How Comfortable Are You Going to Dental Hygiene Appt?

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We're about to find out. DW lost a filling this morning, she called twice and left messages and no reply so far. She's not in pain now, but I'm sure that will change if not treated soon.
I’ve had a broken off back tooth for about a month and no pain yet so I haven’t gone to the dentist. I have an appt in June or July. Hopefully it stays pain free until then. I don’t want to go to the dentist now.
My appointment for my six month cleaning/checkup was supposed to be march 22nd, so 6 days after the bay area went into Shelter in Place. Don't know when they will reopen, I LOVE my dentist, but he's in his 80s I think, so I certainly don't want him at risk. Fortunately between the Waterpik, dental floss, Sonicare toothbrush and gargling with mouthwash, I'm feeling pretty safe delaying for at least another six months. I don't want to spend hours with my mouth open breathing unfiltered air in an office, even if the dental tech wears a surgical mask or preferably an N95 or better respirator... I want them to be safe, I want me to be safe. :/ I feel like there are decent odds I'll never get to see Dr Call again given his age. :(
I have no fear of the dentist and will attend my next scheduled meeting.
very comfortable. dentists are medical professionals and i trust them. if my dentust is willing so am i.
I have a dental cleaning appointment in 10 days (DW went yesterday for her cleaning). According to my DW, our Dentist and Hygienist are wearing face masks, goggles and have no exposed hair(?). Apparently, they are still waiting on back ordered face shields. Currently, we have very little COVID activity in Western CO (average 1 new case/day in county of 150,000) so, we are trying to get all our work in now before the 2nd wave starts. I'm going to Skin doctor on Monday. Had Best Buy in the house this week to finish installing HEOS system that I bought pre-COVID. "Yearly physical with primary care Doctor in early June, which should complete our appointments for awhile. I'll admit, I'll be glad to be done with appointments. We are generally being cautious, tho it might not seem so. :LOL:
They cancelled due to state mandate.
I think the hygienist would be more at risk than the patient.
I'll reschedule about a month after they reopen. My teeth are pretty good.

DIL is a dental hygienist. Non-emergency work is still verboten in our state and their office is closed. The dentist is planning on reopening in June I think, when the state is expected to lift the restriction order. According to the below website, dental hygienists have a higher risk of contracting Covid-19 than dentists, GPs, RNs, orderlies, police, …….. In fact, the highest on their list. DIL is concerned about going back to work and rightfully so IMO. Further, having such a high risk person put their hands in my mouth and breathing in my face would give me pause right now.No matter what protective equipment they or I were wearing.

... ... Further, having such a high risk person put their hands in my mouth and breathing in my face would give me pause right now.No matter what protective equipment they or I were wearing.

OP here. This is the part that concerns me more than anything else. I'm in the high risk group and have been diligent about SIP. As DH had to be tested prior to last week's implant surgery, I know I'm not infected.

Their office is still closed and may continue to be so my concern may be moot. If they open Monday and my appt is on, I plan to reschedule for the following month until they get a good plan in place.

I was somewhat confused and actually have 2 appts. The hygiene for next week is my 4 monther. The other appt that has been cancelled 2x was for a followup with the dentist to check on the crown on my recent implant. I'm not concerned about that one as it should be a quick in and out and once they reopen their office, I'll schedule that one.
I had my routine dental appointment last week and they were limiting patients to 2 at a time in the office. Had doctor appointment today and was only one in the office at 8am. She had me go to lab at hospital for blood work and they had 4 patients but plenty of room for social distancing.
DW had her appointment this morning. They limit patients to two at a time (for two dentists) and clean everything more than usual between patients. She was greeted at the door by having her temperature taken and left with a new temporary crown.
I had my regular cleaning the first week of March, about a week before the lockdown here. need some work which was scheduled for late April but then the office moved it to mid June because of the lockdown (which was lifted this week for phase 2). Since phase 3 is scheduled for June 12th and so far avg daily new cases are down about 12% since phase 1 reopennig started, I'm pretty confident the June appt will be a go.

At the early March appt, they did check my temp and only one person in the waiting room at a time. As others have indicated, if the dentist is willing, so am to speak,,,,,,,,,that sounded a bit wrong :) although the dentist is kinda cute
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