What did you do today? 2019 version.

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Hurricane prep
Emptied gas cans into boat
Trip to gas station to fill truck and gas cans
Emptied gas cans into boat
Trip to gas station to fill gas cans
Emptied gas cans into boat
Heard gas station was out of gas
Heard gas truck had arrived at gas station

Went to grocery for various stuff, including milk and wine.
New floors

After the floors were done, we checked into a nearby hotel and had dinner in their dining room. The hotel is very historic, as it is 108 years old.
Thus refreshed, we tackled putting our office back together. There are three 6 way outlets in the room, one for the TV and associated equipment, and one for each of our PC's. Had to hook up the Ethernet cables, the satellite dish, etc.
Surprisingly, everything worked when we turned things on:dance:
Hurricane prep
Emptied gas cans into boat
Trip to gas station to fill truck and gas cans
Emptied gas cans into boat
Trip to gas station to fill gas cans
Emptied gas cans into boat
Heard gas station was out of gas
Heard gas truck had arrived at gas station

Went to grocery for various stuff, including milk and wine.

Good luck, Khan, and all you other ER Forum members in Florida! We are all thinking about you and hoping you make it through Dorian safely, and with minimal or no damage.
Went fishing at the ranch and did odds and ends at the ranch.
Helped a friend do more work on his shooting tower. Washed and waxed MIL's car - I have custody of her 2007 Corolla (20,000 miles) for a few days while her parking lot gets paved, and I don't know what to do with it.
Put a new 4' long LED ceiling light in our master bedroom closet. The 10' ceiling provided much difficulty getting the new fixture mounted. Had to enlist a friend with another ladder to assist.

Now the 1900 Lumen output in the closet should be enough for DW to do surgery if she pleases. :LOL:
Went to DW's 20th biofeedback session with her. It's been amazing to see the change. From a sick person who had a 72 day migraine to no headaches and mostly anxiety free.

Went to lunch along the river, watched a guy haul in a couple trout, and a mule deer enjoying the cool water. Very peaceful. On the way out we ran into a guy we hadn't seen for a couple years, I remember why we both enjoyed being around him.

Then I got groceries, tourists are in town for the holiday and it's crowded. Okay most folks are aware of the situation and polite. Until the checkout! I've put my groceries on the belt but the last two customers are still getting their groceries bagged, we're not moving anywhere quickly. The gentleman behind me starts putting his groceries on the belt but he keeps knocking into me. He quite a bit bigger than me, perhaps he can't feel his phat azz knocking into me? After the third hit, I tried to explain the concept of personal space, he doesn't get it. I finally yelled at his wife to get him back! A nice panic attack followed. I can only hope his DW keeps him out of grocery stores.
Gym day followed by a minor grocery run for salad stuff, lunch, then a nap. Pondered how best to clean the screens that are due to go back on the screened-in back porch without a lot of bending, which is what every single youtube video on screen-cleaning shows. I cannot do a lot of back bending - 15-20 minutes of that and I'm done for the next few hours.

Finally I hit on the obvious. Lie the screens down flat on the driveway and nail 'em with the pressure washer at about 1k psi and a 40° nozzle. The driveway right behind the screen provides support so the pressure doesn't blow holes in them and even on the wet black asphalt surface I can see the dirt washing away. Best of all, except for picking up and placing the screens there is no bending over.

So half of the screens are done!:dance: I'll do the other half tomorrow combined with installation as the mood and back pain allows.
Gym day followed by a minor grocery run for salad stuff, lunch, then a nap. Pondered how best to clean the screens that are due to go back on the screened-in back porch without a lot of bending, which is what every single youtube video on screen-cleaning shows. I cannot do a lot of back bending - 15-20 minutes of that and I'm done for the next few hours.

Finally I hit on the obvious. Lie the screens down flat on the driveway and nail 'em with the pressure washer at about 1k psi and a 40° nozzle. The driveway right behind the screen provides support so the pressure doesn't blow holes in them and even on the wet black asphalt surface I can see the dirt washing away. Best of all, except for picking up and placing the screens there is no bending over.

