I Had to Put My Dog Down Yesterday

We lost our 19-year-old cat back in 2014 - she was my first cat ever (couldn't have one as a kid) and it just tore us to pieces.

We have friends that adopt another pet almost immediately after losing one, but I had to wait until my heart could separate missing her from missing having a cat. Once that happened and the longing for another got strong enough, we adopted two from the local Humane Society, almost 3 years ago now. They're wonderful and quirky in their own ways, and my love for them doesn't diminish my "first love" at all.

I still cry when I see pictures of her, though. I think that's permanent, since I cry at the drop of a hat. Me and John Boehner. :D
Lost my grand dog last night due to cancer. She was a pretty Rotty poodle mix. Softest fur ever.
DD is very sad but is going to be okay. DSIL is very supportive.
I will say goodbye to Talon my 11 year old Great Dane on Friday. He is losing his hind and has all kinds of lumps. He is sleeping 20 plus hours per day. Our vet had to put her Dane down in September. Also SIL raises Irish Wolfhounds so I get lots of advice on large dogs. If we don't go on Friday Talon will totally lose his back end and it wont be pretty. This tough USMC combat vet has been crying daily for the past week. Moist eyes as I write this. Picture is from 2014. Last dog for me. No urn. Will keep paw print. Will never forget this awesome dog/friend/family member.


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Bigdawg--beautiful Dane, they are wonderful companions. Condolences to you, you are doing the best thing for Talon.

AlbaCrush-- we have several paw prints of past dogs. Brings my heart joy when I come across them. Each dog has brought different love and companionship to my life.

Take care.
So at what point, as we age, do we say 'no more dogs for me'? My dad said it around his mid 70's. He said he was tired of putting them to sleep. Then people come and say 'but don't take it out on the dog that are alive'. I'm late 60's and am saying that my 8 and 5 year old dogs will be my last. I often see dogs up for adoption after their elderly owner dies or goes into a nursing facility. Often these dogs are elderly also and most likely don't get a new home and could be put to sleep.
So at what point, as we age, do we say 'no more dogs for me'? My dad said it around his mid 70's. He said he was tired of putting them to sleep. Then people come and say 'but don't take it out on the dog that are alive'. I'm late 60's and am saying that my 8 and 5 year old dogs will be my last. I often see dogs up for adoption after their elderly owner dies or goes into a nursing facility. Often these dogs are elderly also and most likely don't get a new home and could be put to sleep.

It seems like a very kind thing to adopt an elderly dog if one can handle the emotions of the end game.
So at what point, as we age, do we say 'no more dogs for me'? /QUOTE]

This is it for us. We loved/love our human children (26 and 24) but when they became grown adults we said good bye to them (in our house). Sort of the same with dogs. Love them but actually dont want them to live forever just as I don't want my adult children living with me any longer. Admittedly I am selfish. I did my time in the Corps and I''m done. I am closing out my working life and I will be done. Love my Dane dearly but I am done because I am selfish and we are ready to travel w/out the kennel costs and hate to leave the dog anyway. Now that his life is coming to an end (Friday-my choice or another few weeks if I let him go naturally (=cruel)) I am looking forward to coming and going as I please w/out having to make provisions for my pooch. In the mean time I will cry my eyes out and grieve his loss. Friday will totally suck!
I dunno, I haven't come to that time yet. Been through 8 so far and number 9 is here now with my wife's dog number 10. Had dogs since I was 5.

Coined phrase "Once you have a dog you are forever committed to having a dog" I guess if you're a dog person...
I am so sorry to read this. The pain will lessen, in other words, while you feel like you cannot breathe for a while that will pass.
Someone once told me "dogs don't care how long they live, they just want to feel good. Once they don't feel good they are ready".

Might not be your thing at all, but there is a site that has a chat and support and a weekly candlelight vigil. www.petloss.com

We all will be sad with you.
We have adopted old dogs and one only lived 6 months. When we lost 5 in 2 years I knew that the next 2 would be younger. Now we have a 2 and 6 year old. I will never be without one.
I will say goodbye to Talon my 11 year old Great Dane on Friday. He is losing his hind and has all kinds of lumps. He is sleeping 20 plus hours per day. Our vet had to put her Dane down in September. Also SIL raises Irish Wolfhounds so I get lots of advice on large dogs. If we don't go on Friday Talon will totally lose his back end and it wont be pretty. This tough USMC combat vet has been crying daily for the past week. Moist eyes as I write this. Picture is from 2014. Last dog for me. No urn. Will keep paw print. Will never forget this awesome dog/friend/family member.

Just walked into the empty house from the grocery store, resteraunt, oil change, car wash. That was all after leaving the vet's office minus my boy. Talon was an awesome Dane. As I was walking (limping) him around outside the office before heading in he got one last compliment on what a beautiful dog he was from a passerby. That was the typical response when he met someone new. I'm sitting here with a sinus headache from crying all week. Actually doing OK tonight. Knowing it was time makes all the difference. My advice at this point is never wait too long. Don't let your fur babies suffer because you are too whimpy to do the right thing. Combat was easy compared to today. My awesome DW is running around the house collecting every last piece of dog gear. Dropping off at the shelter tomorrow morning. Most of my tears are shed. Maybe a few more here and there as I get a quite moment. I am at peace as is Talon. Going to miss you boy.
No one weeps alone in my presence. Even if it's just through a cyber-presence. I let a tear or two fall for you and Talon today. You did the last kind thing you could for your dear friend. May your memories of him comfort you.
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