What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

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Nope. It'd be really easy. It just takes work.
I have two by six channel iron from the 520 bridge job, that rotech bearing, and the day of welding.
It would not be automated, but you could turn it very easily. If I wanted to mechanize it, then I'd put a belt drive on there when some sort of a stepper motor.
The bearing supports a 15,000 lb excavator upper unit that will stand some serious forces
I am torn with what to do with it. Part of me wants to build a little observatory, but we have a lot of light pollution.
I'd want to find a piece of property to put it on that had a nice dark skies.
Drew up plans to add on to my workshop. DW wanted some changes that will result in more work on my part. My enthusiam has cooled a bit, but I called the county anyway and my conceptual plan meets their codes. Now to get some framing and concrete prices.
Got out on my bicycle … and got “pulled over” by a highway patrolman on a motorcycle for running a stop sign. He started the conversation talking about a $200 ticket.

I was in a marked bike lane and had no pavement markings in the bike lane mandating I stop and it was only a T intersection with no traffic across the bike lane …. so I rolled on thru.

After a cordial conversation, Patrolman asked nicely that in the future I slow down when I go through this intersection. I agreed and we parted company happy.
Picked a quart of cranberries out on the tundra. Beautiful fall colors and the air was crisp. Just how I like it.

Aja - congrats on the new house. Very exciting! Good luck with the purging!
I primed the bed and headache rack on the 1 ton service truck, then discovered I did not have enough paint to finish the job :facepalm:
I'll have to wait for a warm dry afternoon which are getting rare now.
Heading to an Oktoberfest this afternoon with DS.
DD and DGS will be coming over this weekend also, as DSiL and his dad are rebuilding their 2nd story deck, so they don't want little one around for his safety.
They plan to expand it by 2 feet and finally add stairs and a landing to their back yard.
DSiL expanded their porch area below and will make it a covered area from the deck. It will be very nice when its done and really give them more space for outside with the little one.
that sounds nice pacergal. Is is a membrane deck so it is a good roof, or is it wood over another layer to shed the water?
Oktoberfest sounds delightful.
I am doing some last minute yard work before the deluge comes over the next week or so.
I'm home after a 3 day 2000 mile mission to eastern Montana. I hauled an ancient Case backhoe out and a couple of Butler grain bin roofs and parts back to make gazebos.

My brother went along and we had a grand time and a much needed extended visit.
We talked about building and retirement and travel, all those things and more. It truly was a priceless time.
Now that's pretty dang cool! Gives me some ideas. :D
Picked a quart of cranberries out on the tundra. Beautiful fall colors and the air was crisp. Just how I like it.

Aja - congrats on the new house. Very exciting! Good luck with the purging!

Thanks, it's a bigger job than I thought it would be.

I figure I can go one room at a time and get organized in about 10 days. I'm amazed as to how much unusable stuff I am getting rid of. I thought I purged a lot when I sold the bigger house.
I'm home after a 3 day 2000 mile mission to eastern Montana. I hauled an ancient Case backhoe out and a couple of Butler grain bin roofs and parts back to make gazebos.

My brother went along and we had a grand time and a much needed extended visit.
We talked about building and retirement and travel, all those things and more. It truly was a priceless time.

That is really cool...looking. Here in TX sitting under than thing May through September would be like sitting in a toaster oven.
I'm home after a 3 day 2000 mile mission to eastern Montana. I hauled an ancient Case backhoe out and a couple of Butler grain bin roofs and parts back to make gazebos.

My brother went along and we had a grand time and a much needed extended visit.
We talked about building and retirement and travel, all those things and more. It truly was a priceless time.

I have a young rancher friend that wants one of those. He has been talking about for a couple years now. he needs to get the ambition to go get one and bring it to his yard and make it.
Drew up plans to add on to my workshop. DW wanted some changes that will result in more work on my part. My enthusiam has cooled a bit, but I called the county anyway and my conceptual plan meets their codes. Now to get some framing and concrete prices.

That sounds fun!! How much bigger you planning on making it? I always love building projects and keep us updated on the progress.
I have a young rancher friend that wants one of those. He has been talking about for a couple years now. he needs to get the ambition to go get one and bring it to his yard and make it.

I wonder if an angle grinder with a cutting disk can cut that steel. There are a lot of little corn bins around here - haven't seen too many turned into gazebos. Better financially to store grain in them I guess.
Drove over to the ranch today for just a short visit. I walked in most of the way since it had rained, and I don't like to rut up my road. The walk is always a pleasure to do gives me more time to stop and smell the roses and take it all in. The only thing one needs a couple of hours for the trip in and back to truck but I have the time. One step at a time. Lol

Was going to walk in to a spot and bow hunt this evening but still raining.
I wonder if an angle grinder with a cutting disk can cut that steel. There are a lot of little corn bins around here - haven't seen too many turned into gazebos. Better financially to store grain in them I guess.

