What was your COVID news for the day?

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Are they asking people returning from other countries to self-isolate? Still can't get over the fact my cousin is pulling a shift in patient care at a London hospital 3 days after returning from 10 days in Spain.

Yes, I believe so. They have also ramped up testing, with healthcare workers being tested and retested.


At the moment only people in hospital are being routinely tested, so if you have symptoms and you are not sure if you have the virus, you may well not be able to find out.
As of 19 March, 64,621 people in the UK had been tested for coronavirus. The number of tests has been rising from just over 1,000 a day at the end of February, when testing began, to more than 6,000 per day by mid-March.
The government plans to increase this to 10,000 a day initially, with a goal of reaching 25,000 tests a day within four weeks.
Strange grocery shopping days.. We are at high risk and had been self quarantined for 2 weeks, running out of milk, bread, etc. I do the Walmart pick up, had been trying for days to get an order slot, finally got one yesterday by going online in the middle of the night. Just picked it up, several things substituted but OK, mostly got a larger size or better quality. 3 things totally out--sausage, margarine and Arnold Palmer Tea (DH's favorite). They pulled my broccoli out of the trunk and said it had been "recalled." Maybe someone coughed on it? The weirdest thing is I had ordered 24 eggs--I got a large package of eggs--72 eggs! We will never eat that many-- I am texting neighbors now to see if anyone wants some eggs. For those on the Forum who live in the Chapel Hill NC area --do you want some eggs??
Yes, I believe so. They have also ramped up testing, with healthcare workers being tested and retested.


I think not... my cousin has been posting all over FB that she was stuck in Spain and will be working at a hospital in hands on patient care. 3 days after landing in London. I don't understand how this is even possible. It's reckless.
I think not... my cousin has been posting all over FB that she was stuck in Spain and will be working at a hospital in hands on patient care. 3 days after landing in London. I don't understand how this is even possible. It's reckless.

“Will be working” so she is not working yet so you can’t say for sure that she will be working without being tested.
Strange grocery shopping days.. We are at high risk and had been self quarantined for 2 weeks, running out of milk, bread, etc. I do the Walmart pick up, had been trying for days to get an order slot, finally got one yesterday by going online in the middle of the night. Just picked it up, several things substituted but OK, mostly got a larger size or better quality. 3 things totally out--sausage, margarine and Arnold Palmer Tea (DH's favorite). They pulled my broccoli out of the trunk and said it had been "recalled." Maybe someone coughed on it? The weirdest thing is I had ordered 24 eggs--I got a large package of eggs--72 eggs! We will never eat that many-- I am texting neighbors now to see if anyone wants some eggs. For those on the Forum who live in the Chapel Hill NC area --do you want some eggs??

My experience too... Wal Mart is spending a lot of money subbing out grocery orders. and they charge you for only 24 eggs right?

I got a lot of subs on my last order and Walmart lost money on every one them. And yes you do need to order as soon as the clock turns 12.
“Will be working” so she is not working yet so you can’t say for sure that she will be working without being tested.

Yes they could test her and sent her home, but they certainly did not tell her to self isolate when returning from Spain. I hope to high heaven she doesn't make some poor soul in a hospital bed sick.

Wonder how long it takes to do a test..I guess a temp check would be sufficient for some who hadn't been out of the country.
My experience too... Wal Mart is spending a lot of money subbing out grocery orders. and they charge you for only 24 eggs right?

I got a lot of subs on my last order and Walmart lost money on every one them. And yes you do need to order as soon as the clock turns 12.

Yes I only paid for 24 eggs and got 72 eggs. My total order charge was around $60 but I bet what I got was over $100 worth of food. Maybe Walmart wants us all to love pick up so that when this is all over we will continue using it. Of course I have been doing Walmart pick up for about 6 months.
Pa here. Governor shut down ALL the booze retail stores couple days ago. Grocery stores that sell booze are allowed to keep selling it. However..... the clerk at the grocery store booze kiosk told me they ordered more wine, but they don't know if they will be sent any more wine, since the wine comes from the state-run machine. The beer at grocery stores will continue to be available, thank goodness (unless they sell out!!) It's higher priced than the same beer I used to get a my regular beer store, but at least it is available. The cheap wine was almost all sold out.

I stocked up our wine as soon as we got here.

There is wine.com.
Senior centers and adult day care centers are now closed. Non-essential businesses that are refusing to comply with safe practices were warned that they are subject to be ordered closed if they don't start complying.

DD was supposed to work today. They called her off again. She's worked about 4 1/2 hours this week, as compared to her usual 40. Just a data point to illustrate how brutal this is for restaurant workers who haven't been laid off or furloughed.
Yes they could test her and sent her home, but they certainly did not tell her to self isolate when returning from Spain. I hope to high heaven she doesn't make some poor soul in a hospital bed sick.

Wonder how long it takes to do a test..I guess a temp check would be sufficient for some who hadn't been out of the country.

My sister was tested in hospital a few days ago. There were 2 tests, one took less than 4 hours and she was released home, the second test they called a slow culture test and over 24 hours later they called her to tell her she was also clear on that test as well. Turned out she has pleurisy, similar symptoms to Covid19. She has been self isolating at home and they sent out a nurse for a couple of days to take blood samples. She expects to go back to work next week.
I’m still learning to adjust to the new normal here. Occasional trip for groceries, one short walk a day for fresh air, and otherwise home bound.

It occurred to me that at some point I’m going to need a haircut but the barber shops are all closed. I guess I’ll have to learn to do it myself.
I have been wanting to let my hair grow out so I am letting it grow. DH is threatening to grow a beard but I told him he could not that it might harbor the virus.
Today Publix (SE region grocery chain, dominant in Florida) announced they are not going to give refunds to hoard-shoppers:

"We encourage you to purchase only what you need—and not to stockpile. At this time, we are suspending refunds on products purchased during this declared emergency. We will of course continue to honor our Publix Guarantee for any products that do not meet our quality standards."
It occurred to me that at some point I’m going to need a haircut but the barber shops are all closed. I guess I’ll have to learn to do it myself.

