NBR gone?

Another similar program that I used to watch regularly was Wealthtrack... I see that it is still on... I need to add it to my recordings list.

But the best of all time was Wall Street Week back when Louis Rukeyser was on it.

Loved Ruykeyser. Cut my teeth watching that as a kid.

Will have to check out Wealthtrack. I
occasionally have watched Charles Payne's Making Money on Fox Business. May have to try that but it seems more reading oriented.
I'm curious why so many index B&H posters would watch any daily business show?
Because I wasn't an index B&H holder from mid 80s through mid 90s.

Haven't watched much NBR since internet started providing data, which is one factor in its demise.
True that purely passive investors won’t get much from business shows like NBR. But there were stories about trends and specific companies/products that were interesting.

I liked the personalities that NBR had on air and the absence of some others from CNBC. Did you know Kayla Tausche is a Tar Heel?
I'm curious why so many index B&H posters would watch any daily business show?

I used to listen to Marketplace on NPR if it was on during my drive home. I don't think I ever got much of anything out of it investing-wise, but occasionally a feature spot would be interesting, some new development or something. But again, I was a captive audience in the car, it was a decent break from music or fiddling with CDs (this was pre-streaming days). And Kai Ryssdal is still host? Wow, that's been a long run, it was over 15 years ago that I was tuning in, and he had been on for a few years, replacing old what's his name.

And I listened to Bob Brinker's weekend shows, until I already knew 95% of what he was going to say and didn't care about the other 4.99%, but I learned a lot in the early years of listening.

I just enjoy it. It’s more interesting than listening to politics, celebrity news, food shows or HGTV.
"...wishing all of you the best of good buys"

Paul Kangas. RIP.
I had no idea. I watched tonight’s “Nightly Business Report” and they closed by saying it’s gone. CNBC will not continue to produce. Say it ain’t so, it’s the only business-oriented show I watch, even though I preferred it pre-CNBC.

Yes, I was blown away on Friday too. Didn't have a clue. It seems I'm always the last one to know.
I’ve now set my Sling DVR to record Bloomberg’s “What’d You Miss?” show. That, along with adding the “Marketwatch” podcast and scanning pieces that appear on CNBC’s mobile app throughout the day, might soften the blow of the NBR loss. Adaptation is key!
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Our local PBS station has replaced NBR with BBC OS (Outside Source). Last night, January 2, the first business day of 2020, BBC OS came on the air during the NBR time slot and the host of the show "welcomed" the many new PBS viewers that would be watching for the first time.

BBC OS is not a business program at all. It's world news presented in a social media format. That is, the host "flips" from one screen to another, amalgamating several bit & pieces of this and that, Twitter, Instagram, video clips, etc. and this compilation of sound bites makes up a full-length story. Sort of interesting, but certainly not my cup of tea.

I don't know how many other PBS affiliates replaced NBR with BBC OS but I probably will not watch OS often if at all.

Guess I'm back to watching video clips from CNBC, Fox Business, and the like to get my business/economy news. I may also try some of the Sirius/XM offerings as well as other podcasts.

If anyone comes up with any interesting business alternatives that broadcast over-the-air on network TV (non-cable) please chime in.
Most business newscasters (I’m especially talking about CNBC and Fox Business) are just shills for Wall Street...
This thread’s a little stale but was helpful. In particular, I’m happy with the “Marketplace” podcast for updates. NBR? It was good but “out of sight, out of mind”.

The Bloomberg show is a bit too frantic for my taste.
I have not settled on any replacement. What I liked about NBR is it was "business" oriented, with emphasis on markets, investing and personal finance.

Marketplace to me is too little business/investing, though I do like the show

Most other shows seem to be too trading oriented. I find myself going to Mad Money which is more investing and less business.

I liked Kudlow's show too, before they took that off the air. I think we need a good business/investing show now, particularly a half hour format!

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