What was your COVID news for the day?

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Watched the national news tonight which states that healthcare will be rationed if overwhelmed. It’s one more reason for people to stay home.

Was that before or after they announced the shocking new discovery that water is wet?
My wife called MIL's doctor office to cancel a scheduled appointment for a regular checkup for MIL in 2 weeks. The clerk told my wife that the risk of the virus was still low in the state, and talked her into keeping the appointment. She said the office had set up to process the patients with cold and flu in late hours, and letting them through a different entrance to avoid contaminating the normal waiting room.

I guess my wife can call and cancel if things get worse in 2 weeks, which I am afraid that it will. There were 44 cases in the state last night, 65 earlier today, and 71 as I just checked. That exponential curve is moving to the upper right corner.
I just got an e-mail from my church that someone in the church on March 8 has tested positive. I was also there on March 8. I thought I was staying away from others to protect myself. Maybe it was to protect the others. It is getting close to 14 days, so maybe no issue.
COVID-19 Tracking project

Now that testing is starting to ramp up so is the number of positive tests. Given the low number of total tests to date it looks like the number of positive results will continue to rise for a while. With all the shelter in place orders hopefully we'll see a flattening of the curve soon.

The next earliest grocery pick up order I could place is Monday. I have no idea how much of the order will be filled even then so I'm trying to stretch out our produce to last until Monday and maybe beyond.

Today I learned the tough stalks of asparagus actually aren't half bad grated and stir fried in sesame oil.
Watched the national news tonight which states that healthcare will be rationed if overwhelmed. It’s one more reason for people to stay home.

Was that before or after they announced the shocking new discovery that water is wet?

Some people have to be told that. They probably believe this virus thing is all a hoax, and besides that, the right to a hospital room is guaranteed in this country.

PS. I just saw the above in a newscast on Youtube.
Thanks NW. if it inspires even one person to stay home it helps.
Greetings from Spain, where DW and I are locked down.

We are only allowed out to go and buy food, or walk the dog, and we don't have a dog. And if you do take the dog out, you're meant to go straight home when it's pooped.

No jogging or recreational cycling is allowed. If stopped by the police you need to be able to show that you are on the way to or from a food store or pharmacy reasonably near your home.

Only one person is allowed out to go shopping. Couples walking in the street, or cars with more than one person in them, are being stopped.

We need to do something like this. Admittedly, I'll miss my long walk and recreational cycling, both providing exercise. Perhaps I can walk in circles in my back yard.

Not joking here. I was out on my bike and the park greenway was crammed with all kinds of chummy groups. No distancing at all. Too crowded, even outside.

It is gonna get worse if people don't stop this spreading madness.
Greetings from Spain, where DW and I are locked down.

We are only allowed out to go and buy food, or walk the dog, and we don't have a dog. And if you do take the dog out, you're meant to go straight home when it's pooped.

No jogging or recreational cycling is allowed. If stopped by the police you need to be able to show that you are on the way to or from a food store or pharmacy reasonably near your home.

Only one person is allowed out to go shopping. Couples walking in the street, or cars with more than one person in them, are being stopped.

This started last week Saturday, and we have at least another week to go; in practice we are expecting it to be extended until Easter Sunday (April 12), because Spain normally has huge parades during the week leading up to Easter.

COVID-19 cases continue to rise, because the incubation period of around 7 days means that we are still seeing the results of contacts that took place before the lockdown started. However, on Friday we "only" had 3,433 new cases against 3,308 on Thursday, so I have a glimmer of hope that maybe the exponential growth is starting to level off --- I'll be looking for a day with fewer new cases than the one before. (Of course, comparing numbers like this assumes that the testing strategy remains broadly the same over time.)

Similar to the situation in France, except that going out one by one to get some fresh air and exercise is still allowed (Some doctors are calling to take away that privilege, others say that people's mental health must be taken into account and that fresh air and exercise are basic necessities). If we do get out to exercise, we need to keep it short, we cannot stray more than a few hundred yards from home, we cannot stop anywhere (like parks, benches, etc...), and we cannot get close to anyone else.

We are on day 5 of confinement here. I went to pick up some food at a grocery store drive-thru yesterday. I was out for only 15 minutes and the stillness was eery. It now takes 3-4 days for grocery stores to fill online orders, so one has to plan ahead. I have an outstanding order for next week for my mother. She stays strictly confined at her place and I go get food at the store for her. When I deliver it, I drop the food in front of her door and leave so that there is no direct contact. Then she disinfects everything before putting it away. Officially, the lockdown is set to end on March 31st, but no one believes that. Some epidemiologists are talking about 4-6 weeks (which would take us to the end of April).
Watched the national news tonight which states that healthcare will be rationed if overwhelmed. It’s one more reason for people to stay home.

TT who needs one more reason? Anybody with any common sense knows all this stuff and yet they have to put it on the "news". In case you didnt know the "news" gets off on any big story that can make them feel "important".

Banner headlines in the paper with "breaking new" every 5 minutes. :facepalm:

If you are staying home and hunkered down do yourself a favorite and quit hitting the refresh button you'll feel a lot better emotionally. :flowers:
Thanks NW. if it inspires even one person to stay home it helps.

TT everyone, everywhere already knows they need to stay home. they either will or they won't nothing you say will change anyone's mind.
Some people have to be told that. They probably believe this virus thing is all a hoax, and besides that, the right to a hospital room is guaranteed in this country.

