Can´t stand my probable daughter-in-law!!

... And after all the years he´s been with her she doesn´t deserve to be the one dumped.
Vince, are you saying the relationship is unequal, that he is getting more out of it?

Or that it's a matter of "previous investment" as Harry Browne described in his book, "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World." Sorry all, I couldn't resist mentioning old Harry as his financial viewpoint is being discussed in another thread. The book has a section called, "the Previous Investment Trap" covering such things as, IIRC, say, you paid up-front for a class and find it bores you or doesn't suit your needs. Harry would recommend you drop the class and forget about the cost as your time is more valuable for other uses. So goes a long-term relationship, you've invested time, etc. into it but might want to look at the possibility that it has become a trap. Has anyone read that wonderful book recently?
I have a personal policy about never saying something bad about anyone no matter what I think.

One nephew married a girl who I don't see what he sees in her. I asked him what first attracted him to her and he said her sweet personallity. She is painfully shy and avoids people so I seldom see her. When I do see her I say hello and never ask her personal questions knowing she hates that. He has been married to her more than 10 years and she is finally more about to be with immediate family but still won't interact. She drove him to his parents because he had drank a beer when invited. We played cards but she was in the next room on her laptop. She will be offered food and drink and might eat with us at the table but other than normal pass the food type things nobody really talks to her because she wouldn't welcome it. But we have her not dreading seeing us and not expecting an interigation. She came from an abusive family and has problems so we need to bring her in slowly. We care about him and want his wife to be happy and him to be able to have her with him when he sees people. He doesn't believe in divorce, he picked her and he will deal with issues, we will not cause him any problems. She is a sweet girl and he cares about her.
I don´t want to bore you anymore. And¨,besides, I´ve been chastised very politely in this thread recently. I´m sure I´ve exagerated an issue that can be summed up simply as I don´t like the girl or her family.

Today was my son´s patron saint and we reminded him that we would like him for lunch and open his presents. Well, they had a quarrel: she resented his not inviting her to lunch with him at my house.

This is an example, among many, of a directness and casualness, that in my circle we consider bad manners. Aside of an astonishing lack of pride, tact, common sense...
Well, case closed. I´ll have to put up with her and her family.
That´s all folks:)
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