Good question on what would be the best to do a job like that. An angle grinder would do it, but it would be a job.
That sounds fun!! How much bigger you planning on making it? I always love building projects and keep us updated on the progress.

It's 20x24 now. One plan is to add 28' x 20'.

This all started a few days ago when we went to BIL and SIL's. He has a big pole barn where he stores everything but SIL's car. SIL's car is the only thing in the attached garage.

DW wants the same setup, but I have a lot of yard tools in the 30 x32 attached garage. In addition to truck, Jeep, Polaris, bikes, etc. It's stuffed. DW wants to add on to my workshop so that all yard tools, etc would be put in my new workshop addition.

But a 28'x20' workshop addition won't get me any more workshop space if I put all of the yard stuff in there. I really don't want to do the work and spend the money unless I get more shop space.

So we have a dilemma. I can't see adding a bigger addition. And she doesn't want a new separate building.

I have 2 thoughts now. 1 - Downsize/ declutter the attached garage somewhat to make DW partially happy. 2 - Tear down the existing workshop and build a big pole barn. Around 1500 sf.

I'm leaning toward option 1. But option 1 would include residing and reroofing the existing workshop.
It's 20x24 now. One plan is to add 28' x 20'.

This all started a few days ago when we went to BIL and SIL's. He has a big pole barn where he stores everything but SIL's car. SIL's car is the only thing in the attached garage.

DW wants the same setup, but I have a lot of yard tools in the 30 x32 attached garage. In addition to truck, Jeep, Polaris, bikes, etc. It's stuffed. DW wants to add on to my workshop so that all yard tools, etc would be put in my new workshop addition.

But a 28'x20' workshop addition won't get me any more workshop space if I put all of the yard stuff in there. I really don't want to do the work and spend the money unless I get more shop space.

So we have a dilemma. I can't see adding a bigger addition. And she doesn't want a new separate building.

I have 2 thoughts now. 1 - Downsize/ declutter the attached garage somewhat to make DW partially happy. 2 - Tear down the existing workshop and build a big pole barn. Around 1500 sf.

I'm leaning toward option 1. But option 1 would include residing and reroofing the existing workshop.
Decisions decisions! You got a lot of room to erect a nice pole barn, but I understand the differences. That pole barn would attract a buy someday if you ever wanted to sell the place. In this country I live in everyone wants a pole barn for storing their boats and recreational things.
It's 20x24 now. One plan is to add 28' x 20'.

This all started a few days ago when we went to BIL and SIL's. He has a big pole barn where he stores everything but SIL's car. SIL's car is the only thing in the attached garage.

DW wants the same setup, but I have a lot of yard tools in the 30 x32 attached garage. In addition to truck, Jeep, Polaris, bikes, etc. It's stuffed. DW wants to add on to my workshop so that all yard tools, etc would be put in my new workshop addition.

But a 28'x20' workshop addition won't get me any more workshop space if I put all of the yard stuff in there. I really don't want to do the work and spend the money unless I get more shop space.

So we have a dilemma. I can't see adding a bigger addition. And she doesn't want a new separate building.

I have 2 thoughts now. 1 - Downsize/ declutter the attached garage somewhat to make DW partially happy. 2 - Tear down the existing workshop and build a big pole barn. Around 1500 sf.

I'm leaning toward option 1. But option 1 would include residing and reroofing the existing workshop.

Option 3: stop visiting BIL and SIL. :D:LOL:
the old 14" and 18' bins are no longer workable, they are far too small and just sit and fade away.
that sounds nice pacergal. Is is a membrane deck so it is a good roof, or is it wood over another layer to shed the water?
Oktoberfest sounds delightful.
I am doing some last minute yard work before the deluge comes over the next week or so.

I am not sure about the deck, but I believe the latter.
Oktoberfest was fun, enjoyed a nice hard Apple cider, bratwurst, hot German potato salad and sauerkraut for lunch. Nice time spent with our son.

Today, DH is doing the same, getting summer furniture put away, etc.

So happy for the coming rain!

Today will be spent with DD and DGS again. That little guy is such a hoot!
But option 1 would include residing and reroofing the existing workshop.

I read that wrong. I thought option 1 would result in you residing in the existing workshop.
I’m going to reroof and reside the existing workshop whether I add on to it or not. Metal roof, LP smartside to replace the existing vinyl siding.

Residing in, not residing. As in a large doghouse.
I love retirement. Beach yesterday. Church, nap, dinner today. Binge watching those guys way up in the ANWR. They are permitted to keep their cabins and live in there only until their youngest child chooses to use it. Kids don't want to live in the wilderness? Then the cabins stay empty and fall apart over time. No new people are allowed to go in there and take up residence. In the '80s, I volunteered out in The Alaskan Bush, but not way up there. In the '70s, I taught the kids in summer camp in Florida to shoot. My eyes are so bad by now....
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