10,000 steps

I have a problem with sciatica (and walking helps) but also a bone spur that affects the tendons around my ankle. So I am trying a schedule of 3 days of 10K or more and then one day for my foot to rest.
I have some good headphones and a LOT of podcasts that I want to listen to. So instead of concentrating on steps, I walk around the indoor track and just get a few of those podcasts off of my backlog. I don't even bother to look at the time walked or the distance until the first podcast is over and then I look at my Fitbit to give me an idea if I should select a long running podcast or a short one.
I also have an app called "Charity Miles" running so I keep approximate track of my distance and pledge my walking for donations to the National Parks (LOTS of charity options).
So far doing ok in 2020.
Jan 1 13,205 steps including a 5.1 mile hike
Jan 2 14,794 steps including a 7.4 mile hike
Jan 3 11,982 steps so far including a 4.9 mile hike

But I see problems up ahead on days that I don't go hiking. I'll end up with about 2,000 steps on the non hike days at this rate.
Oh yes, I also do both organized and "Year Round Event / YRE" Volkswalks. You do this at your own pace and the routes are usually 5 or 10K. There are walks not only all over the country but in many other countries too. This can provide a great incentive to walk too.
AVA – America's Walking Club
Oh yes, I also do both organized and "Year Round Event / YRE" Volkswalks. You do this at your own pace and the routes are usually 5 or 10K. There are walks not only all over the country but in many other countries too. This can provide a great incentive to walk too.
AVA – America's Walking Club

Thanks for the link. The walk in San Antonio in February looks inviting. :)
I walk at least 10 km a day as our garden is huge and is roughly 100 meters square. I also cycle on a recumbent stationary 10 km every day and then actually go hiking every other day in our local forests. The recumbent is boring as hell but I have a Samsung S9+ which came with 3D goggles which I wear now when cycling and watch Youtube or Netflix etc. The time passes quickly.

We have a swimming pool as well which is 10 meters long but I installed a bungie cord waist belt and use a snorkel hand and short foot training fins to create resistance. I swim with one arm stroke counts as I am not actually moving and do 500-1,000 every day. Beats me how many calories that burns. I won't lie, it is boring as hell but lets you get in touch with your inner self. I break it up with fartlek routines. I alternate 25 strokes freestyle and 25 strokes breast stroke. For fartleks I swim all out 10 strokes with 15 at a slow pace for recovery. Generally I do 100 strokes moderate pace then kick into fartleks for another 200 stokes and then recover with another 100 leisurely pace. I have to be careful as I have exercise induced arrhythmia if my pulse goes above 140 bpm. Using the hand paddles and fins really adds a lot of effort to the strokes so this is a big "kick-ass" workout. My wife on the other hand "tea bags" in the pool. She thinks I am insane. I would swim in the lake as I much prefer open water swimming but because it is fed by mineral water springs that come out of our limestone hills the water is opaque with calcium carbonate so zero visibility. It does make the water color a beautiful turquoise color which changes constantly in the sun or clouds.

I also do yoga roughly one hour a day out in our garden in the nude in the sun. I installed a fantastic outdoor music system out in our gazebo next to the pool (sink and refrigerator as well as wifi router and lounge chairs, so can play music out there. We planted 500 10 meter high cypress trees that create a wall of green around the entire property so it is completely private and screens our neighbors (who aren't too happy about this but c'est la vie).

I also do 10-15 minutes every day on the whole body vibration platform. Alternating, one day just calisthenics stuff and the other an intense weight routine with dumbbells. I can't praise this WBV routine enough.
If I find it too cold to walk in the neighborhood in the morning, I make time to walk the house throughout the day watching something binge-worthy on Netflix. It works for me! My daily goal is 7,500 steps. If I can get 2000 steps in the house every hour, no problem. Once I hit 7,500 getting another 2,000 or so is easy.;)
In Florida, it’s all outside, all in the early morning, before sun and heat kicks in. Last year’s daily average is 11364 steps or 5 miles.
10000 steps is a myth and great marketing.It is healthful to walk 5000 or 11000 or even a few thousand every day.No need to count and no need to be drawn in by clever marketing so a company can sell you it”s Fitbit or whatever.Do we really need a tech device for every tiny aspect of our life?Get out and exercise.You do not need some device for affirmation or to scold you for only going 8700 steps.
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10000 steps is a myth and great marketing.It is healthful to walk 5000 or 11000 or even a few thousand every day.No need to count and no need to be drawn in by clever marketing so a company can sell you it”s Fitbit or whatever.Do we really need a tech device for every tiny aspect of our life?Get out and exercise.You do not need some device for affirmation or to scold you for only going 8700 steps.
Yeah, we heard you the first time, even if your lack of spaces between sentences make your posts hard to read. Anything that motivates people to be active is good. No need to criticize people for the way they get exercise.
Yeah, we heard you the first time, even if your lack of spaces between sentences make your posts hard to read. Anything that motivates people to be active is good. No need to criticize people for the way they get exercise.

Sorry it is so difficult for you to read.

Just a bit annoyed how technology is taking over every aspect of people’s lives

to the point you need it to go for a walk.Great marketing though.Hey,if that is

what someone needs to motivate themselves to exercise,go for it.

