Now that you are FIREd, what type of clothes do you wear?

I wear what’s comfortable and practical now. No more shoes with heels. Leggings with walking shoes kind of thing. I have bought clothes at Costco. They have good quality clothes at good prices.
Although I'm in a different climate, I hear what you're saying.

Since FIRE'ing a little more than a year ago, I can pretty count my wardrobe on one hand: During the cold months, a pair of Adidas athletic pants with a t-shirt and pullover; during the warm months, a pair of cargo shorts and t-shirt or Tommy Bahama shirt.
someone asked for Pictures.... I wonder who takes the scruff of the day/week award. Here is what I have been wearing pretty much all week (Not the same exact clothes, but all similar). Of course this is around the house and walking in the neighborhood attire. It does get a little smarter if I go in public. :)

Cost of this fashionable outfit:

Shoes: $12 from Costco, this is the 2nd year of use coming up to the third.
Shorts: $6 from Ross Dress Like a Mess
Shirt: $0 left over from w*rking years (Trade Shows) I still have about a dozen or so left.


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someone asked for Pictures.... I wonder who takes the scruff of the day/week award. Here is what I have been wearing pretty much all week (Not the same exact clothes, but all similar). Of course this is around the house and walking in the neighborhood attire. It does get a little smarter if I go in public. :)

Cost of this fashionable outfit:

Shoes: $12 from Costco, this is the 2nd year of use coming up to the third.
Shorts: $6 from Ross Dress Like a Mess
Shirt: $0 left over from w*rking years (Trade Shows) I still have about a dozen or so left.

Looks good for the stated uses, and looks comfortable too! And great LBYM prices. I think those are perfect choices for retiree clothes.
Now with warm weather coming it is pretty much cargo shorts, t-shirt, and keens or barefoot. In winter it would be jeans, t-shirt (maybe a fleece jacket or flannel shirt), and keens (maybe socks if it gets colder). If we go someplace nice like a play or nice restaurant then I have slacks, dress shirt left over from work, a sports coat if weather is cold and keens.

Boggs boots and roundhouse bib overalls. In the city dress warm in winter with a variety of stuff. Love Pendleton living up north with some flannel mixed in. Beach Boy style Huarache sandles, Minnetonka or LL Bean Mocs. as warm approaches. Guayabera or Aloha shirts in heat.

After twenty five ER years - dress eclectic and proud of it.

heh heh heh - also have developed an addiction for suspenders/galluses :facepalm: :D :angel: ;).
Like others, shorts & polo or T shirts on warm days, jeans and flannel over T shirt when colder. Sneakers with/wo socks depending on the weather.

Kept 1 black suit for funerals. Dad out foxed me by passing when I was on vacation-I flew direct to the funeral from snow bird rental-wore jeans to the service. Dad would have thought that hilarious! (he wore jeans/shorts (most purchased at thrifts/yard sales) exclusively during his 30 yr. retirement.)
Funny you should mention this...I was just thinking about this.

When I was practicing dentistry, in my later years I had the occasion to take care of two elderly, retired physicians. Both were brilliant men, each with a sublime dry wit. They'd been patients of mine for over 30 years, and I noticed as they aged they'd come into the office unshaven, and typically with food stuck on their sweaters. They weren't feeble minded at all.

I was never too careful about my appearance on weekends. In fact one of my patients who was a scrabbly looking housepainter who'd one would typically see at the grocery store in a wife-beater t-shirt had the audacity to tell me I looked like a bum when he saw me one Sunday morning at the grocery store. However, in my dotage I do not want to look scruffy, and with food stuck on my shirt.

I've been retired 3 years now, and I live on a lake and days can go by without me seeing anyone other than DW. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror about 6 months into my retirement and I hadn't shaved for a few days, and while I don't think I actually had food stuck on me, my shirt did have a stain or two. So, since that day, I have made a bit of an effort to at least do some grooming on a daily basis, and wear clean shirts.

I'm not much of a dresser. Cargo pants, or cargo shorts ( I love all the pockets for my crap), and either a t-shirt or a golf shirt. In cold weather, it's the "uniform" which is turtleneck and hoody on top, sweatpants covered up with windbreaker pants below. Running shoes.

I have to be warm.
A friend works at Columbia Sportswear and put me on the Friends and Family list. I get 10% off from the employee store and 30% off at the outlets. I wear Columbia, Mountain Hardware and Prana plus the various shoe lines they own. It fits perfectly with my lifestyle.
I noticed as they aged they'd come into the office unshaven, and typically with food stuck on their sweaters. They weren't feeble minded at all.

Eccentric comes to mind.

Even though I am a self proclaimed scruffball, "IF" I notice food, dried or otherwise on my shirt, I will change it. Even though the one I put on in it's place may be identical, but sans stains.

