For old-timers on

TromboneAl. Remember Dory36, Cute Fuzzy Bunny, Nords, Janet H, Martha, Rich by the Bay among others? The only old hands I still see regularly are REW and W2R.

Fortunately there have been quite a few valuable new members and mods who still post frequently. I look forward to their posts. Probably as it should be - how many times can we debate many of the same topics?
And that maybe the the reason many have departed. I've had a few PM's in the past suggesting that's why they are leaving. At some point it's all been asked and answered. These days I ignore many of those threads.

But sure, I recall all those members names you mentioned above. Nords still stops by and posts occasionally.
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It is always nice to welcome new members though.
I Have only been here 7 years, and I remember how helpful everyone was with questions.
This is a nice forum, even with repeat questions/debates, etc! :)
TromboneAl. Remember Dory36, Cute Fuzzy Bunny, Nords, Janet H, Martha, Rich by the Bay among others? The only old hands I still see regularly are REW and W2R.

Fortunately there have been quite a few valuable new members and mods who still post frequently. I look forward to their posts. Probably as it should be - how many times can we debate many of the same topics?

Probably never if there weren't new people coming onto the board with the same questions we had when we came here. So the same topics will be debated repeatedly - for the education of the newer members - because that's why the joined here.
Probably never if there weren't new people coming onto the board with the same questions we had when we came here. So the same topics will be debated repeatedly - for the education of the newer members - because that's why the joined here.
I understand. My point was some people get tired of answering the same question for the umpteenth time and they leave.
I took almost a year off from here ( not that anyone seemed to notice).

This place is so interesting that it can be a bit addictive and I was just spending too much time here. Way too much time. Just quit cold turkey.

Came back, realizing that I still had many questions about investments, taxes, food, drinking preferences, tipping, travel, when to take SS, and life in general among many other topics.
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The questions and discussions aren’t repeats, each one has, uh, subtle nuance …
No particular old timer in mind, but I saw this book (copyright 1958) at the Goodwill today and it reminded me of this thread.


  • How to Retire Without Money.jpg
    How to Retire Without Money.jpg
    515.3 KB · Views: 8
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I always liked Trombone AL's holiday videos. Very creative.
One of the two E R members I have met live. Just as interesting a person live as digital. He was doing software from home long beofre the COVID era. He lives/d in an interesting part of California and bicycled a lot. Never heard him play music. He was surprised that I had never run FIRECALC which is because DWs & my pension cover our basic expenses so SWR means little to us except fo rcontemplating how much will be left for sone & charity.
TromboneAl. Remember Dory36, Cute Fuzzy Bunny, Nords, Janet H, Martha, Rich by the Bay among others?

Yes, sadly Rich_by_the_Bay is deceased, as are others, including Big Money Jim, Khan, Imoldernu, and Moemg.

Many old timers have gradually drifted away, posting less frequently over time - HaHa, Bestwifeever, Samclem and Sarah in SC are a few examples.

I am most curious and concerned about are those who suddenly stopped posting, with no indication of any cause - Nemo2, redduck and RobbieB come to mind.
Yes, sadly Rich_by_the_Bay is deceased, as are others, including Big Money Jim, Khan, Imoldernu, and Moemg.

Many old timers have gradually drifted away, posting less frequently over time - HaHa, Bestwifeever, Samclem and Sarah in SC are a few examples.

I am most curious and concerned about are those who suddenly stopped posting, with no indication of any cause - Nemo2, redduck and RobbieB come to mind.

There was some contentiousness with the last postings of RobbieB and Nemo2.
Not sure about redduck who was quite funny.
I haven't seen any posts from Offgrid Organic Farmer. His last post was in 2020. He always had some good inputs to the conversation.
I miss HaHa. He always had some pithy comments to make.


Group interactions often confuse me. If a particular character is popular, I often find myself genuinely perplexed as to why. Haha was a standout personality for me though. He had the gifts of wit and brevity, two things that often elude me in my own writing!

haha checked in on 11-02-23 so he is still with us. Just doesn't seem to post any more. I think we all miss his wit and wisdom.
I haven't seen any posts from Offgrid Organic Farmer. His last post was in 2020. He always had some good inputs to the conversation.

He posts frequently in the City Data forum under "Submariner".
I jumped into the middle of this thread, and I was thinking "Someone's using AI (artificial Intelligence) to write a book?".

Then it clicked, Trombone Al, not AI.

Whoah, that font really doesn't clearly distinguish a lower case "l" from an Upper case "I"!

lllllllllllllllll < "ells"

lIlIlIlIlI < "Ell, Eye"

llllllll IIIIIIII llllllll IIIIIIII "Ell, group Eye group"


Can we be certain that any of us here AREN'T AI?

Well, maybe us old-timers before AI became the acronym of the year.
I took almost a year off from here ( not that anyone seemed to notice).

I noticed, and I'm guessing others did as well. I have sort of a strange ability to remember names (not faces, though.) And I tend to notice when a name is missing for a while.

This site IS my social media. I'm still learning and hope at least once in a while I can help someone - not just FIRE questions.

Glad you are back. To stay, I hope.:greetings10:
This person hadn't been here for that long, but he used to come here all the time and talk about the house he bought that had a really bad smoke smell coming in from somewhere and he succeeded in selling his house and purchased a new house, but during the house-hunting process, his wife fell and had major health issues (injury/surgery?). I cannot recall his username. Does anyone know who I'm talking about? I wonder what happened to him? Is he still around? I think his username was his first name or last name or both.
I always liked Trombone AL's holiday videos. Very creative.

Agree. And I always enjoyed discussing some of his ideas promoting a frugal lifestyle. He introduced the concept to us of cutting paper towel rolls in half since the full width was wasteful. Not sure if that idea migrated to toilet paper.......

Al heated with wood and pics of his wood stash were impressive.

He had some hilarious relationships with some of his neighbors and their pets.

I was aware that Al had authored some books, but I didn't realize how many! Just spent an interesting 15 mins going over the list.
I was a big fan of Trombone Al's holiday greetings and always looked forward to the next posting.
This person hadn't been here for that long, but he used to come here all the time and talk about the house he bought that had a really bad smoke smell coming in from somewhere and he succeeded in selling his house and purchased a new house, but during the house-hunting process, his wife fell and had major health issues (injury/surgery?). I cannot recall his username. Does anyone know who I'm talking about? I wonder what happened to him? Is he still around? I think his username was his first name or last name or both.


The last time he posted and the last time he logged on was on 12/28/22. Interesting that his last posts (12/28/22) were about testing positive for Covid a few days earlier.
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