What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

Waste of paper on Medicare Advantage.

DH goes on Medicare on 1/1/2024. I will do so on 9/1/2024. The sheer waste of paper, not to mention the ads on TV starting in September, trying to solicit him into a Medicare Advantage, tells you all you need to know about where the money goes-to them, as the MA companies deny medical care to people. So many phone calls we don't answer on the land line it is crazy. And we block them through Ooma periodically.

Today I got something in the mail inviting me to a free dinner in two weeks regarding Medicare options. It said Happy Birthday *****! My birthday is over 9 months from now! Idiots.
I like all the medicare advertisments coming in the mail. I get tons of it every year, plus the hearing aid flyers. My woodstove happily converts them to BTUs and ash. The ash goes into the flower beds.
Perfect recycling.
Customer 'help'.... which is not there anymore...

Ordered Domino's pizza.. extra sauce... would like to have triple sauce but it is no longer available with their app... even calling it in they only do 'extra'...

SOOO, pizza comes almost dry... hardly any sauce... not good tasting at all... before when I got a bad pizza they 'fixed' the problem by giving me a free pizza... would get many one a year... it has to be really bad IMO to complain...

Get a response and have a claim number... I hear nothing... wait a week and write back that I have not heard anything... and nothing...

So tonight ordered from the store the other direction (well, it was 68 minutes at my store and 15 at the other, so easy choice).... got a great pizza... but the bread bites were overcooked... hard and crunchy... will not complain about them as half the order was OK..
Here's another case of cashier math. Brought a box to USPS to ship. I had forever stamps to use up so applied 10 of them to get close to the mailing cost. I watched in amazement as the clerk pulled out pencil and pad to multiply 66 by 10. After some scribbling, he declared my stamps totaled $1.22. When I pointed out there were 10 forever stamps, he pulled out a calculator. After much button pressing, he decided the 10 stamps totaled 60 cemts. Eventually another clerk came to his rescue.
That would be an extreme luxury to me. I would love to order Domino's at least monthly but I never do due to the cost.

I always buy with the coupons and the 30% off that I get from gift cards purchased at Sam's Club.. and I bought those when I get an extra 5% off from my Discover card...
<snip> After much button pressing, he decided the 10 stamps totaled 60 cemts. Eventually another clerk came to his rescue.

The scary part is that he presumably was given a high school diploma. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
There's your first mistake.

I have to agree with you. Most chain pizza places are just not that good. They are cutting corners. And, IMO, the cuts are big.

All I can say to Texas Proud is this: Imagine ordering a McRib sandwich and thinking it's Texas BBQ. That's the best comparison I can think of.
I have to agree with you. Most chain pizza places are just not that good. They are cutting corners. And, IMO, the cuts are big.

All I can say to Texas Proud is this: Imagine ordering a McRib sandwich and thinking it's Texas BBQ. That's the best comparison I can think of.

I am not a fan of the fancy pizza places as I am not a big fan of cheese... or the expense of them... I would rather spend the money on a better dining experience that I would enjoy more... Domino's is fast food and decent fast food IMO... but so is Chick-fil-A....

Now I will say that I like Conan's in Austin with light cheese... and I had a great pizza in Chicago but it was $25 and that was 20 years ago...
I have to agree with you. Most chain pizza places are just not that good. They are cutting corners. And, IMO, the cuts are big.

All I can say to Texas Proud is this: Imagine ordering a McRib sandwich and thinking it's Texas BBQ. That's the best comparison I can think of.

Chain pizza places started cutting corners 25 years ago and they are still at it. :LOL:

They will perfect it when they can slice a pepperoni so thin you can see through it!;)
Latest pet peeve - other drivers coming from opposite direction, helping themselves to my side of the center divider on two lane highways. Tends to occur most on tight curves where drivers tend to lean in to the curve a bit too much for my comfort. If you can't stay in your lane then SLOW DOWN. Makes me sooooo mad, becuase feel like I am forced to compensate, which could lead ME into an accident.

Ok, after driving in NYC for 40 years I get that in city driving there is no such thing as a lane divider half the time. But, this issue is a rural driving issue. What the heck:confused: Why do these knuckleheads think they're entitled to a share of my side of the road. Grrrr....
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As to driving PPs, my latest involves behavior when on a two lane highway and the road widens temporarily to three lanes so slower traffic can to move to the right to allow passing. I frequently drive on a highway with three of these passing zones, each more than a mile in length.

Yesterday and again today I was driving on this road at the speed limit (65) and had someone behind me. Both times I did as the sign instructed, “slower traffic move right “, allowing the vehicle behind me to pass. Both times the vehicles slowly accelerated so that by the time the passing lane ended they were abreast my rear wheels, forcing me to brake to prevent running off the road as my lane disappeared.

I’m always careful when passing someone in that situation to be sure I am well ahead of them by the time the lane ends, but it appears I am in the minority. I’m considering ignoring the move right sign if I’m doing the limit. If they are in that much of a rush they can pass me on the right.
That would be an extreme luxury to me. I would love to order Domino's at least monthly but I never do due to the cost.

It's so easy to make a better pizza at home with a pizza stone and preferred ingredients at a fraction of the cost.
I have to agree with you. Most chain pizza places are just not that good. They are cutting corners. And, IMO, the cuts are big.

All I can say to Texas Proud is this: Imagine ordering a McRib sandwich and thinking it's Texas BBQ. That's the best comparison I can think of.

