Online Dating Sites You Didn't Sign Up For

I’m not particularly bothered by the usual phishing email informing me my bill for $4500 from Amazon is pending (click here for invoice) and simply delete them.

Indeed, the situation may simply be that these are marketing emails from the dating sites themselves – I may have looked silly contacting their customer services departments and requesting the erroneous profile based on my email be removed. However, I did receive confirmation from both sites that the profile with my email has been removed.

I also have several other reasons for deciding to change my email. As someone noted earlier, my email does indeed contain “bluesky” but is also followed by random numbers and letters which, to me anyway, makes a simple typo less likely. I’ve unwisely used some version of “bluesky” as usernames for a while so wish to have an email not similar to these.

It’s really more of a digital cleanup than anything else. I’ve also decided to use a paid subscription for email/calendar as, in general, I believe if the service is free, I am the actual product being sold. Sometimes I don’t mind this. Sometimes I do.

In the process of updating my new email everywhere, I’ve had a chance to assess who’s making an effort to validate it and to what extent. When it’s all done, I will have reviewed nearly 60 – 75 websites (or called places that do not allow changes to email online) and where applicable, changed answers to security questions to nonsensical ones rather than true ones. So, I’ll be beefing up security as I go.

I jettisoned contacts I don’t need or want, created a group mailing list for a single notification email of the change, learned new email/calendaring software and generally took stock of my “onlineness”.

The entire exercise should take about 8 hours total based on progress so far – and that seems worthwhile to me to clean out and organize a digital closet. Will there be some wobbles and dropped balls? Will it take a bit to all run smoothly? Sure.

If nothing else, I’m keeping my computer skills current – my volunteer work is with “older” seniors and I see how many of them struggle with anything online. I want to be proficient monitoring stuff online and one of the ways I can do this is to well, do that.
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