Introverts: what are your hobbies?

I'm an archetypal INTJ. While I think that Myers-Briggs is one step above horoscopes, in general, it is a useful tool for some people. For instance, it explains what I've done throughout my life. And it also explains how I'm likely to react to any new thing that comes my way. So, "one step above horoscopes."

My hobbies are:

1) Restoring a 100-year old coffee farm
2) Collecting audiophile vinyl records

3) Designing and building furniture
4) Astronomy
5) (pre-pandemic) Travel -- 73 countries and counting
6) A few RPG and Sim computer games (I prefer pen and paper RPGs. But there aren't enough nerds in my area.) So I play Fallout and Civ.
7) I also take cooking WAY beyond just sating hunger.
What most consider boring.

20 years married + 2 kids - a Princess, and NumNuts (not that I have a favorite). But I always have, and always will treasure my 'me' time and my quiet time.

*Can do hours surfing internet. Mainly YouTube, travel research, and the daily financial planning and freaking out one isn't supposed to do. Restaurant research too,

*Reading. My attention span isn't what it was -- but I enjoy short reads. Economist, WSJ.

*LOVE TV and Movies - especially if it came out before smartphones came out, and it was popular when D-O-G was spelled that way, and didn't require a W. 100s of shows and movies I can quote in my sleep.

*Eating. I love a quiet meal, by myself when I go out. Sushi, pizza, fast food(I love it) most favorite is eating in my car....I have a tray, condiments and my laptop on the ready. I *only* go out Monday thru Thursday, at non peak times. I like background noise of a restaurant - but not too much yacking.

*Poker: Haven't played since pandemic but hoping to do it soon at the casino.

And honestly - I'm not embarrassed - but I like hanging out with myself. Tons to discuss, be it politics, movies, family, business/investments, whatever, consider it extreme - but I am best friends - with myself.
And honestly - I'm not embarrassed - but I like hanging out with myself. Tons to discuss, be it politics, movies, family, business/investments, whatever, consider it extreme - but I am best friends - with myself.

But what do you do when there is a violent disagreement among your selves?
Similar to Chuckanut, while I am not a "strong" introvert, I enjoy the same things my extroverted friends enjoy. For me the main differences are:

- If I want to do it, I do not care if others cannot make it, I will go anyway by myself. I One good friend, who is a extrovert, if they wants to go on an activity and cannot find friends to go on it with, will not go.

- Even in the midst of a group activity, I can choose to be alone within my thoughts. For example, on a group bike ride, I do not focus on whether or not I an keeping up with others, or chatting, I focus on enjoying the scenery I am riding through, and that is very peaceful.
Walking on the beach with the dog every morning. I was walking with a group of friends and my sister prior to covid - we kind of split up... and I've been resisting going back to the group walk. I chat/say hi... but want to walk while enjoying the view, listening to music or a podcast, and not be bothered with constant human interation.

I play video games - everything from wordle and solitaire to pokemon go. Pokemon Go changed things up (for the better imo) during covid... letting you do more of the game alone. They are in process of decommissioning some of these changes and I'm annoyed.

And of course tv and reading books. I am a couch potato (which is why it's good my dog walks on the beach happen every day.)
As a lifelong introvert my main hobby has been a research project studying the lint in my belly button. Sadly, my research has not shown any conclusive results yet.

Other than that, the usual suspects, hiking, reading, listening to my much loved collection of vinyl records, and enjoying this wonderful corner of the world in SW Oregon.
As an introvert, I am too shy to say what my hobbies are.....

But seriously, I keep plenty busy with

Golf (3 or 4 times per week in the summer)
Curling (in the winter)
Smoking meat and making homemade sausage
Home and cottage repairs
Gardening (currently I have 100 + pepper and tomato seedlings on the go)
International travel (COVID willing)
Getting caught up reading the Economist magazine (staying caught up is a futile task, I am finding)

and just so, I don't get bored and start to hang around pool halls and get into trouble (as my mother would say), I am doing about 15 hours of part time work for a previous employer.

Three years into retirement, but so far, so good.
Forgot to mention I visit a lot with our rescue dog, Teddy R. Yesterday we agreed that the best defensive back in the NFL is Paul Krause of the MN Vikings. Never won a Super Bowl of the 4 he was in, but 81 interceptions convinced us both he was the best.

Tomorrow we're going to talk about the best power hitter in the American League. I said Harmon Killebrew and he said Micky Mantle....we'll figure this out over a cold beer.
Motorcycle riding, but not so much working on.
Grilling, but nothing too fancy. Got a few dishes I do in the kitchen.
Chili, Apple Pie, St Nicholas Cookies.

Gardening, wood working, home improvement, hiking, interesting.
But I can't even keep up with the yard work very well.
And w*rk needs to go, it eats up too much time.
Tomorrow we're going to talk about the best power hitter in the American League. I said Harmon Killebrew and he said Micky Mantle....we'll figure this out over a cold beer.