I happen to like Domino's and would eat often if I could justify the cost. The cost is suspiciously low though. The pizzas cost the same as they did 25 years ago when I worked there. At least the sale prices are. Still too high for me to justify but makes you wonder how they can afford to stay in business selling pizzas at the same price as they did 25 years ago. Then again the driver pay hasn't gone up in those 25 years either. At least not here they haven't.
DW prefers Papa John's gluten free crust pizza over all others except for 2 local mom and pop pizzarias. While we do order a pie there often or make one from scratch at home, PJ's does provide a quick, cheaper, quality pie after watching the grandchildren play a soft or base ball game til 8 at night. One pays for the quality or convenience.
As to driving PPs, my latest involves behavior when on a two lane highway and the road widens temporarily to three lanes so slower traffic can to move to the right to allow passing. I frequently drive on a highway with three of these passing zones, each more than a mile in length.

Yesterday and again today I was driving on this road at the speed limit (65) and had someone behind me. Both times I did as the sign instructed, “slower traffic move right “, allowing the vehicle behind me to pass. Both times the vehicles slowly accelerated so that by the time the passing lane ended they were abreast my rear wheels, forcing me to brake to prevent running off the road as my lane disappeared.

I’m always careful when passing someone in that situation to be sure I am well ahead of them by the time the lane ends, but it appears I am in the minority. I’m considering ignoring the move right sign if I’m doing the limit. If they are in that much of a rush they can pass me on the right.

I read an article a few years ago that discussed "herding behavior" of drivers. It explains a lot of shitty driving. You know the types - you are on cruise control and overtaking them, you move to the passing lane, they accelerate to match your speed. Or they are in the passing lane not really passing and either going the speed limit or barely faster than the slow lane - they finally move over and then accelerate to 10 miles over the speed limit. Or they are flying by you in the passing lane and slow down to match your speed when just past you so you are in their blind spot.

The point of the article was to do what you can to keep out of the herd, it is much safer (and less annoying, though the article didn't discuss that).
As to driving PPs, my latest involves behavior when on a two lane highway and the road widens temporarily to three lanes so slower traffic can to move to the right to allow passing. I frequently drive on a highway with three of these passing zones, each more than a mile in length.

Yesterday and again today I was driving on this road at the speed limit (65) and had someone behind me. Both times I did as the sign instructed, “slower traffic move right “, allowing the vehicle behind me to pass. Both times the vehicles slowly accelerated so that by the time the passing lane ended they were abreast my rear wheels, forcing me to brake to prevent running off the road as my lane disappeared.

I’m always careful when passing someone in that situation to be sure I am well ahead of them by the time the lane ends, but it appears I am in the minority. I’m considering ignoring the move right sign if I’m doing the limit. If they are in that much of a rush they can pass me on the right.

I move to the right also, but lots of time might be the fast one...

BUT, if they are not past me just past the halfway point I move back over... I am not slowing down for them to pass me... past fast or not at all..
I happen to like Domino's and would eat often if I could justify the cost. The cost is suspiciously low though. The pizzas cost the same as they did 25 years ago when I worked there. At least the sale prices are. Still too high for me to justify but makes you wonder how they can afford to stay in business selling pizzas at the same price as they did 25 years ago. Then again the driver pay hasn't gone up in those 25 years either. At least not here they haven't.

I can justify a pizza easily.... a large 5 topping pizza cost $12... but with my discount gift cards cost me $9... I get 3 meals out of a pizza, so $3 per meal... hard to beat that...
There's your first mistake.

:LOL: I, on the other hand, enjoy the local Dominoes. It is fine for a meal once or twice a month. The pizza (and other items) are fine, and compared to other takeout places their prices are still a bargain. A large one topping pizza is $8 around here (and that is two meals), and their other meals at $5.99-$6.99 are better price performers than other places.

I believe there profits are in the add-ons.. they have a *lot* more items on the menus, particularly sides, drinks and desserts, that I think have become their profit center :).
Health insurance websites. Too user-unfriendly. Couldn't find out if my doctor was in network, so called up the ins co (Highmark Blue Shield). The agent poked around for 10 minutes in the insurance website, and finally said I should call my doctor and ask if they accepted the insurance (a Highmark Blue Shield HMO) !
GMC buried the serpentine tensioner on the 6.6 Duramax way down on the engine. The alternator is up top but the tensioner I will probably donate some blood over.
As to driving PPs, my latest involves behavior when on a two lane highway and the road widens temporarily to three lanes so slower traffic can to move to the right to allow passing. I frequently drive on a highway with three of these passing zones, each more than a mile in length.

Yesterday and again today I was driving on this road at the speed limit (65) and had someone behind me. Both times I did as the sign instructed, “slower traffic move right “, allowing the vehicle behind me to pass. Both times the vehicles slowly accelerated so that by the time the passing lane ended they were abreast my rear wheels, forcing me to brake to prevent running off the road as my lane disappeared.

I’m always careful when passing someone in that situation to be sure I am well ahead of them by the time the lane ends, but it appears I am in the minority. I’m considering ignoring the move right sign if I’m doing the limit. If they are in that much of a rush they can pass me on the right.

I blame that goofy passing behavior on an over dependence on adaptive cruise controls.

I’ve had people follow me for miles at the speed limit. We come to a passing zone and they still tailgate me. Sometimes I start to let the my car coast, and they still follow me. One got me down to 40 mph in a 65 zone before he passed me at the last possible second. I don’t want to be anywhere near those type of drivers.
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I love DW's Tiguan cruise, except when you are stuck behind traffic and forget about it, and then get in the exit lane at the destination. ZOOM! oops.

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