Any guys give up on their hair?

I was thinking of trying it, with Covid we aren't seeing lots of folks so this is the time to get experimental and see if I like it.

Maybe I should dye it lime green first ;)

Right now, I cut it to 1" in length every bunch of months.
I wouldn't shave it (although electric razor sounds easy) as I don't want to fuss with something every couple of days.

So maybe a 1/4 buzz cut would be best.
If anybody asks, I'll tell them I just enlisted :LOL:
Ditto. This past year, though one of the most stress free, my hair has significantly thinned out up top. Just going to let it happen, and cut as short as necessary to keep it looking decent...which will likely become a new look for me.
I cut my hair myself with scissors every couple of months. As short as possible. No balding or receding.

In October of 1998 I did "give up" on my hair, and stopped combing it. 23 years since I've used one.
From age 50 or so I dyed my hair, solely for business purposes. At my last j*b I decided to stop doing so, knowing that if they fired me the next day I had no intention of looking for another position anyway. That was my first step to "giving up." Along the same lines, I now keep my hair short. Only person that matters is DW and she likes it. Keeping it short is much easier. Technically, I still have all of my hair but nowadays it is very thin on top.
I think OP is talking about a true smooth dome. My answer to that is no. I keep it short, about 1/4" to 1/2".

I look a lot like John Malkovitch or Terry Bradshaw. Terry is my bald hero. Look, I started losing my hair at age 16. It was not fun to go bald as a teen during the very hairy 70s. Terry was my hero because he was very bald during that time, playing football. He was one of the few public figures I could point to and say "It's OK." If only I could play football as well as him.:LOL:

The true glimmering dome doesn't look good on the three of us. I dunno what it is, but that little extra on the side makes a difference. DW cuts it easily every three weeks.

Oh, one more example: Sir Patrick Stewart. In recent years, he's gone to stubble. I personally think he looks better from his Star Trek years where he left 1/2" or so.
I started cutting my own hair with a Wahl clipper over 20 years ago and still do it every 2-3 weeks. Never let it get more than about ¾ inch at the longest place on top, and it takes only about five minutes to do. I'm on my third machine now.

Like most men in my family, I still have all my hair and it hasn't started thinning yet, but all the hours saved by not sitting in a barbershop were valuable to me.

I've worn my hair very short all my life (it was customary in the military), so there was no noticeable change when I started doing it myself. It only took about three times before I figured out all the nuances to get a neat look all over, so the learning curve was easy. DW says it looks fine so there's no issue.
I'm still growing out my "COVID" hair. It is the longest it's been since I was a student. Some days I like it some days I almost cut it off. I had a buzz a long time (fit in with the military culture at work and my ex-wife liked it that way and cut my hair so she could never complain - about my hair!). I never thought it looked great but it was very easy - my hair is thin and light enough that too short looks horrible in photos as my scalp shines through. I definitely don't want to shave my head, too many bumps and I hate shaving anyway.

I really only care insofar as it impacts dating, once I find a partner I really want her to tell me how she likes it and I'll oblige. I met a girl last week and was having a bad hair day and felt a bit insecure about it... probably all in my own head. I felt like we hit it off pretty well for a first meeting so keeping my fingers crossed.
At almost 63, I still have a good amount of hair, but I can see a bit of thinning and receding in the front. But the wonderful lady who does my hair at her salon tells me I am not showing obvious signs of thinning on top and toward the back. Not sure what I do when the thinning up front continues but the back/top doesn't thin

You are lucky, I go to a chain place and they always try to up sell some hair thickening product while they cut my hair!
I’m thinking about a buzz cut. Not really interested in shaving my head but thinking a very close clipper cut and being done with it. My hair chose to leave me and I suspect that I’ll only have side hair in 5 to 10 years. When I get a hair cut, they always try to leave what is on top alone and I have to tell them that even if you comb it from front to back, it’s still a comb over. I want no part of that.

So, I’m wondering if others have given up and if they’re happy with it. I thinking one of the main benefits is that in the summer when swimming, I can just use sunscreen instead of wearing a hat. Other times, it seems like just an easier way to deal with my head. No shampoo, no combing, no bed head, no hat head and what should be a pretty simple hair cut. Not sure if when you cut you hair that short if you still have to outline around the ears and the collar but still, that should be pretty easy for my daughter who now is the one cutting my hair since COVID.

So - keep what I have or just give up and move on?

Funny you mention a buzzcut. At the beginning of the pandemic, I stopped going to the barber since they stopped doing beard trims. I buzzed the top of my head and trimmed my beard myself.