For years DW has wanted to give me a haircut (to save the $20/month at Sportclips). She may get her wish this month, but the deal will be I get to cut HER hair. :D
I have been wanting to let my hair grow out so I am letting it grow. DH is threatening to grow a beard but I told him he could not that it might harbor the virus.
Beyond harboring the virus, I noticed I tend to touch my face even more than usual when I have a bit of a beard growing. Actually, I was amazed just how often I touch my face/hair.
btw the beard thing is not really true. It's an older graphic designed to show facial styles best for if you had to wear a face mask/respirator. It's from 2017.

It doesn't imply that facial hair stores the virus (and while it might or might not, that's not what the CDC is saying.) And yes if shaving it means you touch your face less, great, but again, the CDC has not said "shave for covid."

Oh and if you are self-isolating please let's keep up hygiene and basic grooming, if not for yourself but for your spouse/partner! I cut DH's hair yesterday for the first time ever because I have to look at it.
Yes I only paid for 24 eggs and got 72 eggs. My total order charge was around $60 but I bet what I got was over $100 worth of food. Maybe Walmart wants us all to love pick up so that when this is all over we will continue using it. Of course I have been doing Walmart pick up for about 6 months.

Eggs will keep for many weeks past the expire date.

You could also crack some into a freezer bag mix them up and freeze them for up to 1 year. :flowers:
My experience too... Walmart is spending a lot of money subbing out grocery orders. and they charge you for only 24 eggs right?

I got a lot of subs on my last order and Walmart lost money on every one them. And yes you do need to order as soon as the clock turns 12.

My experience also. My last order I got subs on several things. You get the price of what you ordered if the substitution is a higher price. But, if the substitution is cheaper you pay the lesser price.

Several things were just cancelled altogether -- I guess they had no good substitution items -- and I wasn't charged for those.
Even being an old geezer, I still am going to hug and smooch my DW. We are in this together :cool:

Yep, same here. I'm more likely to get it from my wife anyway since she interacts with more people every day at work. I'll die from COVID before I'll stop hugging and kissing. :)

My daughter texted me today and said the assisted living she works at might have their first case of COVID. Waiting for the test results, but that's getting a little close to home. She gave us notice today that she won't risk visiting us for a while.

Audrey mentioned stocking up on wine. Here in Washington state I have not seen any decline in beer, wine, or liquor supplies. Kind of surprised me actually, I figured everyone would be stuck at home getting drunk. :)
NY shut all but essential services. Fortunately liquor stores and cannabis dispensaries are on the list of essential services.

Got to get my MM card renewed. :LOL:
And now it’s here, in my cozy little suburb.

A parent of students in our high school has a confirmed case of the virus. The entire family is quarantined. No news yet on how they got it or where they have been around town.

We also are the location of one of the GoJo plants. They manufacture Purell. Earlier it was reported that one of their workers may have the virus.

It’s possible these reports are the same person but I doubt it, I think we have 2 local cases.

Darn scary. We are trying to be careful and not crazy. If cases are starting to be confirmed then the virus may have been here for a few weeks already.
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Greetings from Spain, where DW and I are locked down.

We are only allowed out to go and buy food, or walk the dog, and we don't have a dog. And if you do take the dog out, you're meant to go straight home when it's pooped.

No jogging or recreational cycling is allowed. If stopped by the police you need to be able to show that you are on the way to or from a food store or pharmacy reasonably near your home.

Only one person is allowed out to go shopping. Couples walking in the street, or cars with more than one person in them, are being stopped.

This started last week Saturday, and we have at least another week to go; in practice we are expecting it to be extended until Easter Sunday (April 12), because Spain normally has huge parades during the week leading up to Easter.

COVID-19 cases continue to rise, because the incubation period of around 7 days means that we are still seeing the results of contacts that took place before the lockdown started. However, on Friday we "only" had 3,433 new cases against 3,308 on Thursday, so I have a glimmer of hope that maybe the exponential growth is starting to level off --- I'll be looking for a day with fewer new cases than the one before. (Of course, comparing numbers like this assumes that the testing strategy remains broadly the same over time.)
Watched the national news tonight which states that healthcare will be rationed if overwhelmed. It’s one more reason for people to stay home.
Greetings from Spain, where DW and I are locked down.

We are only allowed out to go and buy food, or walk the dog, and we don't have a dog. And if you do take the dog out, you're meant to go straight home when it's pooped.

No jogging or recreational cycling is allowed. If stopped by the police you need to be able to show that you are on the way to or from a food store or pharmacy reasonably near your home.

Only one person is allowed out to go shopping. Couples walking in the street, or cars with more than one person in them, are being stopped.

This started last week Saturday, and we have at least another week to go; in practice we are expecting it to be extended until Easter Sunday (April 12), because Spain normally has huge parades during the week leading up to Easter.

COVID-19 cases continue to rise, because the incubation period of around 7 days means that we are still seeing the results of contacts that took place before the lockdown started. However, on Friday we "only" had 3,433 new cases against 3,308 on Thursday, so I have a glimmer of hope that maybe the exponential growth is starting to level off --- I'll be looking for a day with fewer new cases than the one before. (Of course, comparing numbers like this assumes that the testing strategy remains broadly the same over time.)

Very scary. I hope you are doing OK. Thanks for checking in with us. Please keep us up to date on developments in Spain. I’m sure what you are experiencing now is similar to what we are about to see.
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