What did you do today? 2018 version

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I made a jig so I could drill all the holes straight and at the same position every time. Still took all day.
Played in the sprinklers with the triplet grandsons (age 5 1/2) then made some water balloons and then it was squirt guns. After this great cool down we had some ice cold water melon and then seed spitting contest. I think the seed spitting was their favorite
activity of the day. Now fixing to settle in for a 30 min nap.
Up early, DW couldn't sleep. She's finally admitting her legs hurt badly. I don't understand. Her knees starting bothering her when she started doing treadmill prior to lifting weights. Well last week we put out mulch, she did the bending over bit and both legs below her knees are reddish like a rash but they ache too. Poor thing can barely walk. After a discussion, she sees her PCP Monday morning.

I did the gym by myself today, all cardio. I'm still trying to get my heart to slow down after exercising. It was in the 70s earlier and still is? I don't understand. For several weeks post-exercise heartrate has been over 100 for hours.

We called a company to give us an estimate for paving our driveway yesterday. He was a no show but called today and asked to come over for a bid. I'd had a few on concrete but for half price I'm doing asphalt. They got approval from the HOA to go around the approval process and they payed the $50 fine. There is a crew of 8 out there now. Done by dark.
Went pheasant hunting (to photograph not to kill). Saw 5 or 6 and got 5.4 miles of walking in. Then cut the grass and paid the real estate taxes. Then bought a new Stihl weed eater and did the trimming.


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Finally! I got a few minutes of down time.

I have been with people since last Friday. I went to stay with my friend with Alzheimers on Friday and Saturday while his wife attended an all day class. He did pretty good until about 2:00 and then started to get real antsy. It all was fine. On Sunday I spent about 5 hours driving and visiting plus church. I got home and nephew and his family and friends were at my place with their camp trailer set up which was all planned but they got their earlier than I expected. DS also was up here for the last few days. I also built and help install a door frame and door for a friend.

It amazes me how much I enjoy a few minutes of alone time after being around people for a few days. I really enjoy folks coming up or going to visit, but after several years of mostly solitary living, the quiet time really feels good.

Maybe I am turning in to a Hermit! :LOL:
Many of us can really relate, Hermit.
Moderation in all things, including social interaction. :cool:
Blew some money today on a new SUV. Had planned on trading next year but addition bonus money added to my GM credit card got me looking. Take delivery of a new 2018 or left over 2017 by July 2nd and receive an extra $2k off. That plus $2.5k I already had on the card made for $4.5k credit to apply. Kind of wanted a 2018 Chevy Traverse but not many available in my area and they were not budging much off the price.(changed the style a little bit) Found a 2017 Traverse demo with 5k miles that qualified as a new vehicle so went that route. They had this one marked down several thousand and with my GM card money..... it made for a nice deal. Drives great. Got a silver color. Gas mileage won't be as good as my old Santa Fe but I'm going for comfort from this point forward. Santa Fe wasn't bad, but this drives much better imo.

I guess this could have gone in the 'blow that dough' thread, but it's what I did today so posted here. Blow that dough baby!:LOL:
Gym day, grocery run and then the Battery Mart store for a battery for DW's lawn mower. Yeah, we pay a guy to mow but I asked him to only mow the hill behind the house every other week. It's not even our property but I keep it mowed to keep the critters down in the woods. Sometimes DW gets a bee in her bonnet to mow it anyway.

We originally bought that mower for DW to keep at her father's house before he passed away and got that model because it is electric start, hence the need for a battery for it. She just doesn't have the arm/shoulder strength to start it with the rope.
Took DW to her weekly chiropractor adjustment. As we we're leaving, I asked when was she going to get the rest of herself straightened out. :LOL: After giving me The Look, she informed me that I was taking her to buy new shoes (ended up with two pair). :facepalm::facepalm:

Anyway,we made peace and went for a glass of wine and some small pasties before heading home.
Took DW to her weekly chiropractor adjustment. As we we're leaving, I asked when was she going to get the rest of herself straightened out. :LOL: After giving me The Look, she informed me that I was taking her to buy new shoes (ended up with two pair). :facepalm::facepalm:

When did you get married? Yesterday?:LOL:

Or just one of those what I call a HUA* moments.

