Amazon Vine Reviewers?

I once reviewed dog poop bags and my review was declined. I figured it had to be my photo of a used bag to show how much waste it could hold without tearing. Used the same text and it was accepted the second time.
Photos are rejected for all kinds of reasons. I pretty much gave up on submitting them.

Examples for rejection: corporate logos showing, license plates, easily identifiable locations, and so on. You'd be more likely to get a photo (and hence review) rejected of a doog poop photo not because of the poop, but because your Nike logo on your shoes were in the picture.
I got an email from Vine:

Helpful Tips for Writing High Quality Vine Reviews

It's very generic but makes me wonder if I goofed up recently.
Did others get this as well, or did I do some boo boo in a review ?

The internet says: "Don't worry about it, a lot of people got them."

There seems to be no pattern. People with rejected reviews and people with 100s of approved reviews got it. Perhaps it is being sent in batches. Unknown. Don't panic.
Maybe DQOTD, but I got a Vine invitation a day or two ago and filled it out I think successfully. Then, nothing. A "Vine" badge does show once in a while next to my name on a review, but where am I supposed to see these "offers?" Or is there a delay before they appear?

Can we view Amazon Vine items through the Amazon app? Or is viewing a computer only thing? I've been a member for almost 2 years but have only viewed on computer.
I was searching to find out if canceling an order, affected the Reviewed to Ordered percentage.
While I found mixed answers about that, it's not a big deal for me as I rarely cancel an order, so I won't worry about it.

However, I did find I can download an itemized list of ordered stuff for the previous year, which is pretty convenient.

By the way, I do see my ETV number is just over $3K for the year. A little higher than I had thought it would be initially.
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