The election

The only problem is that the two parties in charge realize that being "in charge" is worth trillions of dollars, and they're willing to spend billions to gain the office, and far more than that to prevent anyone else from becoming a legitimate contender. Anyone with money for backing can easily find a republican or democrat contender to suit their needs, why swim upstream?

Then you have The Church, which is a trillion dollar business in and of itself and expansion is always on their minds.

Mix the two together, and you got somethin'. Its been done an awful lot over the years, usually with very good results...if you're a backer or a participant anyhow...
The only problem is that the two parties in charge realize that being "in charge" is worth trillions of dollars, and they're willing to spend billions to gain the office, and far more than that to prevent anyone else from becoming a legitimate contender.  Anyone with money for backing can easily find a republican or democrat contender to suit their needs, why swim upstream?

Best way to fix it is to give each candidate a set lump sum of cash and fixed number of hours of TV air time. Maybe a presidential candidate would get $1M and 10 hours of air time for the whole campaign. Spend it wisely. Running for senate or congress? $100K and 3 hours.
Best way to fix it is to give each candidate a set lump sum of cash and fixed number of hours of TV air time. Maybe a presidential candidate would get $1M and 10 hours of air time for the whole campaign. Spend it wisely. Running for senate or congress? $100K and 3 hours.
Define candidate. I can think of about 20 people making a serious run at it at the beginning of the primaries.

On a completely different note, as a mental exercise I'm looking forward 4 years. I heard some speculation a year or so ago that Hilary Clinton is positioning herself for a 2008 run, and I'm hearing more speculation after the election. I don't know much about her as a politician, but let me go on record saying there is no way she will win in 2008. She is hated by all these "evangelical Christians" that just reelected dubya. I was living in Texas during the Clinton presidency and she was universally reviled by churchgoers. I never understood why, but I don't understand the Bush win, either.

I'm not moving to Canada, by the way, even though I've visited and it's very nice. The social conservatives lived through the Clinton years, and so social liberals will live through Bush's years.

EDIT: I actually do understand the Bush win now, I think. Kerry would likely have been a bad--or at best unnotable--president, and Democrats/liberals mistakenly thought "not Bush" was good enough to win and rallied against Bush instead of creating a unified platform to promote. My theory on the hatred of Hilary is that she didn't fit the patriarchal family image of the Christian church, besides the fact she's a social liberal.
Looks like I am a voice crying in the wilderness on
this topic. Think I will find John Galt and go fishing.

Charlie, the Bible-thumping stupid Nazi neo-conservative far right wing Neanderthal bigoted
stupid Christian who is trying to eliminate the
separation of church and state and destroy our status
in the world community. I forgot to throw in war
mongering, budget busting cowboy who is a closet
wizard practicing voodoo and eating babies at midnight

I should have followed Ol-Rancher's advise and just
fade into the sunset.

Piss on all of your shoes.
Where is JohnGalt? Whose day was it to watch him, anyway?

And thanks, Chuck, for clarifying your position. I just wish people would stop trying to legislate religion and morality, especially when they think their religion and morals are the only correct ones.

Chuck-Lyn has it right.  I think a moderate, common-sense democrat could have cleaned George W.'s clock.
Personally, I grossly misunderestimated the power of the evangelical vote.  Guess I'll know better next time.
No. This just isn't correct. Kerry is a moderate, common-sense democrat. He was only painted to be far left by the Bush administration. They would have used their attack machine to paint any candidate the same way. And when I hear pro-Bush people talk about the need to be a fiscal conservative, I have to think they are either dramatically ill-informed or deluding themselves. GWB has managed to become the most irrisponsible financial leader the world has ever seen. His deficit build up is truely unprecedented.

The real loser in this election was the truth. This administration raised the level of the lies and the extent to which they would turn up their attack machine beyond anything we have seen in many decades (maybe longer).
Exactly. If Kerry was a protestant governor from a red state, he probably would have won. These characteristics (religion, and where you are from) are important to some people. It's very difficult for a senator to be elected as president. It's too easy to distort the record. Those bills are filled with garbage amendments.
I just did some election results browsing after watching some TV and reading some articles. If you look at county results it seems fairly consistent to me that large population centers went for Kerry and rural areas were for Bush.

