What did you do today? 2019 version.

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Woke up to rain and chose to change our plans. Went to the gym for the first time in three long weeks. Our bronchitis is finally about gone and it's time to get going. Afterwards we went out to a Mexican brunch.

DW asked if I'd make some homemade cannibis edibles so I squished a quarter and used that puck with another quarter puck from last week. They're now decarbed, soaked, strained, and evaporating. Should be very potent. Not sure what I'll make out of the cannabis laced alcohol but it's pretty easy to make almost anything from here.

I received an EOB from my friends at Anthem. I guess after several hours of my time they're going to pay for my cystoscopy done "out of network" in a another state. There's no providers in network who do those in our coverage area. They're covering it at 100% too. I'm sure how you decide if someone who is out of network because of a boundary gets paid at 100% but I don't care. I wasted several hours of intense anxiety over these clowns last week. I'd love to send them some cannibis laced alcohol, they're probably immune. [emoji12]
Finished wire-brushing and painting the last of the front porch railing, this time without injury.:dance:
Beeyootiful day here! Applied weed and feed in the morning (a bit late, oh well), DW was out so I ate lunch at the Indian place, visited a new local coffee shop (the owner recognized me from a brewery tasting room he worked at), then I walked a couple of miles on the Greenway. Afternoon at home coming up with an IPA recipe for an upcoming beer competition. Also drinking the last recipe for inspiration. :cool:
It is a well known fact that a few choice expletives can stop bleeding from wire-brush abrasions. That's how I deal with the skipping brush problem.

That’s pretty much how I deal with everything...
Watched the Vegas Golden Knights loose Round 1 to the San Jose Sharks. Bummer.
I have a storage room that just contains things to get rid of. Yesterday I went up there intending to cull some more things for the trash or Freecycle, and value the rest for eBay. This is how far I got - first item was an Apple Newton. Decided to try and revive it. So I put some batteries in it, hit reset, and damn if it didn't start up. Spent the rest of the afternoon playing with it and being awed at the state of handwriting recognition and shape recognition even then. Listed it on eBay.

There's a pretty high percentage of vintage electronics in that room. Afraid to go up there again. I'm going to try to clean the garage instead. No distractions.
If one has enough vintage electronics that still works, it may be good for a personal museum. :)

I am now in Porto, Portugal. It was raining all the way, on my drive from Santiago, Spain. Yesterday, we were plodding through the historical center of Santiago, huddling under an umbrella to tour the cathedral and the surrounding.

In the afternoon when the rain stopped, there were quite a few pilgrims showing up in front of the cathedral to take photos of themselves. We did too, although we only walked 0.5 miles from a nearby parking lot. :)
Worked out
Passed my every-6-month onco exam
Checked out DH's new electric lawn mower
Took new bicycle out for another test-spin
DS paid us a surprise visit yesterday - he was on a road trip with some buddies and they had planned to get back into town here just in time for his flight back to Atlanta today but they drove through the night and got in yesterday morning. Had a nice visit and then drove him to the bus stop this morning as I didn't have time to drive him to the airport, as DH had an early doctor appointment in the other direction.

Had just enough time to do the weekly grocery shopping before taking DH to another appointment. Then went to the gym - I joined 3 weeks ago and am pleased I've made it 3 times per week so far. Exited to a fierce downpour - it's been raining off and on all day. So far about 2" but the severe thunderstorms could last another few hours. Definitely won't need to run the sprinklers for another week!

Soon will pour a well-earned glass of wine and start dinner - spaghetti with clam sauce, one of our favorites.
....This is how far I got - first item was an Apple Newton. ....

I had a couple different Newtons over the years... it was a great first start. Then went to the Palm Pilot that had that crazy strokes that you had to learn for each letter and capitalizing, spacing, etc. Remember that?

I am floored by how good Android voice recognition is these days.
Read the thread on I Bonds and it reminded me to check my EE bonds. I found about $600 in bonds that had matured, so I'll cash them in. It feels like found money. Back in the 80's, MegaMotors used to intimidate us into investing in bonds so I put a minimal amount into them over a decade or so.
If one has enough vintage electronics that still works, it may be good for a personal museum. :)

Um yeah. It's not exactly triggering a bidding war. But I'll try anything for the minimum pay I want to pack it up. If it doesn't sell - donation.

Yesterday it was cold again so no garage. Went back to the electronics temptation room. Unearthed an Atari Portfolio (1989) and a Timex Sinclair 1000 (1981). It has become an archaeological dig through the strata. Both of these ARE in a Computer Museum in Maryland.
Hey, I happen to still have a Timex Sinclair somewhere in the house. :)

Yesterday was a wet, cold, and rainy day when we wandered through Porto on foot, and crossed the famed Luis I bridge 4 times, twice on foot, and twice on a metro.

