Don't think so much, you'll live longer?


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Feb 20, 2010
Flyover country
Interesting study I just read:
Damping down brain cell activity may help us to live longer

Probably behind a paywall, but the gist of it is:
People who live longer have a reduced level of neural activity – involved in everything from twitching to moving your arms and thinking – compared with those who have shorter lives. A protein known to protect the ageing brain from dementia appears to be responsible for the difference, a discovery that might pave the way for drugs to increase lifespan.

Bruce Yankner at Harvard University and his colleagues wanted to understand how gene expression in the brain – the way genes are turned on or off – affects lifespan in humans.

They studied brain tissue from hundreds of cognitively healthy humans who had died between the ages of 60 and 100. When they compared the samples from those who died before the age of 80 with those who were at least 85 when they died, the team found that those who lived the longest had fewer genes related to neural excitation switched on.

To find out if this might be a factor in lifespan, Yankner and his colleagues then used drugs to suppress neural excitation in nematode worms. The more they suppressed neural excitation, the longer the worms lived on average.

The original study is at:
I'm immortal!!
My life was just shortened a bit by reading this thread, and posting this response !
I took it to heart years ago when a person in a position of authority told me that I wasn't being paid to think.
Yey! I'm not bored or uninterested, just low key and calm. BP typically in the range 110/70. I may express "No ****, No Way, You're kidding" in a moment of surprise, but it quickly subsides to "life goes on." The hardest part of anything is patience. I try to forget what I want to accomplish but can't because I have to wait for something.
Life goes on. BTW, it will be here tomorrow whether I'm here or not. I don't take myself too seriously.
It will not be long now, until some clinics start to offer lobotomy as a treatment to enhance longevity.

Arghh! I will try to put this subject out of my mind, and not think about this anymore.
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So, dementia isn't the result of old age - it's the cause of it?
Mentioned the article to DW. She replied that I should be good for a couple hundred years...
DW- What are you thinking about honey?

Me- Nothing.

Dang! I was only trying to make it to 85 now I may have to plan on living to 100 based on this study...
... To find out if this might be a factor in lifespan, Yankner and his colleagues then used drugs to suppress neural excitation in nematode worms. The more they suppressed neural excitation, the longer the worms lived on average.


Perhaps a lobotomy is too extreme. So, how about some common drugs? Like alcohol? Or MJ? Would these work?

And how do nematode worms think anyhow? Do they dream too?

Arghhh! I already said I should not be thinking about this. There goes a couple of months of my longevity. I blame the OP for bringing this up. :mad:
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