What Is Your Favorite Scary Movie?


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Jun 11, 2008
Thought I'd ask seeing tomorrow is Halloween and all.

I prefer suspense over blood and gore.

An example that comes to mind is a movie like the original Stepford Wives.
Many favorites, but one of them was the remake of Cape Fear.
Also for an individual scene was near the end of the first Friday the 13th, when the boy pops out of the water.
I also like the Body Snatchers movies. The original I think from the 1950s, then the one later with Donald Sutherland. Not so much the later remake that had Nicole Kidman.
Jaws, Alien, and Aliens. Not traditional Halloween fare. But darn scary to me.
Halloween I original 1978 is incredible with the cinematography and suspense. We watch that every year, as well as our all time favorite Rocky Horror Picture Show. Such excellent music and a bit of gore.
When a Stranger Calls (IIRC)
Night of the Living Dead. The car in the movie was the exact car I had in college.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe — 2016 movie. very creepy. cast includes Emile Hirsch and Brian Cox, great Scottish actor
The was this movie that scared the heck out of me when I was a teen. I don't know the exact name of it. I want to say "The Overcoat" but that may just be the translation as I think the movie was in French with English subtitles.

Anyhow. The plot was about this elderly hobo who had this overcoat to stay warm. But one day he gets killed by these thugs who takes his coat. Then later he comes back as a ghost and haunts those who killed him.

Wish I knew the movie name. But maybe better that I don't.
In my opinion, the original Night of the Living Dead is the best horror film ever made. Still works if you watch it today. 28 Days Later is very good as well.
Halloween I original 1978 is incredible with the cinematography and suspense. We watch that every year, as well as our all time favorite Rocky Horror Picture Show. Such excellent music and a bit of gore.

My brother in law was the cinematographer for Halloween. It was filmed all around my neighborhood.
classic Hitchcock--The Birds
I am not a fan of scary movies, though, and really do not like the blood and guts ones.
None. I don’t see the appeal of scaring yourself?

I did see Silence of the Lambs, that’s as close to a scary movie as I’ve seen - and that was 32 years ago. And The Exorcist 50 years ago.
Have to confess, I prefer scary movies and action movies. I always have a hard time classifying anything as "the best" so I usually go with top 3. Here are mine:
The Haunting (original)
John Carpenter's The Thing

Honorable mention to a non-traditional, but very scary to me, classic movie: Bad Seed.
So many mentioned here and Psycho as well. But recently, the series "The Fall of the House of Usher" incorporates current events and the Sackler family. Makes one think of the ethics of our society as Poe did so well. Pretty gory in parts but the line is blurred between good and evil.
Not exactly a horror movie (well, Dwight Yoakam is actually pretty creepy in it), but another good suspenseful movie that comes to mind is Panic Room.

For the trivia folks (you probably already know), Nichole Kidman was originally cast as the character played by Jodie Foster but suffered an injury so had to cancel. I can see Nichole in that role, and Jodie did a fantastic job.
For a scary fun Halloween type movie I like Fright Night with Chris Sarandon as the alluring vampire and Roddy McDowall as the timid vampire hunter. There's a 2011 remake I need to watch too.
For a scary fun Halloween type movie I like Fright Night with Chris Sarandon as the alluring vampire and Roddy McDowall as the timid vampire hunter. There's a 2011 remake I need to watch too.

+++ The original is best. I didn't like the remake. DH and I look at each other every so often and say "But you've got to have faith!" Classic vampire quote:LOL:

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