I Had to Put My Dog Down Yesterday


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 10, 2016
Yesterday morning was one of the worst days of my life. I had to say goodbye to my dog and put him down. His health had been declining and I knew it was getting closer to the end. He had cushings disease, appeared confused, and losing his balance. A few days ago his eye was red and he was squinting. He had surgery in The past to remove a tumor from his eyelid. I could tell it was really bothering him The night before so I called The Vet at 7am and got a 8am appointment and by 9am my dog was gone. It all went so fast. The Vet was going to give me another day to day goodbye, but he was in pain and I knew it was time. I thought I was tough and could handle this, but I cried like a Baby when I told the Vet to do it yesterday. I've broke down numerous times today. It really sucked seeing the Christmas Stocking this morning and Boston Terrier ornaments. I still have another 12 year old Bostin, but this one was my heart dog and I never had to put a dog down before. For those who have been through this, how long does the heartache last? I know a piece of my heart will be gone forever.

Thank You Trooper for 12 1/2 years of happiness and joy. You were my best friend.

RIP Trooper


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Sorry for your loss. It is tough losing your family member.
Think about all the good times you had with him.
So sorry for your loss. Never easy to say goodbye. You and Trooper had been together for 12.5 years, so I feel confident you did the best for him at the end. You knew he was in pain and made the responsible but heartbreaking decision. I’m glad you have another dog to comfort you and for you to comfort, too. I don’t think the pain ever goes away completely but it does lessen over time. If you haven’t read the poem “Rainbow Bridge”, set aside some alone time or time for you and the other dog. It is a short poem but we aware you will cry some as you read it, so don’t read it just before company arrives or you are in line at the store. Now I’m going to find my 12.5 year lab in the other room to give him an unexpected and unusually long hug.
I had to put my Border Collie down the day after Thanksgiving 2002 in Lake Havasu....still haven't fully gotten over it.

It's the adversities in life that mold our character.


Hang in!
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I am so sorry. Knowing you did the right and loving thing for your friend doesn’t help just now but you did.

It will get better but time of acute grief is different for everyone.

Give your other dog extra love today too. It will help both of you
This journey is different for everyone. it's been over 3 years since I lost my heart dog to acute kidney failure. I thought about her all day, every day for weeks on end. I cried constantly. Still, after all this time I can't think about her without tears welling up. It gets easier over time. You stop thinking about them all day every day. You stop looking for them. You stop thinking it's time to feed them dinner or time to let them go outside. For me, that took months to get past. But the hurt is still there, just buried and scarred over.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It will probably take weeks if not months for the hurt not to feel so raw, but it will get easier.
My sincere condolences for your loss and my admiration for doing the right thing for your friend.

For those who have been through this, how long does the heartache last?

Sad to say that it lasts as long as your memory stays intact. On a more positive note, it does very gradually grow less intense over time.
I read somewhere we should be happy our pets have relatively short lives, and leave us, usually, in their "teens". Imagine how much greater the pain if they were with us for many decades, and left us in late-middle-age instead. Unbearable.

The first week will be the worst, but a little piece of us goes forever with every pet.
Very sorry for your loss and going through this. I've been in your position numerous times over the years. I will say that time helps, and while the hurt is intense now, it does get better. Our minds have a way of replacing the sad memories with good memories. You will never forget your dog, but over time when you think of him the thoughts will be more positive.
Can't say how long the heartache now will last, everyone grieves differently. Give your other dog a few more hugs, he will also miss his buddy.
All dogs go to heaven

It won't ever stop hurting, but eventually it will hurt less acutely. Then it will be easier to preferentially remember the happy moments.
Take care. I had to do the same this summer and it was truly awful. I was a wreck and was glad the clinic had a side door that I could exit from. The hardest part for me was knowing the decision was mine alone as a responsible pet owner. You know it is the right thing to pick the most humane choice to stop your friend’s suffering but, still, ugh, it feels like a horrible betrayal to sign the papers. Terrible. It’s helped us to get another adopted shelter pet right away and to start feeling like we’re helping an animal in need again, plus they are just so full of the fun of new life and everything is interesting and exciting to them.
So sorry. Our pets are part of our families, and they give us unconditional love. When I've gone through this, I try to focus on the good memories, and know that I did the right thing to end their misery. I have about a 40 minute drive to the vet, and the last time I had to take a cat in to put her down, I talked to her about all the good things I could remember, and that seemed to put both of us at ease. Perhaps you can have a private wake of sorts with your other dog, and tell it stories of your departed dog that make you smile and laugh.
Very sorry for your loss. Cushings is a nasty disease, you did the best thing you can for your pet.

How long does it last? It gets easier to remember all the great times you had. I have a 13 year old Maltese, with Cushings, that's on his last days. I still remember when his older brother, Chris(the Christmas dog) was put down. A stronger memory is how Chris wouldn't leave my side in 2000 when I was in terrible pain. Sometimes I think Chris is still snuggling against my back.
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They trust us to love them enough to do the right things for them, and you did. It would be selfish to let our pets suffer.

It's like the ending of any much-loved relationship. For me, it has always taken a few weeks to get into new routines that don't revolve around a dog. I found myself constantly looking around for them for just a moment, and gripped with sadness when I remembered they were gone. But the loneliness lessened over time, and I started to think about what new pet I wanted to add to our family.
Eventually you will remember the good times with your pup and the heartache from the last day will subside. They take a piece of our hearts with them but they leave a piece of theirs to fill in the hole.
Losing your good friend is an awful blow. Over time, the pain will not be as sharp, but you will always have pangs, I'm afraid.

The best cat turned very sick, very suddenly, and after the veterinarians had tried everything, we had to let him go. He was in utter misery and did not even recognize us. The autopsy revealed a kind of cancer whose name I do not recall...he could have been in pain for some time, but wouldn't admit it.

From time to time I still mourn that wonderful, exceptional cat, and that was back in 1995.
Sorry for your loss, many of us know how you feel. You never forget, but you go on. In time, maybe another dog will brighten your days. We’ve had five dogs, no two alike, but we wouldn’t have traded any of them.

I read this at those times - makes me sad, but it helps too.

A Dog's Prayer

Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, please take me inside... for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements... and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth... though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land... for you are my god... and I am your devoted worshiper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.

And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...and

I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.

--Beth Norman Harris
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Lovely prayer, Midpack. We've had tail wagging family for over 30 years. I still have videos, pictures, paintings and amazing memories of my dearest loves over the years. I always remember the reason we've named our companions "Dog". It's God in reverse, as they love us unconditionally.

RIP, Trooper. You were loved. So sorry for your loss AlbaCrush. You gave Trooper a wonderful life.
We started rescuing dogs 15 years ago. Many were old when they came to us. It’s always hard to let a baby go. In the last 2 years we had to make the decision for 4 old dogs and one died unexpectedly at 3. I always have another dog so I am never without one. The pain eases with time.
Very sorry to hear of your loss. There's nothing quite like a dog's unconditional love.

We had to put down our aussie in 2016. We found it a little easier by using an in-home euthanasia vet. She was kind and calming.
That is very sad. But, as my neighbor says, it's what we do for them to keep them from suffering.
All good dogs go to heaven.
It's a sad day when you say goodbye for a while.
Sorry - it is such a sad time. Our pup is 13 and we know the day will come all too soon. I hope your healing is swift.
Very sorry for your loss, but in the end you did the loving thing. As another poster mentioned, " Rainbow Bridge" contains a bit of hope for the future during these sad times.
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