PS. I just saw the above in a newscast on Youtube.

Unless you live a cave or have come from the moon everyone already knows what's going on....the problem is you can't fix stupid.

Compare it to drunk driving..should anyone drive drunk heck no and they know it.

But that's why I wear my seat belt, drive a newer model car with safety features and don't drive anywhere late at night..any night.
Regardless of whether we quarantine 2 weeks, two months or two years, the Corona virus will still always be out there, and may have mutated into something else. Just practice good hygiene, and common sense.
Finally got our first case in our little state here in Mexico. A woman from France visited in late Feb./early March. While she was here she evidently infected her brother, who is a doctor in a clinic. They are currently tracing all contacts and isolating everyone.

Next day everything but essential services is shut down. No more tourist buses, bars, etc. Restaurants can stay open but only at half capacity, encouraged to use delivery. We're used to using the walk to WalMart or other large grocery stores as part of our exercise, but we never try to lug all the bags back. We use Uber. Good news, Uber is still allowed, but they have to have a bottle of hand sanitizer on board. Good luck with that!

So we'll just utilize local stores/pharmacies. Good thing we stocked up a few days ago!
We went to a big supermarket nearby this morning and it was very civilized and quiet, particularly for a Saturday morning. Plenty of everything except hand sanitizer. Nice to nice plenty of eggs rice and pasta back on the shelves.

All the major stores including the 24 hour ones have started closing their doors at 8pm to allow more time for restocking and limiting purchases on some items. Driving restrictions were also lifted a week or 2 ago to allow delivery trucks to travel in the early hours in built up areas.

Yesterday on a walk into the village center we saw a bread truck arrive with a delivery to the small supermarket here. I half expected to see a flock of cars following it like you see birds behind a tractor ploughing a field.
DW and I went for an early morning walk in a nearby park. The park has a walking trail and many clean, well maintained portable toilets with hand sanitizer. Or, I should say, they used to have hand sanitizer. Signs were put up on the toilets stating to the effect "we remain open, but due to repeated thefts of hand sanitizer in the recent weeks we are no longer stocking it, please be sure to bring your own".
I had a heated discussion with my DM this morning on the phone--she is 88, in good health for her age, her mind us good and she still drives but of course has some conditions like heart issues, asthma etc. She would probably not recover if she catches the virus. She casually mentioned she was going for her weekly hair appointment this morning. I almost hit the roof!! I gave her strong advice she should not go. She said she just does not feel good if she does not get her hair fixed and said she was going. She called me back 15 minutes later and said she was not going because she did not want me being mad at her. I am not sure if she was truthful to me or not. She lives in independent living apartments and still drives. They have put the apartments on "lockdown" bu the residents are free to come and go so it is not much of a lock down. DM tells me many of the residents are coming and going like there is no problem. I live and hour and a half away so I can only talk to her on the phone. She is a mentally competent adult and can make her own decisions but I just don't want her to die from this.
Wondering what they will cancel next. Hmmm. Electricity still on. Water still running. Mail still arriving. Maybe they'll cancel curbside recycling pickup as non-essential. The virus can live on surfaces for 3 days, right? Can't risk exposure to the recycling employees. I have a bunch of paper recycling clutter I want to get rid of. They have already closed down the drop-off recycling center where you could dump stuff. Anyone have their curbside recycling canceled?
I had a heated discussion with my DM this morning on the phone--she is 88, in good health for her age, her mind us good and she still drives but of course has some conditions like heart issues, asthma etc. She would probably not recover if she catches the virus. She casually mentioned she was going for her weekly hair appointment this morning. I almost hit the roof!! I gave her strong advice she should not go. She said she just does not feel good if she does not get her hair fixed and said she was going. She called me back 15 minutes later and said she was not going because she did not want me being mad at her. I am not sure if she was truthful to me or not. She lives in independent living apartments and still drives. They have put the apartments on "lockdown" bu the residents are free to come and go so it is not much of a lock down. DM tells me many of the residents are coming and going like there is no problem. I live and hour and a half away so I can only talk to her on the phone. She is a mentally competent adult and can make her own decisions but I just don't want her to die from this.

At her age I would do as I please. Time is limited anyway. I would eat what I want and go where I want when I want. It's her choice.
At 3:30 yesterday afternoon they announced hair salons, babershop, nail salons, massage parlors, tattoo shops would all be forced to shut down statewide at 5pm until further notice. Talk about short notice. There will be a lot more people with grey hair and brunettes who used to be blondes. Glad I buzz my own head every 3 weeks from home.
Anyone have their curbside recycling canceled?

Not sure. Yesterday was recycling day in my neighborhood. They picked up the paper/plastic/aluminum can container, but not the organics (leaves, vegetable scraps) container. Not sure why. They are done with different trucks, maybe just a driver out sick...

They just picked it up this morning. All is well ...
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Wondering what they will cancel next. Hmmm. Electricity still on. Water still running. Mail still arriving. Maybe they'll cancel curbside recycling pickup as non-essential. The virus can live on surfaces for 3 days, right? Can't risk exposure to the recycling employees. I have a bunch of paper recycling clutter I want to get rid of. They have already closed down the drop-off recycling center where you could dump stuff. Anyone have their curbside recycling canceled?

My recycling is still being picked up but we have the automatic truck. If they have people emptying by hand I would expect that to be stopped.
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