What I do a lot is if I need to go out, I just change my bottoms, then change back when I get home. Even I think and acknowledge my casual shorts look terrible.
Even though I am a self proclaimed scruffball, "IF" I notice food, dried or otherwise on my shirt, I will change it. Even though the one I put on in it's place may be identical, but sans stains.


patterned shirts hide many [-]sins[/-] stains :cool:
I am quite guilty of staying in my PJ bottoms for the entire day. I am sure the neighbors (who many were home last week for spring break) were scratching their heads when I checked the mail at 3 pm still in my PJs. :)

As a general rule, I am wearing athletic shorts/t-shirt around the house. If I have to go out, I will swap out the athletic shorts for cargo pants. If it's chilly out, then I will wear jeans. I almost ALWAYS wear a t-shirt though...even when cold out. Too often I find myself in a store that feels the need to keep the temp at 85 wearing a t-shirt is preferred and a jacket works well enough to get from the car.

Oh, and shoes? Since I figured out that CROCs makes flip flops, I wear those about 350 days out of the year. :)

While w*rking, I wore a flightsuit, which is nothing more than fancy PJ's. It was very nice to not ever have to figure out what to wear and I have tried to keep that going in retirement.
BIG difference between my "house" clothes, and "public" clothes. Hubby has one week plus of t-shirts and sweatshirts with our company logo, so it appears he never changes his clothes :facepalm: We only dress like the Bobsey twins when we work festivals...
While I was w*rking, before retiring, the company I was with was purchased by another. When we closed our sales office and went to another we split the Golf shirts that we used at trade shows. I was the smallest sizes male so I got to take all the mediums. They are great quality and very comfortable. I think at the time I got about 25. Since retiring 10 years ago I have worn a few out or damaged a few, but I still have a dozen left..... I think.
When left unsupervised by DW due to girl’s nights out I will occasionally drift into a Goodwill and walk out with a pile of
top end polos and shorts for $5 each.

For semi formal outings to Chedders I curate a collection of retro striped Aeropostale pre loved long sleeve shirts acquired on EBay.

We occasionally end up back in Canada for a few weeks in winter which requires one or two layers of long underwear and dad’s circa 1955 RCMP issue winter coat.

I love laceless Sperry cloth shoes but the model I like is discontinued. Tried used off of eBay but that was a fail on many levels.

DW intervened and started buying me J&M retro looking running type shoes on her credit card to end the argument and now I have a growing collection of those. So pleased to find an outlet store at Miramar with that brand in the liquidations aisle.

I will scan eBay for Orvis stuff cheap.
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I have not changed my dress much. Part of it is vanity, at 61 I still have a trim athletic build that people have complimented me on how I look in nice clothes. Part of it is that I notice I get better service an attention when I am dressed nicely.

Around the house or on "house project" errands it is jeans and collared shirt or nice t-shirt. Going out for social meetings (a meal or event) I'll wear slacks and a collared shirt, sometimes a sports jacket. I iron all my clothes. I still wear a tie several times a month. I have several pairs of sneakers and casual shoes, and a couple of pairs of dress shoes.

I do not spend a lot on clothes - I'm lucky that since my shape and weight has not changed much since graduating from college, my clothes last longer, as they tend to wear out instead of no longer fitting me. I'll look for bargains/sales with stuff I am interested in. Traveling to China for work allowed me to buy certain clothing items *very* cheap as well.
Between degrees I worked in the church bookshop back office doing shipping, bottom level work dressed like a worky.

I chatted with the priest daily.

At a separate political event I ran into said priest but I was wearing a suit. Had a long conversation with him.

The following day at work I referred to our chat at the event and the priest looked up and said, “that was you I was talking to?!”

Life lesson. People have a relationship with your clothes, not you.
You people wear clothes?!?


Good timing on this post as I was just looking at all the long sleeved business casual shirts in my closet and thinking how most, if not all, should be donated. I did get rid of a bunch of slacks and button down shirts when I first RE’d but clearly I didn’t go far enough. But I’m reluctant to buy many new things as I watch the pounds continue to gradually fall off.
Casual and comfortable. I never go out in anything stained, etc. I don’t usually get dressed until noon.
Since I am not out to impress anyone, I dress in very casual clothes that would probably not make the thrift store cut for resale. Most of my jeans in winter have holes or stains from working in the garage. T-shirts also stained. Winter I wear a shirt over the t-shirt, might be flannel or might be an old work style button down. I like a pocket to hold my phone so a button shirt of some type. Winter is colder here, so typically wear some boots. Summer is shorts and t-shirt with tennis shoes. I go out in public without regard for my clothes looking like thrift store rejects during the day. I do wear nicer clothes if we go out to dinner or for church, but still just clean jeans without holes and a clean shirt.
Gym shorts and a smile. When DW wants us to go out in public, gym shorts with pockets, tshirt, and the aforementioned smile. If we go to dinner, I dress up. I add a collar to the tshirt and brush my teeth.
Last week I bought a pair of bell bottom cords and a paisley long sleeve shirt! Going to a '60s night for this year's Kid's Camp Silent Auction celebrating their 50th year. This is the same stuff I wore in the late 60's. It should be fun.

In winter flanel lined work jeans, flanel shirts. In summer unlined Jean's and a t-shirt with a pocket. For Church nicer jeans and flanel shirt or polo most of the time. I need new suit for special occasions. I may get around to getting one some day...
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