Today, the weather was just perfect. We hung out along the coast. Met a few French pilgrims who walked the Camino route from Porto to Santiago.

Tomorrow, we will head up the Douro River to Pinhao.

PS. Portuguese people are very friendly and polite towards tourists. They also seem to know English better than the Spanish or French. We have a wonderful experience so far.
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Packing up clothes in a backpack for a trip. This is taking some time...
Worked out
Passed my every-6-month onco exam
Checked out DH's new electric lawn mower
Took new bicycle out for another test-spin

Excellent! :D

I passed my 6-month last week as well.
I've decided to get rid of some excess musical gear. I have 4 bass amps, plus a bass cabinet (speakers only). They are taking up a lot of space and I really only need one amp, plus a backup.

I made a deal to sell one of them to the guitarist in one of my bands last night (along with an old guitar), and just sold another one to a drummer friend earlier today. I've listed the other amp and the cabinet leaving me with just my main amp when they sell.

Technology is great and big sound comes in small packages these days. My main amp is a 16" cube that weighs 26 pounds that puts out 300 watts (500 watts if I add a extension cabinet). For backup, I'll be buying a mini amp about the size of a paperback book that can plug into the speakers of my main amp in an emergency. It puts out 200 watts and is the size of a paperback book weighing just 2 pounds.

For comparison, ..the amp I sold last night was a behemoth about the size of a washing machine that weighed 98 pounds. It was cutting edge technology in the 70's!!
First world dog fight

Just when you think you’ve seen it all. There’s a Nespresso store (inside another store) in a nearby mall and I stopped by to pick up some coffee (sale was in store only). While waiting in line I saw something common in south Florida, a couple with a dog in a baby stroller. This time, though, another couple, also with dog in stroller, approached from the opposite direction. When the strollers passed, the dogs began fighting. Both were little dogs, so they made a tremendous amount of noise,. They stayed in their respective strollers, but still made contact.

The owners separated them, one couple walked away, only to stop, turn around and walk back past the exact same spot, where (surprisingly) the dogs began fighting again.

Two small dogs in strollers inside a fancy store, fighting, and going two rounds. If I were quicker in the draw I’d have filmed it for a YouTube upload. :)
It's a mad, mad world.
Watching heavy wet snow fall and stick for three hours. This winter truly sucks.
Woke up at 3:00 AM needing to urinate,only I couldn't. Thanks to Imoldernu's post I knew this was serious. After lunch stopped at the friendly neighborhood ER and had a Foley catheter installed. Lots of fun. They even gave me a script for some tramadol for pain. Sitting outside Walmart while DW gets the script trying to wet my pants. Strange sensation. Perhaps the tramadol they gave me in er is kicking in.

I'll be calling my insurance company and urologist Monday and let them know that ignoring my BPH isn't working! I was scheduled for surgery next week but the insurance company has nixed it as not medically necessary! I guess if I make weekly ER visits they might get the idea.

ETA: Foley catheters can and do leak! Before you sit around enjoying wetting your pants beware.
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MRG, I hope the Tramadol helps and that your insurance company comes to its senses! Sounds miserable and painful, ugh, no fun at all.

BestWifeEver, I was shocked to read that you had snow there. It's almost May! I didn't realize it would snow in your part of the country this late in the year. Brrr. But never fear, summer is on its way. I know because it is 80F outside down here right now.

MichaelB, even one dog in a baby stroller is insane, much less two, and fighting at that! :LOL:

When I first retired I used to go to a big box store every day to walk, for exercise. That was pretty healthy, so why did I stop? I have no clue. Anyway today I thought I might start walking through stores for exercise again, so after our lunch I dropped him off and went to the grocery store to walk around. I walked all around that large supermarket briskly so I didn't actually shop much, but did end up buying shrimp, eggs, cheese, and "lite-n-fit" yogurt. Hoping to rev up my metabolism for when I get back to dieting. Still maintaining more than 50 pounds of weight loss from last year, but it wouldn't kill me to get around to losing some more eventually.
Watching heavy wet snow fall and stick for three hours. This winter truly sucks.

Miz Feever, I'm hoping you can do something about that weather, cuz not long now 'til we're headed up toward those northern parts for our seasonal relocation.
Spent the day smoking a brisket outside in a rainy 38 degrees with 16 mph winds. Took a while longer because the smoker was cooled by the rain. Good thing we don't live up by Feever where I'd have to clear a path to the smoker.
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