What did you do today? - 2021 version

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Early morning brisk walk in the chilly breeze. It is too windy to deal with the fallen leaves, so will spend much of the day planning my Christmas/Hanukkah gifting strategy for relatives.
After breakfast, some friends and I went to Saddle River Range and stocked up on 9 mm ammo @ $21.99 for a box of 50 cartridges. Big sale today!

I'm starting my classes for a Texas license to carry handgun permit this January.
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Couldn't figure out the noises this morning until I looked out and saw my neighbor busily putting up his very extensive Christmas decorations all over and around his house. By 9 am the Thanksgiving decorations (almost as extensive) had been removed and stored, and he was well into the new set.

Funny, I've always considered Thanksgiving to mean the full four day weekend, but obviously I'm behind the times and it was officially all over at midnight. :LOL:
After breakfast, some friends and I went to Saddle River Range and stocked up on 9 mm ammo @ $21.99 for a box of 50 cartridges. Big sale today!

I'm starting my classes for a Texas license to carry handgun permit this January.

Ouch. $9.99 to $12.99 would be better like the very recent good old days.

Strange times.

One of the best TG's ever!

Got a creek walk, played with dogs, drank beer, had excellent food, kid got a red ryder BB gun for gift and dad shot a beer can (in the house) which exploded over everything and wife was not pleased.

Best TG ever - :)
11 miles is a good hoof. What is the temperature over there?

Temperature was about 4 degrees. Clear sunny day when starting, clouded over near the end. Fairly windy, blowing down from the North.

3 hours 1 minute, measured on my Strava.
After church, we played our weekly online board games with DD and DS - we started doing this pretty early in the pandemic at DS's suggestion and have agreed it is much better than our previous practice of a phone call with each of them separately on Saturday or Sunday. Got my COVID booster and stopped by the storage lot to pick up several things I'd left in the RV when we got home yesterday. Took a nice walk with the little dog, filled the fish pond and bird feeder and decided it was time to see if the sweet potato vine that came with one of my basil plants produced anything. A lot of digging later, I got this monster out of the ground. Guess I should have harvested it earlier!

^^ wow!

Started putting up outside Christmas decorations. Actually, minimum decorations--a large wreath and red/green deck lights. That's going to be about it this year!
I have quite a bit for inside, will do that next weekend.
Went grocery shopping. Climbed up on my roof and cleaned out all the gutters. Helped my neighbor mow up and bag the leaves in his yard (mine is pretty much done). Made laundry detergent.
Picked up my new 16" Apple laptop:dance:. Still waiting for DH's to arrive as well as my watch. DH's watch arrived last week.

Spent a good deal of time trying to find senior canned cat food. The vet called with their blood work results and they are troublesome. Hit several grocery stores as well as pet foot stores to find a few different brands to see what our very picky cats will eat. It was worse than trying to find toilet paper back in the day. On line wasn't much better. If you could find it in stock, you had to buy a case or gouge prices at Amazon for that case :mad:. Will talk to the vet again tomorrow and see what she suggests. The pet food store employees suggested that kitten food or seafood (our sweeties insist on chicken pate) can substitute for senior cat food until we can find some.
Went car shopping at a local dealer for the first time in several years - and it was just as bad as I thought it would be. The more things change, the more they stay the same. :mad:

I spent the afternoon trying to get information from a couple of dealerships via text and e-mail. Finally found a vehicle that the dealership's internet sales dept said they currently had on the lot. I said we'd be there in a couple of hours.

The DW and I show up 2 hours later and - surprise, surprise - the car wasn't there; it had been sold. Uh huh, sure. I was ready to walk out, but we'd driven 30 minutes to get there, so we agreed to stick around while they pulled a similar model around so we could get a feel for how it drove.

We take it for a drive, get back, and the DW and I head for my car.

Salesguy: "Where are you going?"
Me: "Home".
SG: "My manager wants to talk to you."
Me: "That's not necessary since we're not buying a car tonight."
SG: "It'll only take a minute. I gave you 15 minutes of my time, but you can't give my manager 2 minutes?"

I wanted to say 'You wasted over an hour of my time when you told me you had the car here and didn't'. But, I bit my tongue and simply said "I'm sure he'll get over it" and walked out.

I'm still fuming. I can't believe car salespeople still play these games. No wonder why Carmax and Carvana are killing these dealerships.
Picked up my new 16" Apple laptop:dance:. Still waiting for DH's to arrive as well as my watch. DH's watch arrived last week.