The truth is I am 67, and becoming annoyed to no end seeing people with their heads buried in their

phones obbsessed with technology.I apologize if I offended anyone who is a counter and I am done here.

My New Year resolution just changed to being a more positive angry old man :)
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I admire anybody who walks or runs more than 5000 steps a day regularly. Or who climbs hundreds of stairs a day like Nemo used to be able to do for exercise, or who lifts a lot of weight, or whatever.

Since my knee surgery just a few months ago, I have been trying to build my leg muscles back to where they were by going to the gym and riding the seated elliptical, or stationary bike, or Nustep crosstrainer machine. I have a long way to go, though. Right now 1000 steps a day is a huge victory for me. Some day!
10000 steps is a myth and great marketing.It is healthful to walk 5000 or 11000 or even a few thousand every day.No need to count and no need to be drawn in by clever marketing so a company can sell you it”s Fitbit or whatever.Do we really need a tech device for every tiny aspect of our life?Get out and exercise.You do not need some device for affirmation or to scold you for only going 8700 steps.

I agree to a point because I don't count steps...I just exercise. But the people I know who do count steps are the ones who "need" that incentive to get moving or to do a little extra. It works for them so it has its place.
My New Year resolution just changed to being a more positive angry old man :)

Well, based on the posts I’ve seen from you on here....
If it’s positive old man, you’re off to a poor start.
If it’s angry old man, you’re killing it! Well done.
I agree to a point because I don't count steps...I just exercise. But the people I know who do count steps are the ones who "need" that incentive to get moving or to do a little extra. It works for them so it has its place.

I don’t count steps either, but trusty smart phone always does. No other devices required.
Or who climbs hundreds of stairs a day like Nemo used to be able to do for exercise

Ahem....that was thousands. :)

Currently, (prior to my next kidney stone blasting on Jan 17), back on the elliptical, (interval setting, pretty good resistance/incline)......can the stairs be far away? (Or was that stars?) :LOL:
Sorry it is so difficult for you to read.
Just to be clear on what I was suggesting, it wasn't a blank line between sentences. What I meant is to hit the space bar after typing '.' at the end of a sentence. Totally up to you if you want to do that, but don't get upset if people like me don't read your posts all the way. Or at all.
Ahem....that was thousands. :)
Yes it was! It was just so far beyond what I could possibly imagine that I was off by orders of magnitude. So sorry. I have always been extremely impressed with your stair climbing.

I climbed about 30 one day last month, for the first time since my surgery. That felt like a lot! And, it took me 2-3 days to recover afterwards. :) I haven't tried again since, but maybe I'll get to a hundred some day.

Currently, (prior to my next kidney stone blasting on Jan 17), back on the elliptical, (interval setting, pretty good resistance/incline)......can the stairs be far away? (Or was that stars?) :LOL:
Good for you to be back on the elliptical! You are doing wonderfully. Next, after recovery from your surgery, reach for the stars! Or stairs! :D
Yes it was! It was just so far beyond what I could possibly imagine that I was off by orders of magnitude. So sorry. I have always been extremely impressed with your stair climbing.

I climbed about 30 one day last month, for the first time since my surgery. That felt like a lot! And, it took me 2-3 days to recover afterwards. :) I haven't tried again since, but maybe I'll get to a hundred some day.

Good for you to be back on the elliptical! You are doing wonderfully. Next, after recovery from your surgery, reach for the stars! Or stairs! :D

Thank you! Stairs are like what I've heard about AA.....one (day/riser) at a time. :)
Just to be clear on what I was suggesting, it wasn't a blank line between sentences. What I meant is to hit the space bar after typing '.' at the end of a sentence. Totally up to you if you want to do that, but don't get upset if people like me don't read your posts all the way. Or at all.[/QUOTE

Ok.I promise I won’t get upset.I apologize for being a smart ass with the blank lines.
Seriously,somehow I did not know that you are suppose to hit the space bar after each sentence.
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Well, based on the posts I’ve seen from you on here....
If it’s positive old man, you’re off to a poor start.
If it’s angry old man, you’re killing it! Well done.

Thanks!I guess I am being inspired by that red haired tweet machine in the news everyday.I use to be much more happy/ jolly.Really.
Thanks again for the compliment!
Just to be clear on what I was suggesting, it wasn't a blank line between sentences. What I meant is to hit the space bar after typing '.' at the end of a sentence. Totally up to you if you want to do that, but don't get upset if people like me don't read your posts all the way. Or at all.[/QUOTE

Ok.I promise I won’t get upset.I apologize for being a smart ass with the blank lines.
Seriously,somehow I did not know that you are suppose to hit the space bar after each sentence.

Actual guidelines are TWO spaces between sentences. You're welcome. :)
Man...I'm getting Spaced Out here.
Actually, it isn't. By habit I still put two spaces, but the forum software will make it one.

The Chicago Manual of Style (my first google hit) says to use one.

Ahh...you're right. However, it wasn't always that way. This is from CMOS online Q&A:
"The sample typewritten manuscript page in CMOS 13 (1982) shows two spaces after a period; in CMOS 14 (1993), it shows one (fig. 2.1 in both editions). But CMOS 15 (2003) was the first edition to make an explicit recommendation for one space after a period (or a colon) in typed manuscripts."
Mr. Beattie, my typing instructor for 1963, insisted on 2!
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