Spacing between sentences?

It must be that time sometimes weighs heavily.

To each their own, but if some people were not interested in what seem to others like obscure details, we wouldn't have things like the internet, web browsers, or automobiles (Henry, why are you wasting your time in the garage again with that smelly gasoline stuff?).

Grammar policeman and now space cop...
I love a good slow pitch...:cool:


courtesy :
One space after a period. In the past, with IBM Selectric, etc., it was 2 spaces.

Have been editing and writing to many style guides over the past 40 years. I can't force you to type once space, and I can't force the browser to display multiple spaces either.

Actually had a professor last month who insisted we type 2 spaces in all papers.
One space after a period. In the past, with IBM Selectric, etc., it was 2 spaces.

Have been editing and writing to many style guides over the past 40 years.
The IBM Selectric being relevant because it's a typewriter? Or because it has balls?

I don't understand why some people regard style guides as authoritative, except of course in case it's a condition of their jobs that they are required to conform to some style guide.. If a rule gets into a style guide, is there a reason for it, or is the author just making it up as he goes?. Maybe I am insufficiently respectful of authority.

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