What was your happiest moment today?

Saw a momma black bear and 3 cubs today while driving thru the Great Smoky Mtn. Nat'l Park. Got some pictures too!

Those must be the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandbears of the bears I took pictures of back when I visited the Great Smoky Mtn. Nat'l Park in 1975. :LOL:
It was yesterday:

My wife got a message from her endocrinologist. "great news" was the subject.
She has some lumps on her thyroid that have been troubling. They have done needle biopsies, ultrasounds, and it was found with a CAT scan years ago.
The last needle biopsy came back as Bethesda III category. This one is a pain because its overall malignancy rate. 77% of Bethesda III patients choose surgery, and 26% of those are malignant.
There is a molecular DNA test that can be done with the sample. Unfortunately, the insurance does not cover it. I went in with her to discuss the biopsy and help her decide. Basically I said, " would you spend that kind of money to fix the dog's eye?" She said yes and I said the decision matrix is complete. Let's pay for it and roll the dice.
Today that roll came back a winner. The tissue DNA was as negative as they can define, between 91% and 98% benign.
Her overall rate is 97% benign.
Now she can step back, and keep getting ultrasound exams every year or so to keep an eye on it. She has had enough surgeries in her lifetime.
It was yesterday:

My wife got a message from her endocrinologist. "great news" was the subject.
She has some lumps on her thyroid that have been troubling. They have done needle biopsies, ultrasounds, and it was found with a CAT scan years ago.
The last needle biopsy came back as Bethesda III category. This one is a pain because its overall malignancy rate. 77% of Bethesda III patients choose surgery, and 26% of those are malignant.
There is a molecular DNA test that can be done with the sample. Unfortunately, the insurance does not cover it. I went in with her to discuss the biopsy and help her decide. Basically I said, " would you spend that kind of money to fix the dog's eye?" She said yes and I said the decision matrix is complete. Let's pay for it and roll the dice.
Today that roll came back a winner. The tissue DNA was as negative as they can define, between 91% and 98% benign.
Her overall rate is 97% benign.
Now she can step back, and keep getting ultrasound exams every year or so to keep an eye on it. She has had enough surgeries in her lifetime.

Congratulations. Great news.
My happiest moment today was when Frank appeared at my back door with Dunkin Donuts Blueberry muffins! One of my favorites for breakfast. DD had been out of them for several days so that made it even more of a treat. It's a gorgeous day, with sunny blue skies, so we might go for a pleasure drive in a little while too.

I worked so hard to reach retirement and now that I am retired, I can testify that retired life was worth all that work, and more.
Heading out to DD house to take her some Birthday breakfast pastries from the local French Bakery.
Can't believe how quickly time has gone by.
It was yesterday:

My wife got a message from her endocrinologist. "great news" was the subject.
She has some lumps on her thyroid that have been troubling. They have done needle biopsies, ultrasounds, and it was found with a CAT scan years ago.
The last needle biopsy came back as Bethesda III category. This one is a pain because its overall malignancy rate. 77% of Bethesda III patients choose surgery, and 26% of those are malignant.
There is a molecular DNA test that can be done with the sample. Unfortunately, the insurance does not cover it. I went in with her to discuss the biopsy and help her decide. Basically I said, " would you spend that kind of money to fix the dog's eye?" She said yes and I said the decision matrix is complete. Let's pay for it and roll the dice.
Today that roll came back a winner. The tissue DNA was as negative as they can define, between 91% and 98% benign.
Her overall rate is 97% benign.
Now she can step back, and keep getting ultrasound exams every year or so to keep an eye on it. She has had enough surgeries in her lifetime.

Very good.
Never mind I figured out DD House is Duncan Donuts from another reply here,
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Beautiful cool but sunny day today. Our winter camellia is blooming, it attracts the hummingbird pair that winter over here. So fun to watch them through the window!
Yesterday, after identifying the source of a small plumbing leak under the house, the plumber said

1. he can fix it without having to tear out the wall under the kitchen sink

2. in the worst case scenario the job will cost me $485

3. He can do the work next week.

I think that actually qualifies as three happiest moments! :D
Waking up like all days not needing a alarm set and jumping from slumber when I feel like it.
Watching my youngest perform at a high school marching band competition and having the band get the highest rating :)

I've enjoyed watching their progression this fall-started at the bottom of the ratings and ended at the top 4 weeks later.
My younger son, who lost his wife in July, made the 3 hour drive from Palm Springs to us. We were thrilled to see him and hug him.
He still has a lot to go through. His description of taking care of his wife, giving IV's, changing dressings, etc. was nothing short of amazing. He was really strong to do all he did, and we were really impressed.
He is still not working, but is too proud to ask for help.
I told him he would get his birthday money in early January. This time my wife will also send him money too.
I also gave him some tax advice, as I was an AARP tax preparer for many years. The main thing was he thought he could file MFJ for two years. I still had my AARP books, and showed him that was only if he had dependents. The devil is in the details.
All in all, it was a great day for us.
Souschef, so glad you got to see your son. Yesterday I asked a friend of mine that I have known since I was 15 if she wanted to go to Ireland with me and she instantly said yes! We booked the trip yesterday.
Two good days in a row.....

Participated in the neighborhood Halloween golf cart parade with 18 others. The Beautiful Princess spent a few hours on the decorations. Ours looked good, but there were a few even better. Got to hang out with folks from the 'hood afterwards and give away candy. Best Halloween in a few years!


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Booked a trip to go see my son and his family for Christmas (including my twin grand-babies).
My happiest moment today was waking up and realizing that all the pain was gone! :dance::dance:

For the past six days I have suffered from the worst attack of sciatica I have ever experienced (to the point I couldn't take a single step without severe, debilitating pain) and by yesterday I was beginning to think it would never resolve. I know that it can often take weeks to resolve, so I feel especially lucky today.

It's amazing what a freezer full of ice packs, loads of extra-strength Tylenol, and lots of rest can accomplish.
Calico--glad you are feeling better. Sciatica is not fun.

Heading to DD house today to spend time with her and DGS, age 2. Taking breakfast and will have a great visit. Little guy is so busy!
Went out on a casual dirt and gravel road bicycle ride with a couple buddies. Knew exactly what was going to happen. Rides with 2 or more guys always start out at a nice steady moderate pace, but a few miles in the speed begins to ramp up. Got a workout for sure.

Was a good time with good friends.
The IRS waived my $15,000 fine plus $1200 in interest and admitted they lost the tax return I filed in early 2017. ;)
Two of my students from 40 years ago found themselves w*rking together and started reminiscing about those days. While talking about me, they managed to track me down and called me up. A truly delightful conversation, and apparently I actually made a good impression on them. We made plans to get together this winter when I'll be in their region. Fun memories!
Yesterday my happiest moment was when a friend texted me to tell me she submitted her resignation letter. She will retire on 12/31/21 (one year to the day after I retired). We worked in the same toxic department, and I am thrilled that she will soon taste the freedom I have been enjoying for the past 10 months.

Today my happiest moment was when the plumber said "it's all fixed" and went on his merry way. :D
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