clearing out stuff

An approach I read suggested treating it like an adventure--you never know what treasure you might find.
+1. Definitely part of decluttering.

During our initial big decluttering purge, there were a few times DW and I would open a box in a back closet or wherever, pull out something, chuckle, look at each other and say in unison 'I'd forgotten we even had this!' Helped spur us on to find other stuff we no longer needed to put in the sell, give away or trash pile - and act on it. And of course we found some things (fortunately fewer) that we said 'I've been wondering where this was for years!!!' - those were keepers.

I know it's hard for some people, but it was fun at times and even rewarding ($, reuse, etc.). Again, you'd be amazed at what people will pay decent even good money for on eBay and other outlets. I just mailed something to a buyer this morning that will net us $120, that we had no use for and would have been very hard to sell locally, and if we did most likely for far less (even after fees).
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I remember my mother being overwhelmed with decluttering task when she was in her 70s, so I know I need to do more before I hit 70, and my energy level declines.

I only have 3.5 more years until I'm 70, yikes! Oh well. Today is gym day; I try to keep moving so that maybe I can delay any age related loss of energy. I wish I still had the energy that I had when my avatar photo was taken, back in 1961.

Maybe later this week I'll get started on another round of decluttering, too. We definitely need to take some things to GoodWill.
This reminds me of one of my neighbors. Several times I've seen him burning papers in his outdoor fire pit, one page at a time. The first time I saw him doing this I became a little concerned with his mental state.

I'm sure that's a common reaction to a lot of things I do.
I take mine camping with me, and sit around at night feeding them into the campfire. I get rid of my papers without shredding, I get to scratch my pyromania itch, and sometimes they make pretty colored flames.

Cool idea! Maybe I'll soak them in paraffin (from old candles) and make some great fire starters.
Winter is a great time for document disposal. A good batch is used for starting fires in the stove, or just stuff them in to get a good blaze going to burn out the creosote from the chimney. Does that recycling count towards being a greenie?

In spring when I sweep the chimney only a minimal amount of creosote is left at the bottom when broushed.

Summer I take them to the mancave for starting campfires.

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