I think it's time we social liberals start listening to what the right is saying. Sure we don't agree with much of it, but a few things were so important that Iraq, Bush's lies and the economy weren't enough to lose him the election.

I'm not saying we should agree with it or go along, but we should listen. Sure it makes no sense to us why someone in rural Alabama would care that two men in San Francisco want to be married, but it's deeply important to a large portion of the U.S. population in a way the social liberals left behind a long time ago. I'm beginning to understand the right's cries of liberal elitism when our reaction to such objections is to call them backwards, stupid, neanderthal or bible thumping. Well guess what? about 51% of the voters seem to be thinking that way, because I don't believe 51% of the voters are thrilled with Bush's invasion of Iraq.

Gay marriage is just one of several hotbutton issues, but after this election we liberals can no longer afford to dismiss such objections as backward. We've lost touch with half the population and have been too busy patting each other on the back over how advanced and progressive we are to notice. I know we haven't figured this out as a whole yet because we've already picked a new term for our adversaries: "evangelical Christians". What the hell does that mean? As far as I can tell that means all Christians except Unitarians. Let's quit "fighting" the right and start listening and consider the possiblity that half the country can't now accept liberal agendas like state-condoned gay marriage.

Chuck-Lyn earlier asked if it made us feel better that 51% of the voters were happy. I'm changing my answer to that in an odd way it does. The minority had some strong opinions that the majority was dismissing, and they organized and became the majority. This is a great country. I hope the rest of the left starts noticing this and deals with the divide more constructively than "continuing the fight".
Well Jim...51% of the voters are happy with what they THINK they voted for. Remembering back to my comment that the majority of republicans still think hussein was behind 9/11 even though the Bush administration now claims they never said that...

SG is right...I know spin when I see it, and this administration has been all about it. An old marketing adage is that if you repeat the same thing often enough, dont crack, and dont ever give even an inch...after a while you get a nice split where most people believe you because they've heard it so often, and a chunk of people who keep looking at the data and dont listen to you dont believe you. Sound familiar?

I want two things in principal from my government...essentially honesty and to stick with what government is good at. Building roads, securing the borders, etc. I dont need one that tells me something (on frickin video tape) and later says they never said that, followed by some spinmeisters explanation that in context and conjunction with this and that, they really DIDNT mean that. Makes Clintons "define the word 'is'" sound like a kids game.

I dont need my government legislating morality or leaning into any religious alignment. Simply because not everyone agrees on what morality or religion is 100% for everyone. Leave morality and religions to the churches, temples and mosques where it belongs. Leave morality to each communities standards.

But Kerry cant blame anyone except his handlers. Karl Rove set rat holes in front of him and he fell into each one and gyrated in it until Rove got bored of that rathole and laid out another one.

"You're a flip flopper"..."No, I'm not. Every politician faces situations where they have to re-evaluate their positions and sometimes make compromises...something the current administration doesnt question."

"You arent a hero of the vietnam war"..."At least I answered my countries calling and served on the front lines of a war I didnt agree with...its true that after the war I protested what I felt were unacceptable actions that I saw take place there. Its up to each of us to stand up for what we believe in, not run from it...besides, why are we still talking about a war from 35 years ago? The main point is *I* know what its like to shoot at and be shot at and I'll think about that before committing your sons and daughters to fight on behalf of the united states...I'll make sure its for good reasons and that they're sent to fight a fight that can be question".

Lastly, he fought to not lose. All defense. Except for the 2000 baltimore ravens, thats never worked and probably wont again. His folks figured any candidate named "Not Bush" would win.

But Charlie...its not that people are dumb. Its just that a 51% majority of people who may not have seen through a professional spin campaign and who agree on a set of religious and moral considerations all felt the same way about something. Unfortunately the other 49% feels very, very differently. Its not an area that can be compromised on or that someone can come to feel better about. Its a wedge down the middle of our country...literally. If you're a christian middle american, its comforting to have your president also act like one. As long as you can remember you've really got a rich white skull and bones yalie from maine pretending to be a middle american.

