What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

yard and garden work today--where are all of the bees?
We have several Lavender plants throughout our yard, normally full of bees this time of year., can hear them buzzing all day long. I have seen two!
I have purposely planted flowering shrubs, native grasses, etc to attract bees and butterflies, normally see tons of them. Hardly any this year.
My tomatoes have not done well, I have one measly wrinkled green tomato and the flowers are falling off (fertilized and watered correctly, plenty of sun).

We have had much cooler nights than normal, hoping as the weather warms more, the bees will come!
Heading a couple hours way to spend the afternoon and evening with the kids. A small western cowboy town to have supper and do some hiking and spend the day outdoors with them. Six-year-old DG is very excited for the day of fun.

Irrigated the garden and lawn this morning. The garden is fantastic this year so far. I have a lot of baseball size tomatoes on but still green.
Had a lovely "ladies day out" with 8 friends - we went shopping in Georgetown, walking around the courthouse square, then lunch. Only bummer was that one friend's husband still will not let her dine inside restaurants, so we had to sit outside in the 100 degree heat. At least we had shade and a breeze. A good time was had by all.
Went for a hike and got carried away. Wanted to do 5 miles. Ended up at 10.7 miles. With 1015' vertical gain which is a lot for an Illinois hike.
Yes it is! I m still battling the blackberries at work. This evening I will go knock down those asphalt grindings.
Walked the dog at the beach and rushed home because I thought I had a 9am meeting with the president of a local community group I work with. Quickly made myself and DH our new favorite breakfast - avocado toast with a poached egg on top. Got to the meeting place right at 9am and checked my phone... DOH! Meeting wasn't till 10:30am. Returned home and did chores till the actual meeting time. At the end of the meeting was asked if I'd be interested in running for President. That's a HARD no.

Came home and finished up work related to the meeting topic. Did not break any appliances nor clear any blackberries.
I also went for a back country hike early this morning. I ran into this fawn that was hiding and its twin was there but in taller grass. Snapped a couple of pictures and left. I ran into a few more does bedded in heavier cover I'm sure they had a new born close by also.


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We were both reminded once again why we left the Washington, D.C. area 20 years ago. Had to go to a memorial service for one of my nephews (diabetic, didn't take care of it, his passing was not a surprise) and thus had to drive down I-270 and I-495 to Greenbelt, MD. All in all though we were lucky as far as traffic went but saw huge backups going in the opposite directions on the way in and the way out.

No apparent reason for it, just too many cars and not enough roadway. I sincerely hope that when all the politicians who approved the overbuilding pass on, they are condemned to spend eternity sitting in stopped traffic. With full bladders.
I am super glad to have left the L.A. traffic behind. :D

Today spent an hour and a half with the chain saw on a pole. Trimmed branches closer to the ground than 6 feet, mostly dead branches, on a Pine tree. Not quite on my property I think it is BLM land. But for sure in my sphere of influence, next to my driveway. Improved my defensible space for wild fire.

Guess I need to have some kind of exercise program. My shoulders and arms are feeling a bit sore and worn out. :LOL:
Guess I need to have some kind of exercise program. My shoulders and arms are feeling a bit sore and worn out. :LOL:

The problem with an exercise program is that it makes you sore and worn out, not to mention being work.:)
I fired up the Ram truck and the forklift, and took off the canopy in preparation for camping this summer. I'll get the rails and 5th wheel hitch in shortly.
I also went for a back country hike early this morning. I ran into this fawn that was hiding and its twin was there but in taller grass. Snapped a couple of pictures and left. I ran into a few more does bedded in heavier cover I'm sure they had a new born close by also.

Nice pics of that fawn!! Saw one here a few days ago.
We had a doe about 15' away out the dining room window the other day.

She got a little nervous as we moved about, and relocated to the neighbor's yard.

I see deer sign at the new property but I have not seen them there yet. I hope we do.
Kids and grands will be coming over for Father Day celebration, baking or smoking Salmon, haven't decided which.
Did the masking-off for the foundation wall painting job tomorrow. I'll use the airless sprayer and probably be done with it all in perhaps an hour to an hour and a half including removing the masking.
Did the masking-off for the foundation wall painting job tomorrow. I'll use the airless sprayer and probably be done with it all in perhaps an hour to an hour and a half including removing the masking.

That does not sound too bad. But, how long did masking take? Prep is key as you know.

I finished changing the interior red wall to swiss coffee. Patched a bunch of holes, primer, 2 top coats. OK, still needs a tiny touch up, but looks good. The perfect cannot be the enemy of the good. On to the other walls which are much lighter colors thankfully.
That does not sound too bad. But, how long did masking take? Prep is key as you know.

I think masking took about two hours or so. The only reason I didn't spray today was that I tried to use an old half-gallon of paint, even strained it, but it was continually clogging the spray tip. By the time I got that figured out and the sprayer all cleaned up to start over again I was just too tired to fool with it any longer today. But having learned my lesson and refreshed my memory of what needs to be done when with the airless sprayer, I anticipate spraying tomorrow will go relatively quick and easy. The hard part is behind me now.
Took my son and grandkids (6, 16 and 18) on a whirlwind vacay to Florida. Universal, Disney, Gatorland, plus a stay at a resort with a water park. Expensive but worth it to see their enjoyment. Blow that dough!
Finished spray painting the foundation walls and got everything all cleaned up, the masking removed and such. Now my back hurts so much I think I'm not going to do anything more energetic than retrieve the mail for the next couple of days. The actual painting took maybe an hour, but the work is in masking and cleanup. Still faster than rolling or brushing I think. Oh, and I managed to spill a half-gallon of paint on the grass. One of my more expensive spills if you've priced paint lately.

BTW, I meant to mention yesterday that a neat masking tool is the 3M hand masking tool for masking off joints. Normally I'm not real enthused about gadgets for painting as there is an endless supply of those, many of dubious value, but this one is a real time saver.
Coffe run to the usual place, some BS with the usual suspects. Back home trimmed some bushes. Now getting hot 85F. done with outdoor stuff. Tomorrow more pleasant 70 ies.
I took apart a small toaster oven that was a $5 thrift store purchase. It works but had been smoking a bit. Couldn't find anything wrong except a thin layer of baked on grease on the inside of the case. I tried to wash it off. Much of it was too baked in. I think I got some of it off but the color was baked into the finish. Reassembled it and tested it at 450, max temp setting, A oven thermometer confirmed the temperature is close enough. I've found messing with these little ovens that the longer they are on the closer they get to the set temperature. There was no visible smoke. The slight odor is probably now within what is normal for such an appliance. Just stuff that an insomniac does at 1am when everybody else is sleeping
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I finished cutting the blackberries and brush, and I've unloaded the mini excavator and balled it all up and placed it on the other side of the chain link fence. It's my natural concertina wire.
The entire fence line is guarded by blackberries except for this one little area, and the crooks have cut through the fence there three times now.
If they come back they're going to find it less inviting.
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