South Florida, Living Near The Water, Golfing


Full time employment: Posting here.
Dec 23, 2012
I live in Southern CA and when you live near the water, there's a separation between you and those who live inland.

I'm looking at real estate in South Florida, and it looks to be the same way, maybe even more difficult to traverse between inland and living near the water.

Any here living close to the water that can attest to that? I've visited Hollywood Fl a few times and they have bridges to go over the inter-coastal to the mainland.

Also, as a senior in So Cal, I'm able to get some good golfing deals, and I don't have to be a member of a golf course. It looks as though to play golf in Fl, lots of golf courses require membership, or the fees are higher there.
Do you mean like really far south, as in the Keys? If so, can I come crash with you now and then? :D
It really depends on the local topography, and to a lesser extent on local regulations and zoning. Some areas have barrier islands. Some areas have dunes, which tend to be protected. Some areas have protected vegetation. Most areas have a "beach road". All these tend to separate the beach from inland. I don't think a generalization applies too well here. WYSIWUG. And, if a category 5 hurricane comes through, which is a much bigger worry on the Atlantic and Gulf Coast than for CA on the Pacific, it can rearrange all these things to something very different.
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Latexman is right - it depends. Florida is enormous and there is no one right answer to your question.

Study a map of Florida. Much of the southeast coast of Florida is trimmed with barrier islands. If you live on one, as I do, you get to the mainland via a bridge over the intracoastal waterway, or personal helicopter if you are wealthy.

Authorities will close the bridges in an emergency, such as a bad hurricane where they have already told you to evacuate. If the bridge is closed, you are stuck for the duration.
I live in Florida on the bay . The one thing that drives me nuts living here is how everything rusts . We have been through three front doors , several sets of patio furniture ,and endless light fixtures .
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