. I had one at 55 and plan to have one more when the virus dies down. I am 66. I have lots of hemorrhoids and my friends that had them removed said that they came back and they were in incredible pain for weeks after surgery. One had the same results with the banding.
Glad your report was good. I had one at 55 and plan to have one more when the virus dies down. I am 66. I have lots of hemorrhoids and my friends that had them removed said that they came back and they were in incredible pain for weeks after surgery. One had the same results with the banding.

I have heard that the hemorrhoid surgery is painful--and if they come back what is the use. I am trying other things like sitz bath. My main problem is constipation and if I can figure out how to avoid that I think my hemorrhoids will be better. :mad:
I have constipation from a medication I take but use miralax to counteract it per my doctor’s recommendation.

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