Spent a good deal of time trying to find senior canned cat food. The vet called with their blood work results and they are troublesome. Hit several grocery stores as well as pet foot stores to find a few different brands to see what our very picky cats will eat. It was worse than trying to find toilet paper back in the day. On line wasn't much better. If you could find it in stock, you had to buy a case or gouge prices at Amazon for that case :mad:. Will talk to the vet again tomorrow and see what she suggests. The pet food store employees suggested that kitten food or seafood (our sweeties insist on chicken pate) can substitute for senior cat food until we can find some.

I posted in the "shortages" thread about the difficulty I have had for the last six weeks finding any of the canned cat foot my elderly felines eat (they would only eat turkey pate).

I remembered from my days of fostering cats many years ago that we used to feed mama cats and senior cats kitten food when we wanted them to put on weight. So in desperation, I ordered a "variety pack" of kitten foods from Chewy, just to see if I could get them to eat anything until their usual turkey pate came back in stock.

This is what I ordered. It has four varieties: two seafood, one chicken, one turkey:


The price is actually the same price I was paying for a case of 24 cans of their preferred food; this also has 24 cans, but split between the four varieties.

My cats refused to eat the chicken; I didn't get around to the seafood; but they LOVE the turkey, so I just ordered five months' worth of just the turkey kitten variety (25 cases) a couple of days ago. This is their new food from now on!

It might be worth a shot to try the kitten variety pack for your cats until you can find the senior food. Good luck!!

I have a friend who is searching high and low for the dog food her dogs eat; she is having the same problem - can't find it online or in stores. :(:(
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Thanks Calico. I want to talk to the vet first because one of our kitties is overweight so do not want to add to that problem. At 15 lbs. and with bunny fur, she's having trouble keeping her you know what area clean. Mommy has to help that function by wiping her down every day with unscented baby wipes :LOL:.

I'm so glad you found some food that yours will eat. One of ours is such a picky eater she won't eat ANY type of treats and I've tried them all :facepalm:. The other one only likes Greenies!
Thanks Calico. I want to talk to the vet first because one of our kitties is overweight so do not want to add to that problem. At 15 lbs. and with bunny fur, she's having trouble keeping her you know what area clean. Mommy has to help that function by wiping her down every day with unscented baby wipes :LOL:.

I'm so glad you found some food that yours will eat. One of ours is such a picky eater she won't eat ANY type of treats and I've tried them all :facepalm:. The other one only likes Greenies!

Ahh, yes! I am familiar with the usefulness of baby wipes when it comes to cats! :D

I have the opposite problem with one of my 14.5-year-old orange tabby sisters - I'm trying to put weight on her. But her sister has no such problem, that's for sure! :facepalm:

I hope your vet has some connections and can rustle up some senior food for you. These shortages are getting very old very fast. :(
We went to Costco mainly to spend the rebate coupon for the membership. The last 2 times we were there they had no paper towels or toilet paper, they had both yesterday so we got a pack of each. We also picked up a couple of other items that were on "cyber monday" sale. Came home and DW put out some more Christmas decorations after a couple of trips up into the attic. Exciting day huh!
Weather has been great so decided to start digging, by hand a shallow water well. I made a 2-inch auger and got down about 7 feet in less than a couple of hours. I will putz at it till freeze up and will finish it in the spring.
I also worked on the old shop and took a walk in the back country.
Finally closed out the storage unit we rented when consolidating homes. Started at $200/mo and last $330, due to increased demand from business owners affected with covid shutdowns and needing to store inventory and supplies. Guy told me they have over 500 units and all full.

Well they now have an open, and the dough will buy the boat slip and my internet and phone bill - :)
A most unsatisfying phone call from my doctor. I had my annual physical last month and spent probably ten minutes of it rejecting his attempts to put me on one pill after another.
"This one has a great record." NO
"Well, then how about this one." NO
"If you don't like those, there is this different kind..." NO

It was frustrating, because I have reasonable objections to all of them, none of which he could address.

So he calls me up out of the blue, with "I like to go over my patients' records toward the end of the year..." and started all over again with the same recommendations. I again refused all of them, and finally offered some very good evidence from my own tests that say I'm fine as I am. Asked him if that changed his mind, and got an amazing response. "Well, I'm not a specialist in those areas, so I have think you've just been lucky so far." :facepalm:

I had such high hopes for this guy when I started seeing him three years ago, and I thought we had come to an understanding. But he seems to be reverting to the same type that made me quit my last doc. Looks like I may have to start hunting for a new one again, and I just dread that.
Had both vehicles oil undercoated . Usually do it every winter but forgot last year. It is worth it($350 for 2 vehicles) as evidenced by my now 13 year old Toyota Tacoma which still looks good under neath considering the lovely salt NH uses in the winter
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