Its why this country's founders very carefully stipulated a separation of church and state. Keep the government governing and let the religious folks choose their own places to worship, to limit religious and moral persecution.

Its a lack of understanding, cultural commonality, and coexistence of religious and moral understandings that bring us such lovely places as the middle east and our current contentions with muslim terrorists. We've apparently decided that we like that so much we're going to introduce it to and enjoy it here in our own country.
Looks like I am a voice crying in the wilderness on
this topic.  Think I will find John Galt and go fishing.

Charlie, the Bible-thumping stupid Nazi neo-conservative far right wing Neanderthal bigoted
stupid Christian who is trying to eliminate the
separation of church and state and destroy our status
in the world community.  I forgot to throw in war
mongering, budget busting cowboy who is a closet
wizard practicing voodoo and eating babies at midnight

I should have followed Ol-Rancher's advise and just
fade into the sunset.

Piss on all of your shoes.

Well, as an East-coast limousine liberal, allow me to ralph on your shoes in return.

FWIW, I am something of the opinion that Kerry lost because he is Catholic. Can't let those papists run the country, now can we?
Kerry lost because he is an Eastern liberal
elitist c**ks****r (and his wife is ugly :) )

Yes, I am back and ready to rumble :)

Man, I have not felt this good since W. beat that old
bag Ann Richards for Texas governor when I lived in Dallas. Truly, my faith is somewhat restored in the
American voter.

John Galt
Yes, I am back and ready to rumble

Glad to see your back. Thought we lost you.

Kerry lost because he is an Eastern liberal
elitist c**ks****r (and his wife is ugly :) )

Unfortunately you are being extremely irrational again.
Who cares about her looks.

Yeh, you can be proud and happy that you and 51% helped continue to dummy down the most poweful and dangerous position in the world.
I luv having a (reformed) beer drinking, good ol' boy with a C- average from Texas or was it the Northeast, for de Prezident.

G-d help the USA and the rest of the world.

MJ (another Eastern liberal) :D
All I saw in this past election were liberal candidates.  Where are the conservatives?  My #1 issue is deficit spending.  Government should live within its means.  My #2 issue is fix the health insurance system, more than anything else it is stopping job growth and threatening my ability to ER.  I personally don't know how to fix it, but the health care system in this country is sick.

I spit on King George and the liberal Republican big spender pork barrel party and all those who support it.

It's time for the post-election bumper stickers:

"Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry."
You know, I thought in hindsight that my first post
on my return from Texas may have been a bit over the top (like a lot of my stuff :) ). However, I recall I always told my kids that if they had strong opinions, they should never be afraid to stand up on their hind legs
and tell the world, as long as they were not just being
deliberately hurtful and were honest. They all turnd out great, although
none is as outspoken as their father obviously.

John Galt
And another thing................ :)

I keep hearing Bush referred to as a Conservative.
Maybe so. Lined up next to me he would appear
pretty liberal. This helps explain why people like me think that people like Kerry are the lowest lifeform
on the planet.

Driving back from Texas, I discovered that disappointed
libs/dems were flocking to the Canadian immigration website. The host opined "It's a good start!"
Amen brother!

John Galt
My final thoughts (on this topic).................

This is for TH and others who refer to Bush backers
as "stupid Neanderthal bible thumpers", or similar
labels. I am a 25+ year Mensa member and have tested
in the 99th IQ percentile since I was in high school.
Even though I am pretty sure I lost a few points over the years due to consumption of "Old Stumpknocker",
obviously I am no dummy. In fact, I am quite a deep
thinker, in spite of my sometimes goofy posts (I'm just
messin' with y'all) :) So, I may be politically radical,
egocentric, overbearing, arrogant, opinionated,
domineering, pushy, insensitive etc., but dumb I ain't...................

John Galt
" Driving back from Texas, I discovered that disappointed
libs/dems were flocking to the Canadian immigration website. The host opined "It's a good start!"
Amen brother! "

Ummmmm, and and meanwhile you were flocking to Illinois, the stronghold of the Republican party?