Eventually the barber started doing beards again and I went back. And returned to my previous hairstyle. Early this month, when I went to the barber for my monthly maintenance, I had him just go and buzz it. Hassle-free hair. Though not a hassle-free beard. :LOL:
I think OP is talking about a true smooth dome. My answer to that is no. I keep it short, about 1/4" to 1/2".

Actually, I was talking about very short hair, what’s left of it anyway. It’s likely that I’ll always have hair on the sides. I share a lot of features with my dad and he still has hair on the sides. I’m not interested in shaving my head so no total bald look which, I don’t think would look good on me anyway. My main goal is just to have something that I take as little care of as possible.

Thanks everyone for all the comments. I think I’ll start with a much shorter cut next time and work my way down from there. By summer, I hope I’m okay with it very short so I can just use sunscreen on my head when I’m in the pool.
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DW cuts mine every 3 weeks to 1 finger before we turn on the shower. she has cut mine ever since COVID started to become annoying. Big change from my "Roger Daltry" hairstyle of my 20's.
Been buzzing mine weekly with #1 and #2 guards for approx. 3 years. Wasn't enthusiastic about going that short or having thinning hair but got past it. Not having to pay for a haircut every 3 weeks helps too.
Actually, I was talking about very short hair, what’s left of it anyway. It’s likely that I’ll always have hair on the sides. I share a lot of features with my dad and he still has hair on the sides. I’m not interested in shaving my head so no total bald look which, I don’t think would look good on me anyway. My main goal is gust to have something that I take as little care of as possible.

Thank everyone for all the comments. I think I’ll start with a much shorter cut next time and work my way down from there. By summer, I hope I’m okay with it very short so I can just use sunscreen on my head when I’m in the pool.

Ah yes. Cool.

I always have sunscreen and a hat nearby.

One other thing about not even having a few "sense hairs" on top is you lose the "early warning" capability that hair gives you when you are about to bump your head. So be careful out there -- it isn't just sunburn that can cause problems.
I had lost most (but not all) of the hair off the top of my head before I was 40... The hair loss seems to have stopped there. Sides and back are full but I usually keep it pretty short... I've had a mustache since I was in my 20's so last year I finally grew a beard too. I do keep it trimmed to about 1/2 inch... I should have grown the beard long ago since I really like it...
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No way. I Still have a full head of hair and keep it styled and use "Just for men Touch of Grey". During the lockdown last year, my wife even did hair highlights but it was too difficult to maintain. It would be devastating if I lost my hair.
My (gray) highlights have almost taken over. Other than a ‘larger forehead,’ I still have most of my hair but it slowly gets thinner and thinner every year. I keep it about an inch long, but I admit I’m jealous of my buddies with buzz cuts - would be a lot easier, no paid haircuts, no shampoo, no fuss. Some of my buddies have hair so thin it looks stupid IMO, I’d go buzz if I was them. I told DW I was thinking about a buzz cut, not shaved, and she was neutral…I just don’t have the guts to do it yet.
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I still have a full, thick head of hair and still take care of it. I am fine with letting it go gray, it gives the the "distinguished" look (Or so I am told :)). I get a haircut about every 10 weeks to a "number 3" level. Just part of my effort to continue to stay groomed even as I age, as in my experience it makes a difference.
For the guys that are thinning and thinking of going full chrome dome, the day I did it was the third best day of my life. I never think about my hair again. Funny thing is before I did it when I still had some hair, I wore hats a lot. Now, rarely. Just good sun screen. Most guys in hats look like they are hiding something.
For the guys that are thinning and thinking of going full chrome dome, the day I did it was the third best day of my life. I never think about my hair again. Funny thing is before I did it when I still had some hair, I wore hats a lot. Now, rarely. Just good sun screen. Most guys in hats look like they are hiding something.

Yes. Interestingly, the ladies talk about this. Hat=suspicious of thinning hair.

I'm out a lot, wear hats for sun protection. And listen a lot.

Yes. Interestingly, the ladies talk about this. Hat=suspicious of thinning hair.

I'm out a lot, wear hats for sun protection. And listen a lot.


Mike Love, The Beach Boys. Seemed to always struggle. Lots of hats.
Yes. Interestingly, the ladies talk about this. Hat=suspicious of thinning hair.

I'm out a lot, wear hats for sun protection. And listen a lot.


It will be a cold day in hell before I care what women who are not my young wife think about my hair or suspected lack thereof.
One females perspective:
Mens hair looks nice when it's short, neat, clean, natural.
No man buns, no dye, no comb overs.
Lived through the 70's long hair--didn't really like it. But if you have a pony tail, keep it pulled back, clean and its OK. Hate the greasy loose look always flopping in the face or the top knot.
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