Post Vaccination Behavior

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Yes, there are still a lot of unvaccinated folks and not yet fully vaccinated folks and businesses/facilities aren’t going to know who is or who isn’t.
Saying vaccinated people don't need masks is essentially saying no more masks.

Hersheypark in PA just announced no more masks effective immediately if you're vaccinated, but we all know that means everyone.
Yes, that’s what I think.

According to the Wall Street Journal
The fully vaccinated should continue to wear a mask while traveling by plane, bus or train, and the guidance doesn’t apply to certain places such as hospitals, nursing homes and prisons, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.
So medical facilities are encouraged to maintain current masking rules.
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Business (and planes, thank goodness) can and will still make their own rules for entry, though they will have less "oomph" behind them. It might get ugly for a bit...

In the past few days, even though most people here are still masked, I've seen several people mask-free when that was never a thing this past year. I'm talking in grocery stores...
No matter what the rules say I plan to continue to wear a mask when I am inside in public spaces in definitely. I have enjoyed not having colds, flu etc.
Yes, there are still a lot of unvaccinated folks and not yet fully vaccinated folks and businesses/facilities aren’t going to know who is or who isn’t.

Do we really need to know who is or who isn’t vaccinated?

The new CDC guidance acknowledges that there is minimal risk for vaccinated persons. They continue to recommend masks and distancing for the unvaccinated.

So, if an unvaccinated person ignores the guidance and fails to wear a mask, the only person they are endangering are themselves. It’s really none of my business as they’re the only ones to be impacted.
The new CDC guidance acknowledges that there is minimal risk for vaccinated persons. They continue to recommend masks and distancing for the unvaccinated.

Once again, the CDC is not acknowledging that there are millions of people (at least 115+ million, according to CDC) out there who have had COVID and recovered, who now have immunity against further infection. There are many studies out now that support this.

Some of these people had COVID and still decided to get the vaccine, and some did not, but all of them likely now have significant immunity. It's fairly obvious to me that the combination of vaccinated people, plus those who have had COVID already, is now starting to reach the "tipping point" where the virus is having difficulty finding new hosts. The vaccine is great, and has saved lives, but that is not the only reason we are now reaching this tipping point in some areas across the USA.
Do we really need to know who is or who isn’t vaccinated?
Where did I say that? I said they didn’t know.

An unvaccinated unmasked person interacting in public isn’t only hurting themselves. I think that’s been well established. Businesses will keep precautions in place, at least until cases drop way more, to protect their employees and customers because not everyone who can or wants is fully vaccinated yet and there are many who cannot for various reasons, including vaccines not yet approved for them.
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Once again, the CDC is not acknowledging that there are millions of people (at least 115+ million, according to CDC) out there who have had COVID and recovered, who now have immunity against further infection. There are many studies out now that support this.

Some of these people had COVID and still decided to get the vaccine, and some did not, but all of them likely now have significant immunity. It's fairly obvious to me that the combination of vaccinated people, plus those who have had COVID already, is now starting to reach the "tipping point" where the virus is having difficulty finding new hosts. The vaccine is great, and has saved lives, but that is not the only reason we are now reaching this tipping point in some areas across the USA.
The tipping point - we simply won’t know until after the fact, and it’s not going to be the same timing everywhere. I expect there will be more conversations about amount of presence of cases in a community and not only how many are fully vaccinated. But numbers have not dropped far enough yet to have that conversation.
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Also immunity from prior infections is not as strong as immunity from vaccines.
The tipping point - we simply won’t know until after the fact, and it’s not going to be the same timing everywhere. I expect there will be more conversations about amount of presence of cases in a community and not only how many are fully vaccinated. But numbers have not dropped far enough yet to have that conversation.

Yes, the decline in new cases will vary by area, but overall for the U.S., new cases continue to drop (for 4 weeks in a row now.). This is a good trend, and a sign that the combination of vaccinated people and those with COVID-induced immunity is getting to a level where the virus is having difficulty finding very many people that are still vulnerable. Herd immunity is not really a useful concept in this case, since we may never actually reach the point where the virus is unable to find "any" new hosts. So, it will probably be a gradual decline in new cases as time goes by.
Also immunity from prior infections is not as strong as immunity from vaccines.
That’s right. I’ve heard several virologist’s say that the immunity conferred from the vaccine is much higher quality. Which is why they encourage people who know they had Covid-19 to still get vaccinated.
if an unvaccinated person ignores the guidance and fails to wear a mask, the only person they are endangering are themselves.
No, they're endangering all of the other unvaccinated people, like kids and adults who aren't able to have the vaccine and people with compromised immune systems.
Have I mentioned that I really, really hate freeloaders?
Dinner for four - all with two jabs.

High School graduation party up at the Farm. ? 20 -30 in and out all ages.

DW has booked road trips June, July and September.

Heh heh heh - turning up the dial but still masking in 'the big city' shopping et al. :dance: :greetings10:
Have I mentioned that I really, really hate freeloaders?

It has been an annoyance of mine for years with respect to flu vaccinations. If everyone who was eligible for flu vaccine actually took it, we would have virtually no flu in the country. Even with the relatively poor efficacy of a typical year's vaccine. Because we have relatively poor compliance with annual flu vaccines, flu kills somewhere around 20,000 - 50,000 in the USA every year (except this Covid lockdown year.) Covid vaccines are much, much better and tilt the calculus more towards individual choice - individual risk. But still.

An interesting philosophical question. If Covid vaccines had been only as effective as a typical flu vaccine, then we would have had to have nearly 100% compliance to quell the pandemic. If that had been the case, would vaccination have been mandatory ? To what extent does the startling efficacy of the Covid vaccines work against their voluntary adoption by the masses, because it seems to be a viable choice now to "freeload" ?
COVID vaccines are nearly as effective as measles vaccine, which is virtually 100%. Flu vaccine has never been nearly that effective.

I like the idea of masking up during winter months for shopping etc. No point in getting colds and flu.
I’m not sure how California is going to respond to the latest CDC guidelines. We have been wearing masks inside stores for a year now. If we remove the mandate, each store will have to decide what policy to set for their business. That puts us back to where we were at the beginning of the pandemic, when masks were not mandatory and each store had to come up with their own policy, alienating at least some customers regardless of which position they took.

I really don’t have any problem wearing a mask when I go grocery shopping. I’ve switched exclusively to those neck gaiters, where I just leave it around my neck and pull it up over my nose for the short period of time I’m in the store. As a bonus, I’ve found that if I soak them in cold water they keep me from overheating when I play pickleball in warmer weather.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Have I mentioned how much I hate other people telling me what to do?

Drive on the right side of the road
Obey stop lights and stop signs
Pay taxes
Eat your veggies

I know it just never ends this whole darn living in a society thing
Do we really need to know who is or who isn’t vaccinated?

The problem is the vaccination is invisible.

We need vaccinations like the old small-pox vaccination. It left a scar at the injection site that lasted for decades. Just roll up your sleeve and show them the proof.
No matter what the rules say I plan to continue to wear a mask when I am inside in public spaces in definitely. I have enjoyed not having colds, flu etc.

me, too. The vaccine efficacy is remarkable, but having no cold or flu in over 1.5 years is too pleasant to be ignored! :flowers:
me, too. The vaccine efficacy is remarkable, but having no cold or flu in over 1.5 years is too pleasant to be ignored! :flowers:

Yes, it has been wonderful not getting a cold since the pandemic began. DH has found the masks remarkably effective against pollen and other allergens. I’m sure he looked silly last year tromping around the farm wearing a mask, but it really helped! And sometimes we have smoke outside here, and they help!
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