What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

Contractors and developers that don't plan ahead. Just got an email that a new house being built next to us doesn't have sewer run to their lot. This is the developer that is doing the construction and built the subdivision. Now they have to dig up my front yard and possibly bust my driveway to run a sewer line to the new house. They have promised to redo my yard and driveway to as new with new grass sod.
But why didn't they run the sewer line when they were laying out the street? This is in a planned retirement community so every lot was planned.
But it's not only the developer. The cable company and gas company only runs a line to each house as they sign up that customer. So each time they have to dig up someone's yard for the new service.

Get lots of pictures from all angles, before they tear it up.
Mentioned earlier... We have a new neighbor. They built a monster 4500 sq/ft house as close to the property line as legally allowed and removed all vegetation right up to the property line. Well now they've moved in and THEY HAVE A DOG! Sheesh. It barks all the time. I've been woken up the last three mornings by the dog barking. We usually have deer and other wildlife visiting our property. Now I wonder if they'll avoid coming around because of the dog.

For what it's worth, our neighbor on the east side of us has three dogs. We almost never hear her dogs. If other neighbors have dogs they're well behaved.

Yesterday the new neighbor was blasting music outside too. Thankfully that has not been a regular thing so far.

I'm in the process of building a fence which should give us a bit of visual privacy again. Unfortunately it won't help with noise issues...
I started going to the local car wash about 8 years ago when a basic wash was $3, with free vacuums and free use of microfiber towels. It went up to $5, then it got sold and the new owners raised it to $7. Today, it was $10. I feel like the story of the frog in the pot of water that gets hotter by degrees and the frog doesn't know it's being cooked until it's too late.

I can deal with rising prices if the service is there, but today the teenager directing me into the car wash kept waving me forward while staring at his phone in the other direction - they normally direct you to steer left or right to align your wheels with the guide rails. Then he gave the front of the truck a half-assed squirt, along with the left front quarter panel and didn't even look at the passenger side (they claim they hose off "problem areas"). One quarter of their vacuums were missing hoses or had no suction.

I need to find a new car wash, or LBYM and do it myself. My problem is, my water is so hard it leaves a million water spots.
Fees on top of fees. Just booked an AirBnB in Kauai and the fees and taxes are incredible. Like $300 cleaning fee, $300 service fee, 15% tax on everything including cleaning fee. :facepalm:

First world problem, I know, but wow.
I need to find a new car wash, or LBYM and do it myself. My problem is, my water is so hard it leaves a million water spots.

I find that high quality microfiber towels do a great job of drying my car off when I'm done washing it. Never a water spot.
Modern gasoline pumps with video screens that blast commercials and totally useless fluff at me while I wait for my tank to fill up.
Modern gasoline pumps with video screens that blast commercials and totally useless fluff at me while I wait for my tank to fill up.

If you’ve ever seen these video ads on gas station pumps, you know how annoying they can be. They blast at loud volumes (because how else are you going to hear it over all the cars nearby?) and they startle you when you were expecting silence from a tool that’s usually been silent your whole life.

I seldom buy gasoline anymore but when I do I'm not blasted by adds.
Fees on top of fees. Just booked an AirBnB in Kauai and the fees and taxes are incredible. Like $300 cleaning fee, $300 service fee, 15% tax on everything including cleaning fee. :facepalm:

First world problem, I know, but wow.

Wait until you try to reserve a rental car there.:facepalm:

To continue the quote from the article:

Whether your pump advertises it or not, however, there’s a handy way to shut the dang thing up. There’s an array of buttons along the side of the screen. One of these buttons (usually) mutes the ads. Which one is anyone’s guess, as different companies choose a different mute button.

If this works, this will have been one of the most useful posts here on ER.org this year!
Modern gasoline pumps with video screens that blast commercials and totally useless fluff at me while I wait for my tank to fill up.