With or without steroid use? :D Both those guys were clean, but after that there was a busload of users.
Not an introvert anymore...was as a child, but Myers Briggs changed after my career in IT set in to ESTP from INTJ when I was in high school.

DW is an "I" however, and she enjoys cleaning, reading books, re-reading books, watching NetFlix and running on the treadmill. She needs significantly more alone time than me, and the more social interaction throughout her day, the less full her tank becomes vs me needing to fill my tank with socialization. She also talks / discusses things with herself quite often. I fairly often hear her talking to herself around the house as she is doing chores or showering etc.

I actually don't enjoy being alone unless I am skiing, cycling or in-line skating. Otherwise I prefer to be with my family, or at least DW or my kids, or even friends. I've grown further apart from friends during the pandemic and hardly see them these days which is bad for my mental health.
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Fishing, boating, shooting, reading, music listening, motorcycle riding, cooking, drinking and eating.
(3) I play some bridge on line, but only to play hands against robots, not with other people..

To the original question: I'm not uncomfortable with other people, but in general I prefer solo activities: Exercise - running, swimming, cycling, weights,
reading, astronomy and history lectures and on various TV series, and Bridge. I started Bridge when in college, and resumed playing with a vengeance after ER.

Scrabbler: I presume you play on BBO. I played in-person pre-pandemic, and will be resuming next week. I've played online with partners, and robots, since pandemic. If you haven't t noticed yet, the BBO program cheats, so it is not realistic. It's still enjoyable, and I play at least once a day, but not the same joy and challenge as playing with and against real people. Hey, if you ever want to try a partnership, let me know. We don't even have to talk (much)!
Building, assembling, flying, and teaching about R/C airplanes. I'm one of the club instructors and enjoy teaching the subject.
Photography and printing a good photograph, although that has slacked off a bit lately. I really need to break down and buy a faster computer but dread the thought of having to move everything over to a new one.
We do enjoy family gatherings, but not too often!
Forum participation, here and a couple others.
Building, assembling, flying, and teaching about R/C airplanes. I'm one of the club instructors and enjoy teaching the subject.
Photography and printing a good photograph, although that has slacked off a bit lately. I really need to break down and buy a faster computer but dread the thought of having to move everything over to a new one.
We do enjoy family gatherings, but not too often!
Forum participation, here and a couple others.

The computer thing is probably, possibly?, easier than your taxes.
Which I have not done mine yet.
Computer don't fail me now. :angel:
I believe if a person can find anything of interest to them, then pursue it to the next level. For myself I enjoy the outdoors and everything about it and the many things we can do alone outdoors.
I too have learned to enjoying just learning about things and I can do it online. It is amazing how I enjoy researching etc. but I wouldn't call it a hobby.

A garden is a great thing to watch and look after and is fun.

Me too! Motor around utube in winter. Up at 'The Farm' on and off (2hrs drive).
Putz with solar panels, pond aeration(solar), mini wind mills, etc. Small Garden, Grow Chestnut seedlings, Black Walnut for transplanting. Bulk in CRP and Pollinator habitat.

Heh heh heh - :cool:
I like to refinish furniture. I used to do this a lot before my work life took over so much.
I’m planning on resurrecting this hobby and have a set of bedroom furniture and an old dresser of my mom and dad’s to start.
It is therapeutic to me with letting me be creative.
I have been spending a few hours each morning with genealogy searches. It keeps my mind fully occupied.

My physical exercise is cleaning up the yard and mulching what has fallen from the trees during winter and last fall.
I am still learning how to be retired :) I'm an INFJ, so that's work unto itself (1...2....3...4 brain working overtime lol)

I am continuing to study finance related topics, I doubt that will ever stop.

Lately I've been spending more time listening to music and testing out new in ear monitors. Chi Fi is new to me :)
I walk, swim, go to concerts...there's a group nearby that plans great outings - wineries, concerts, etc.
Travel planning
Very occasional work as a restaurant reviewer.
Listening to podcasts on said topics (travel, retirement, finance, health) while working to downsize my storage unit....
Learning how to read tarot cards and perform reiki.
I am guessing and hoping a year from now, it will be another list, some new, some old.
I relate to the poster who mentioned going down rabbit holes to learn more about topics of the day.
Card-carrying introvert here - probably a result of bullying and a stuttering issue. I have a variety of hobbies/activities…. Walking/hiking/running, bicycling (just bought an E bike that I’m excited to start riding when it warms up), baking, woodworking, flyfishing, reading, gardening, dog walking, quilting/sewing, etc. I’ve recently begun to learn watercolor painting (on my bucket list for a long time). I do yoga, Tai chi and Chi Gong when I can. For what it’s worth, I think retirement is a mistake if one has no hobbies or desired activities to fill the free time. I retired early so I could immerse myself in making art quilts - the rest of the activities are icing on the cake.
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