So half of the screens are done!:dance: I'll do the other half tomorrow combined with installation as the mood and back pain allows.

Working smart beats working hard every time.
Dropped my new Paper White water resistant Kindle, water resistant iPhone 7, and not sure iPad in the bath water. We’ll see....

I left my Samsung tablet outside overnight and we got a heavy rainstorm... I was worried at first because the display showed some blotches of moisture... but after a few hours the blotches were all gone and the tablet display was back to normal... I was impressed (and I'm not usually easily impressed).

Good luck. You can always put them in a bag with rice and see if that helps at all.
DH off to gas station at 5AM to fill two gas cans.
80 gallons should suffice, along with two full propane tanks.
Y workout 05:30. Breakfast at the usual place. Home, split and stacked more firewood, the wood shed is full, let it snow.
Replaced Throttle position sensor of 99 Subburban, then off for road test and food shopping, while wash machine and Roomba slaved away. Once home activated solar clothes drier, since the sun is shining.

If I get energetic I'll drain the hot tub and set it up for salt water to allow electrolysis chlorine generation. Or go and take a nap. Decisions decisisions...
Installed the lower screens that I washed yesterday, and made the salad from the stuff I bought yesterday. DW has a horrible cold, so I try to wait on her but she mostly wants to just sleep, which is exactly what she should be doing. I was thinking about trying to wash the upper screens today but my knees, elbow, and back hurt so I think I'm going to take the rest of the day off.

While I was putting up the screens I put the camera on a tripod and set it to take a photo every minute. Be grateful; I'm not posting all of them.


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I went up to the high-country boondocks home to chill out for a few days. Even at this high elevation, it's 85F, and I had to keep the doors all closed and ran the AC.

Brought up two non-fiction books, and about 1/2 way through one. Brought up some wines for refill, but forgot the cognac. Oh well.
This morning, strolled down to our local Saturday Market:

DW, holds my, used mainly for pointing, cane while negotiating for creamy, unpasteurized, honey:

This lady regaled us with a superb rendition of Ave Maria:

next closest gas station
Worked out early. Walked over to daughter and son in laws house ...they live behind us, took the grandkids to the community park/playground. Then through the wooded trails. Watched the golfers tee off for a while. Then to my favorite little Mexican restaurant by myself....ahhhh so peaceful! Then stopped back to the grandkids on my way home for another hour of wrestling, hugs and kisses.

Filled my bird feeder. Now getting ready to go to a wedding for the rest of the evening.
Yesterday after logging off here I took a longish nap and thus energized, got out the pressure washer and washed off the upper screens for the back porch, finishing up just as it got too dark to do anything outside. That way the screens were ready for installation this morning, which is what I did instead of going to the gym. The gym would have been less work.

Then went down to Home Depot (surprisingly, not bad for a Saturday but it was mid-afternoon by then) and bought a mixture of stuff. Have you checked out the prices on good paint brushes lately? Yikes!:eek: Anyway, there's some touching up to do on the back porch (fully expected) after installing the screens. Anyway, after doing the paint touch-ups the back porch will be done!:dance:


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When we had our new floors installed, I have to take everything out of my 6 foot high 5 shelf curio cabinet. DW, in her one of many flashes of genius, suggested I take a photo of each shelf so I can put everything back.
Well, today was the day, and I could not have done it without the photos. There were 100 separate items to be put back. Thank you DW!!
Spent the weekend taking care of the grand twins. A great weekend! Also had the weather channel on watching Hurricane Dorian and where its track may be. We have a Florida condo on the beach on the SE coast of Florida.
Drove up here. The road ends a few miles further north.

I met these cows up here. I really like the cow on the left, great face. 20190831_170713.jpeg20190823_124104.jpeg
Just returned from a couple of days in Panama, to help celebrate the wedding of the daughter of a good friend. First time for me, and a very enjoyable trip. I like weddings - the young people have such a positive view of the future. :)
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