I have literally stopped pumping gas and been like "welp $5 gonna have to be enough" because of one of those. I pretty much always use Costco anyway, and they don't have these, so it's jarring when you hear a voice behind you that you aren't expecting.
Wait until you try to reserve a rental car there.:facepalm:
Already did. Costco's lowest price for 10 days was $513, I got a Hertz midsize for a hundred dollars less using an old employee discount number from when Mega owned Hertz. Now, if only the car actually is there when we go.........
Murphy's Law. It's not only bread that lands butter-side down when dropped. I was in the middle of covering an R/C airplane when the X-acto knife I was using rolled off the bench. Naturally it landed pointy-end down. On my foot. And of course I'm on an anti-coagulant (AKA "blood thinner").

Not wanting to stop what I'm doing I hope my fabric sneaker was enough of an impediment and I keep working. When have time a few minutes later I look down and see from the red stain that nope, it wasn't enough. Dang. Oh well, at least it didn't hit an artery or something important, it's only a slow leak and a band-aid seems to be enough. I hope I'm not wearing a band-aid on my foot for the next month though.
Already did. Costco's lowest price for 10 days was $513, I got a Hertz midsize for a hundred dollars less using an old employee discount number from when Mega owned Hertz. Now, if only the car actually is there when we go.........

That's great! I have been hearing of $100/day minimums in the islands.
The noise of incessant leafblowers used by landscapers. Every day...seemingly all day, sometimes 3 or 4 at a time.
GalaxyBoy said:
To continue the quote from the article:

If this works, this will have been one of the most useful posts here on ER.org this year!

Absolutely. GB may soon be on my list of Dangerous radicals who infest this site.
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USB 3.0 Micro-B connections. Just the slightest of movements cause these to disconnect from external USB 3.0 hard drives. :mad:

The creator of this connector type must have been in a bad mood the day this was designed.
Media references to Covid immunization. They are all calling it a "jab". Yikes! They could call it a "shot." (In our family we jokingly referred to going out to get "shot") I prefer immunization personally. It's a global description. Vaccination was the word coined for smallpox vaccine with the vaccinia virus but now is synonymous with immunization. But using the word "jab" is awful-it sound violent.

:LOL: :LOL::D Brit Thing. DW thinks it's kinda cool. Rather than getting shot er 'a shot' I mean.


Heh heh heh - ;)
Already did. Costco's lowest price for 10 days was $513, I got a Hertz midsize for a hundred dollars less using an old employee discount number from when Mega owned Hertz. Now, if only the car actually is there when we go.........

Let's hope it is not like ours... we flew into one island and they had our car reserved on a different one!!! ANNNNND, they directed me to this by showing the 'savings' I was going to get!!!!

An hour on the phone and waiting some more they FINALLY got it fixed... at first they did not want to as it was 'prepaid' and not refundable, but I think they finally realized it was their fault not mine...

The guy at the counter said it happens all the time!! But, he decided to upgrade me to a convertible so I was happy in the end even though I had to pay the extra $200 for the rental
This may be more of a British/Canadian thing but people who say "floor" when they really mean ground.

"Little johnny was eating an ice cream cone in the cornfield and it fell on the floor"

No, it bl**dy didn't.

It fell on the ground. :mad:
Contractors and developers that don't plan ahead. Just got an email that a new house being built next to us doesn't have sewer run to their lot. This is the developer that is doing the construction and built the subdivision. Now they have to dig up my front yard and possibly bust my driveway to run a sewer line to the new house. They have promised to redo my yard and driveway to as new with new grass sod.
But why didn't they run the sewer line when they were laying out the street? This is in a planned retirement community so every lot was planned.
But it's not only the developer. The cable company and gas company only runs a line to each house as they sign up that customer. So each time they have to dig up someone's yard for the new service.
That’s pretty outrageous!

In our development the developer puts in sewer and water mains, fire hydrants, gas and cable and transformers whenever they add a new road.

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