What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

No I have not. Is the character different in the books?

I haven't watched the TV series, (yet), but the Bosch character has been around since 1992.

From Wiki:
Bosch's mother was a prostitute in Hollywood and was murdered in 1961 (10/28/61) when Bosch was 11 years old. His father, whom he met later in life, was Mickey Haller, Sr., a prominent defense attorney known for representing mobster Mickey Cohen among other clients. Bosch spent his youth in various orphanages, youth halls, and the occasional foster family. When he learned of his mother's murder, Bosch, then living at a youth hall, dived to the bottom of the pool, screamed until he ran out of air and then swam back to the surface. This event is referenced in several Bosch novels. He joined the United States Army when he was seventeen years old, after getting his foster father to sign the enlistment papers that gave his consent for his minor foster son.

In Vietnam, Bosch was a "tunnel rat" (nicknamed Hari Kari Bosch), with the 1st Infantry Division—a specialized soldier whose job it was to go into the maze of tunnels used as barracks, hospitals, and on some occasions, morgues, by the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army.[1] While in the enemy tunnels, the Tunnel Rats would kill enemy soldiers they encountered, gather documents for analysis by military intelligence, and then plant C-4 high explosive charges that they would set to detonate after they exited the tunnels. Once, while on R&R leave in Hawaii, Bosch went AWOL but returned to his unit and served two tours of duty in Vietnam.


So, (if the series holds true to the novels), I can see where the character might be "Hard to relate to" if one is unaware of the history/background.
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We discovered The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon. A new season starts on December 5...

DW did also. We started them back at the beginning. Good stuff. Not caught up yet.
I haven't watched the TV series, (yet), but the Bosch character has been around since 1992.

From Wiki:


So, (if the series holds true to the novels), I can see where the character might be "Hard to relate to" if one is unaware of the history/background.

I haven't read the books and would guess the series doesn't go into as much detail but as the series progresses they do add in bits and pieces of his past, especially concerning his childhood (mother, foster homes) and military.
If you like creepy, but interesting characters and gradual shock (I'd never heard of this book before the series) Perfume. It has the "Eeewww" factor but is well developed.
Just finished first season of Bosch. It's a good police show but not in the league of say The Wire. Interestingly, at least two major actors from the latter have significant roles in Bosch. The title character is hard to relate to imho but maybe that's intentional.

Harry Bosch is a deeply flawed character and that might be why he comes across as unrelatable. This series has grown on us over time and it one of our favorites. In addition, there seem to be frequent nods to Michael Mann in how the show's producers have chosen to film on location in L.A.

IMO, it would be a heavy lift for any cop series to be in the same league as The Wire. Having said that, we find Bosch to be a rock-solid police procedural series.
Harry Bosch is a deeply flawed character and that might be why he comes across as unrelatable. This series has grown on us over time and it one of our favorites. In addition, there seem to be frequent nods to Michael Mann in how the show's producers have chosen to film on location in L.A.

IMO, it would be a heavy lift for any cop series to be in the same league as The Wire. Having said that, we find Bosch to be a rock-solid police procedural series.

Is Bosch "deeply flawed" not IMHO. I feel the disconnect is that each series is comprised of at least two or three Bosch novels and it's the novels that show Bosch's true character and compassion. Too much of the real "Harry" is omitted in the TV series.
What new series are you watching?

Valley of the BOOM on National Geographic Network. It’s a docudrama about the early days of the internet, but it kinda starts with the Netscape IPO around 1994 so it feels like a lot is missing.
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I'm rewatching season one of Fargo on Hula. I watched it 3 years ago or so when on FX but I thought it was good enough for another visit. Billy Bob Thornton plays an evil part better than most.
On a much lighter note, is anyone else watching The Masked Singer? I am hooked. It's such a crazy, silly thing, and I'm sure I won't know most of the "celebrities" when they finally unmask them all, but somehow it's just what I needed this year.
I watched the first 2 episodes of Project Blue Book on the History Channel. Based on investigations made by the Air Force concerning UFOs back in the 50's and 60's. Has a little X-Files air to it. Probably not for everyone.

I'm rewatching season one of Fargo on Hula. I watched it 3 years ago or so when on FX but I thought it was good enough for another visit. Billy Bob Thornton plays an evil part better than most.
I have been watching "Stranger Things" on Netflix. It reminds me of the old Goonies movie in some ways and is a cross between Goonies and ET. Not too spooky, but just enough to keep your interest.
I watched the first 2 episodes of Project Blue Book on the History Channel. Based on investigations made by the Air Force concerning UFOs back in the 50's and 60's. Has a little X-Files air to it. Probably not for everyone.

Me too. Excellent so far!
Not new but we started watching Boston Legal again on Hulu. Hilarious, the major actors have great lines. Kind of a parody of legal shows, as the Orville is to Star Trek.
Game of Thrones started last night. They’re showing one épisode a week, i think. If you wait until they’re all out, they do a free 1-week subscription... HBO.
Roman Empire on Netflix, series 3 is about Caligula. Excellent.

Traitors is about the post WW2 recruitment of a spy by US intelligence operating in Britain. A young woman is tasked with finding Soviet spies in the British government.
Series 3 of Unforgotten is now streaming on PBS Passport and airing on Sundays on Masterpiece Mystery. The first two seasons were outstanding IMHO and the third is starting out very good, as well.
I recently re-watch True Detective 1st season, 2nd is bull ****, aiming to try 3rd one which released in early in 2019 - anyone seen it? Glad to hear any impressions from watching!


Season 3 started out with great promise. But faded miserably down the stretch. I wouldn’t bother. Loved season one.
Not new but we started watching Boston Legal again on Hulu. Hilarious, the major actors have great lines. Kind of a parody of legal shows, as the Orville is to Star Trek.

Boston Legal came to Amazon last month. Never having seen it, I started watching it. While I was entertained, it seems to be a be of a parody, a bit satirical. Basically, a farce. I doubt that lawyers talk trash and sexually harass each other on a daily basis. Nor do they bed hop with each other and talk about it with colleagues. The show should be named "Glamorous, Sexy Law."

I remember watching and enjoying LA Law in the 80's. That was a bit farcical but had very serious stories as well. Still, looking back now, it seems too yuppie-ish, and concerned itself with first world legal problems. (Think most of Arnie Becker's divorce cases.)

Needing my legal TV scratch to be itched, I've found "The Practice" on Amazon. This is more like it. Gritty, realistic lawyering with moral dilemmas and relateable characters who are not prima donna, wealthy snobs. Really liking it. If you watch, be warned it is not in high definition, but the stories are worth ignoring that fault.
Game of Thrones started last night. They’re showing one épisode a week, i think. If you wait until they’re all out, they do a free 1-week subscription... HBO.

I feel so left out when people take about GOT. It's like i'm the only person who hasn't seen every episode and knows every character.

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