BPH Options

I have had BPH for several years, and was on Tamsulosin. Symptoms kept getting worse. Had a urolift July 2019. Did nothing for me. I had greenlight laser surgery August 2020. Helped tremendously and quickly. Quick recovery. I highly recommend it.
Found a good book "Prostate from A to Z".
I've read it twice and still can't pass P. :)
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Hi. I have been on Tamsulosin for many years, and on a double dose of it for maybe 6 months or so. It just does not work well for me anymore.

I ordered some Life Extension Ultra Prostate Formula - Men’s Prostate Health Supplement pills, because they have Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root. Does anyone know if I can should stop the Tamsulosin when I start taking this new pill?

BTW, yeah, I know, I need to talk to my Urologist about maybe getting the green laser done. I am just want to try some of these pills first to see if they help.
Hi. I have been on Tamsulosin for many years, and on a double dose of it for maybe 6 months or so. It just does not work well for me anymore.

I ordered some Life Extension Ultra Prostate Formula - Men’s Prostate Health Supplement pills, because they have Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root. Does anyone know if I can should stop the Tamsulosin when I start taking this new pill?

BTW, yeah, I know, I need to talk to my Urologist about maybe getting the green laser done. I am just want to try some of these pills first to see if they help.
That kinda stuff quit working long before tamsulosin did. Time to see someone who has a better solution. Urolift helped me, good luck on whatever you do.
Hi. I have been on Tamsulosin for many years, and on a double dose of it for maybe 6 months or so. It just does not work well for me anymore.
Tamsulosin (Flomax) works well for many men, "so I've heard". :)

I ordered some Life Extension Ultra Prostate Formula - Men’s Prostate Health Supplement pills, because they have Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root.
I don't think any of that stuff does much good for most of us. YMMV

BTW, yeah, I know, I need to talk to my Urologist about maybe getting the green laser done.
You might want to check out Aquablation too.
On the subject of medication being less effective after a while, can you alternate: do dutesteride and then switch to Finasteride and then back and forth?
On the subject of medication being less effective after a while, can you alternate: do dutesteride and then switch to Finasteride and then back and forth?

Is there evidence that Finasteride loses effectiveness after time? I started using it a year ago and definitely works. Little side effects.
I've been taking Finasteride for a couple of years. Last year I stopped taking it to see what happens. Within 2 weeks I could tell a difference and started back up.

I waited longer than that, and it's taking longer to get back to where I was.
Getting better but not as good as it was.
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DH has been taking OTC Saw Palmetto 160mg for the past couple of years.
So far, it has helped enough to not need prescriptions, but eventually, he probably will.

Saw Palmetto didn’t help me at all.
Is there evidence that Finasteride loses effectiveness after time? I started using it a year ago and definitely works. Little side effects.

Sometimes I think it may be more due to the prostate continuing to slowly enlarge rather than the medication losing its potency over time.
I have an appointment next week with an Aquablation surgeon. I’ve done a lot of research and this seems like a good option.
Very low tech idea. Try sitting instead of standing. (Heh, heh, you can't miss.) THEN bend forward at least 45 degrees which compresses your bladder for better emptying. Quite a difference and not at all uncomfortable though YMMV.
I will be posting shortly about yesterday’s appointment in my “Aquablation for BPH” thread.


I need to see a urologist. Taking 5 minutes to pee and getting up 3 times a night has gotten old.

Did you get the procedure? how'd it go?

I had the Aquablation surgery three months ago today. Everything went well. I chose Aquablation because of their claim of NO permanent side effects. In my case this was true. I am VERY happy with the results.

The only downside was the long recovery time. On their website they have testimonials of guys that return to work two days after surgery. I doubt that is typical. For me recovery was about two months. I’m guessing the majority of the resective procedures have long recovery times though.

If you go to the patient.info website there are lots of posts from actual patients sharing their experience with all the different procedures.

I’m glad I chose Aquablation.
For me recovery was about two months. I’m guessing the majority of the resective procedures have long recovery times though.

A few weeks for full recovery for me with the traditional TURP. I think that's typical.

I need to see a urologist. Taking 5 minutes to pee and getting up 3 times a night has gotten old.

Did you get the procedure? how'd it go?


Another option is PAE, Prostate Artery Embolization, A catheter is inserted in a vein to the prostate and tiny spheres are released in the blood vessels, they block blood flow and part of the prostate dies off. The spheres are strategically place to do the most good. (my interpretation of the procedure)
You can learn a little more on the Facebook group or the usual search.

I first learned of this for women to shrink fibroids. Funny, fibroids shrink at menopause, whereas men's prostate grows with age.
I had the Rezume treatment a year ago on an 80 gram prostate. Chose this after bad side effects from finesteride. 12 steam injections (a lot!) and a fairly long (2-3 months) recovery.
Worked great! Sex life back to normal, fantastic flow, only up once a nite max...
It took months for the finesteride side effects to decrease and for my thick head of new hair to thin..

Miss the hair; but, love the flow, sleep and sex!
I had the Rezume treatment a year ago on an 80 gram prostate. Chose this after bad side effects from finesteride. 12 steam injections (a lot!) and a fairly long (2-3 months) recovery.
Worked great! Sex life back to normal, fantastic flow, only up once a nite max...
It took months for the finesteride side effects to decrease and for my thick head of new hair to thin..

Miss the hair; but, love the flow, sleep and sex!

I’m on finasteride and aside from the new hair on top I’m losing it everywhere else! I think it might also make my sleep worse, but I’m not sure of that.
Hi guys.

I've been lurking this thread for a while and just got back from the surgeon's office. While not cancerous, my prostate is about 9 times normal size (281 vs 30).

The past few weeks the SHTF and have had me cathetered, a subsequent UTI and another catheter; 4 visits to the ER as it was weekends.

I've been lugging this problem around for over 20 years, brought on by an earlier UTI gained from swimming in dirty ocean water.

So, I'm off for a Robotic Prostatetectomy in 3 weeks. Because of it's size, my options are limited. Can't wait. Since it's not cancerous, this is the one where they carve out the center and leave enough prostate to help me manage my pee etc. without removing the entire thing.

Just thought I'd share and will report afterwards.
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Hi guys.

I've been lurking this thread for a while and just got back from the surgeon's office. While not cancerous, my prostate is about 9 times normal size (281 vs 30).

The past few weeks the SHTF and have had me cathetered, a subsequent UTI and another catheter; 4 visits to the ER as it was weekends.

I've been lugging this problem around for over 20 years, brought on by an earlier UTI gained from swimming in dirty ocean water.

So, I'm off for a Robotic Prostatetectomy in 3 weeks. Because of it's size, my options are limited. Can't wait. Since it's not cancerous, this is the one where they carve out the center and leave enough prostate to help me manage my pee etc. without removing the entire thing.

Just thought I'd share and will report afterwards.
Hope it all works out as expected.

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