*Head Up A__
Blew some money today on a new SUV. Had planned on trading next year but addition bonus money added to my GM credit card got me looking. Take delivery of a new 2018 or left over 2017 by July 2nd and receive an extra $2k off. That plus $2.5k I already had on the card made for $4.5k credit to apply. Kind of wanted a 2018 Chevy Traverse but not many available in my area and they were not budging much off the price.(changed the style a little bit) Found a 2017 Traverse demo with 5k miles that qualified as a new vehicle so went that route. They had this one marked down several thousand and with my GM card money..... it made for a nice deal. Drives great. Got a silver color. Gas mileage won't be as good as my old Santa Fe but I'm going for comfort from this point forward. Santa Fe wasn't bad, but this drives much better imo.

I guess this could have gone in the 'blow that dough' thread, but it's what I did today so posted here. Blow that dough baby!:LOL:

Nice choice!!!! I had never seen one before looking it up just now. It seems pretty luxurious and yet has a nice big cargo space, too.
Blew some money today on a new SUV. Had planned on trading next year but addition bonus money added to my GM credit card got me looking. Take delivery of a new 2018 or left over 2017 by July 2nd and receive an extra $2k off. That plus $2.5k I already had on the card made for $4.5k credit to apply. Kind of wanted a 2018 Chevy Traverse but not many available in my area and they were not budging much off the price.(changed the style a little bit) Found a 2017 Traverse demo with 5k miles that qualified as a new vehicle so went that route. They had this one marked down several thousand and with my GM card money..... it made for a nice deal. Drives great. Got a silver color. Gas mileage won't be as good as my old Santa Fe but I'm going for comfort from this point forward. Santa Fe wasn't bad, but this drives much better imo.

I guess this could have gone in the 'blow that dough' thread, but it's what I did today so posted here. Blow that dough baby!:LOL:

Very nice SUV...we had one for a two week rental last year and were very impressed.
My teenagers had their last day of school yesterday. So today my sister decided to take them to our local beach/amusement park, Belmont Park, today to celebrate. It's like the Jersey Shore, except in San Diego. I was talked into riding the roller coaster and ziplining. They tried to get me on rides that spin you upside down, but I decline vociferously. The boys (and older son's girlfriend) all seemed to enjoy themselves. I'm tired and have decided I don't need to do that again. The Giant Dipper roller coaster is one of the older wooden roller coasters in the US (1925) - I rode it a LOT as a child... One time was enough today. I'm getting old.
Well it has been a busy week. I should probably cross post in both the Class of 2018 as well as the Blow That Dough thread.

Monday I quit my job. I've been on a leave of absence since March. Now it's official, I'm retired again! Freedom! And no more paychecks, just in time for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, I got all new kitchen appliances to replace the current ones. Ended up costing a dumpster full of money (who knew GE Monogram costs as much as Viking, Wolf and Subzero?) and taking a full day and some cabinet carpentry to install. But I don't have a job, so I could just hang out without too much stress.

Wednesday I had three different experts come out to try to find the leak in my pool. The first guy dove under water, looked for bubbles, and couldn't find it, then phoned a friend. The friend spent a few hours, then said I needed to call in the big whigs. Big whigs came with lots of equipment and looked very serious. Leak still not found.

Thursday I went to Goodwill with two heavy boxes of pots. My new cooktop is induction, and I have exactly one pot that would work on it. Then I went to Costco and bought a set of Greenpan pots for induction cooktops.

Today, I am about to take my 6 year old MacBook Air off life support. It is down to under an hour battery life, and every few weeks just flakes out. Backing everything up now, then going back to Costco to get a Microsoft Surface Pro to replace both the iPad I had to return to my company and the MacBook Air.
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