Does anyone know anything common law marriage?

It actually came about because of a new job for my mom. She misses Dad, but I'm not sure he could ever go back to living together 24/7.
HaHa said:
It was my experience at least that a switch gets flipped in a woman around menopause, and after that, she may go days without voluntarily even thinking about sex. (Or at least sharing any of that thinking with me.)

Didn't happen to me, although I admit I'm, uh, eager less often than when I was younger (but that applies to DH as well!)--but I'm always willing ;)

Ha, I think you make a great point about younger peoples' desire helping keep them together. Unless the desire gets aimed in a different direction, I guess.
HaHa said:
It was my experience at least that a switch gets flipped in a woman around menopause, and after that, she may go days without voluntarily even thinking about sex. (Or at least sharing any of that thinking with me.)

Man please. As if men don't slow down around middle age. Testerone levels drop and some of you guys spend more time sleeping in front of the tube instead of getting it on. Thank goodness there are Docs around these days who can help jump start the action. Don't want to miss out on all of those nooners now that me and DH are FIRED.
Reminds me of the story about actor William Hurt, who played in the movie The Big Chill, which was filmed here in SC. He lived in Beaufort with a NYC ballet dancer during the filming, who subsequently sued him for alimony, because they were "married" under the fairly liberal common-law marriage laws of SC.
I bet he's NEVER been back here since that costly mistake!

he's been busy consulting lawyers
We have a saying in the U.S. called - gold digger.

And you are the nugget. :)
Or, as Jerry Reed might say, "She got the gold mine, I got the shaft"...
macdaddy said:
Hey accountingsucks - fess up - what happened with this?

I was just asking for general information. I'm the kind of guy who researches everything and anything to the last degree.

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