I am curious, when you say Illinois, is the "s" silent as the French say it, or do you pronounce the "s", as we do in American English? I bet you are one of those fancy pants types trying to copy the furriners.

And furthermore...


(just foolin with ya)
This is for TH and others who refer to Bush backers
as "stupid Neanderthal bible thumpers", or similar

Actually John, I said no such thing.

I made some humorous comment about 49% of people being below the intelligence midpoint. Complete with the smiley. I also said that people have bought a pack of carefully constructed lies and misdirections, courtesy of a billion dollar advertising campaign...but I did give them the out that most of them are probably simply too busy to look past empty platitudes and scare tactics. I also said, but not at this web site, that the republican party is starting to resemble a frankenstein monster of glommed on parts that have little to do with the conservative bend. To be fair, I said the same thing was true of the democrats...maybe worse there.

In fact, just above on this very same page, I said "its not that people are dumb. Its just that a 51% majority of people who may not have seen through a professional spin campaign and who agree on a set of religious and moral considerations all felt the same way about something"

But we're illustrating the prime feature of this administration...dividing people instead of uniting them.

"You're either with us or against us" (screw compromise)
"I will reach out to everyone who shares our goals" (uh...gee George...thanks, thats really bending over backwards)

You dont have to be a mensa member to see that this country is divided on a scale and level of angst that I dont think has been seen since just before the civil war.

Real leaders unite and find compromises. Crappy ones divide and kill the people that dont agree with them.

Clearly 49% of people arent very happy with the election results, while 51% are. In the past, we grumbled for a day or so and moved on with our lives. That doesnt appear to be the case here.

However, and in the interest of general peace, we're not going to hash that out here and all we're going to see is ill will continue to be created. I would suggest we collectively agree to bag the political discussions and the bush/kerry/liberal/conservative/bible thumper/neanderthal discussions.

As far as I'm concerned the "people" have spoken, at least some of them, the chips lay where they are, and we'll have to see what happens.
John, welcome back. I was feeling kind of lonely.

I'm not in Mensa but it seems pretty clear to me that our liberal educational system has "dumbed down" the electorate so much that they no longer even know which way they're supposed to vote!
I'm not in Mensa but it seems pretty clear to me that our liberal educational system has "dumbed down" the electorate so much that they no longer even know which way they're supposed to vote!

If you are a product of this education system, and this is the conclusion that you have come to, I would certainly have to agree with you.
And that's why, in times like these...

I'm not in Mensa but it seems pretty clear to me that our liberal educational system has "dumbed down" the electorate so much that they no longer even know which way they're supposed to vote!

Well, cc, the Constitution's framers share your high opinion of the great electorate-- and that's why there's an Electoral College.
. . .

I think it's time we social liberals start listening to what the right is saying. Sure we don't agree with much of it, but a few things were so important that Iraq, Bush's lies and the economy weren't enough to lose him the election. . .

I appreciate that you spent some time thinking about the election and tried to take away some positive message. I think we all have to do that. I read what you said with interest and tried to make it fit with what happened, but I'm not sure it really does. What is it that you think the right had to say in this election? That they don't want gay marriage? The only voter propositions I am aware of that addressed this issue were placed on the ballots by the right. The left didn't try to change the existing laws. This wasn't a real issue. As the votes on these propositions showed, the ban on gay marriage was not in any peril. Only a small minority of people had any interest in legalizing gay marriage and those people had insignificant political clout.

Yet I know that the Republican Party spent a great deal of money sending out personnal letters to lists of Fundamentalists attempting to scare them into believing that gay couples would move in next door and corrupt their children if they didn't vote against John Kerry. I'm not making this up. I just don't see a message from that situation that should be listened to. The messge I come away with is that we need to find a way to keep elections and campaigning more honest. Truth and honesty were the losers in this election. We should not be subjected to this kind of targeted lies and spin. The general population is not prepared to digest the quantity of adds thrown at them or to research the facts to reach the optimum conclusion (for them).

Anyway, I offer that opinion as an alternative way to interpret what happened and where we need to go.

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