Once Upon A Time in Hollywood


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 2, 2017
Quentin Tarantino at his finest. There are so many throw backs. Clint Eastwood's career? Playboy mansion and many look a likes. I didn't get all the side stories, but there are many and more I won't mention if you go see it. I'd actually see it again.
I think he is brilliant but overwhelming.
very good movie. thought both leo and brad were great. have some issues with the ending. won't give anything away. despite the fact that it was 2 3/4 hours long did not have any trouble sitting through the entire movie.
Did Brad Pitt really beat Bruce Lee? Even Chuck Norris can't :) LOL .. :) no answers or spoilers needed .
Rex Reed did a review saying he saw the movie with "real people" (Rex must've been slumming it) in a theater and no one chuckled or applauded at the end, as had been the hype.

I just saw it, also with real people. They laughed and applauded at the end, as did I. Very entertaining, Hollywood fairy tale.
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