This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

Another snow day today. Will get somewhere between 2 and 6 inches, depending on who one listens two :). But, no wind. Another day to sip hot tea or chocolate, work on my recording and photo scanning projects, watch the birds at the bird feeders, and hang out with DW :D.
Got our first real snow of the season last night, just about two inches. A good excuse to get out and shovel the driveway and sidewalk. If it had been over 3 inches, the HOA would have had everyone's driveway plowed, but I don't mind doing it myself.
A cheap self-contained butane heater would be sufficient for making coffee. Several thousand dollars less than a big generator. I even bought one for here in the Islands as our electricity is less and less stable as we go to more and more renewables. YMMV

We got one of these for camping, and it works great. Lightweight, a snap to turn on, and inexpensive—perfect for a backup burner. God forbid we be deprived of our morning coffee!!
9° now. Warmer than it was a few days ago, but my workshop floor is getting colder by the day. I spend about 6 hours a day out there, and my feet are cold after an hour or 2. I ordered some battery heated socks. Hope that helps.
Drove DW to a Dr. appointment in the snow. Not bad, of course the main roads were clear, the County roads, not so much. With the hills around here, not a prayer of making it without 4WD. After that, cleared my driveway with the snow blower and the two neighbor's, then took a long nap.
About 6" of snow since yesterday, 11F this morning. Just drive on the stuff getting out of the garage. 7000lb suburban compresses it nicely with snow tires. Snow blower still in the shed.
Another snow day today. Will get somewhere between 2 and 6 inches, depending on who one listens to :). But, no wind. Another day to sip hot tea or chocolate, work on my recording and photo scanning projects, watch the birds at the bird feeders, and hang out with DW :D.

We barely got 2 inches, so a quicker job to clear the driveway today with the snowblower than earlier this week. Even though we have wind chills making it feel like 17F, the sun and ice melt I put down before the snow is keeping ice from forming. on the driveway. Will go do a little bit of spot shoveling and put down a little more ice melt before the playoff game.
Mr Sun is showing today and 38 degrees, so maybe all of this ice is done and will melt.
We are blessed as we never lost power and no downed trees as so many had around the metro area.
28 F here at 6:00 AM this morning on my dog walk. It's up to a balmy 38 at noon! Need to dress down for our next dog walk outing.:cool:
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We've been without Trade winds since after Christmas and probably won't have them until early February. So, even though it's been relatively cool, it's muggy/clammy. We've had storm after storm come through with either rain or overcast - with a decent day thrown in every once in a while. I feel so sorry for the tourists!:(

The good news is that with the Kona winds that have often taken the place of the Trades, there is so little volcanic activity that we have not experienced VOG (sulfur dioxide) so I have to count our blessings.

Ca 1989(?) I had suggested to my boss that he take his new bride to Hawaii for their honeymoon. They arrived 2 weeks before Christmas and left Christmas day. They had 2 solid weeks of rain! We arrived on Christmas day (literally, on the plane that would be taking them home that night.) As we landed, the sun broke through the clouds and we had perfect weather for the next two weeks. Not sure the boss ever forgave me.:cool: Winter can be like that here in the Islands. This has been a bad "weather year" so far, though I can deal with it since we're past hurricane season. Y'all come!:greetings10:
Frank and I feel like January and maybe February are the worst months for weather in South Louisiana. It's cold!!! This morning it was 32F when I awakened. Luckily my pipes didn't freeze because last night wasn't suppose to be a "drip your water all night" night.

But we know that the silver lining to our cold January weather in New Orleans, is that by the end of January, for once, we are actually looking forward to the level of summer heat and humidity that lies ahead for us during the rest of the year.

Love our summers here in the South. :D :dance: :dance: At least, we love them until around August or September, when at long last we get tired of the heat and yearn for a little relief from Mother Nature.
With lows in 7 out of the past 9 days below zero, I had to wear battery heated socks to keep my feet from freezing.

But the forecast for the next 2 weeks is for highs ranging from the mid 30's to 50. People around here will be wearing shorts and t shirts.


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Sad to say I think we've probably gotten all the snow we're going to get this year. I just doesn't seem like winter unless we get at least one "proper snow" meaning at least a foot of it, and preferably several snows. Enough to give the snow blower a good workout. But if it isn't going to snow then at least have the common decency to warm up so people didn't have to wear heated jackets and socks.:mad:
36 this morning. It will be 82 by Wednesday.
Cool morning, -3F :) in SW PA. Prognosticators claim it will go to +38F by afternoon. And sunny. Still have about 6" of snow on the ground, Roads have been clear for days.
Might go to camp this afternoon, stream should be pretty high and noisy.
We are getting a break from our sub-zero weather with temps rising to freezing or just above. With that, we are going to get a mix of snow, rain, and freezing rain.
Finally after some bitter cold (by my definition) and too much gray - a little relief today!
Finally all ice is gone and 48 today.
Back to our normal gray, rainy winter. Love the rain, air is so fresh.
All is good. :)
What's it like in Minneapolis today? If it hits 54 degrees it will be a new all time record.


And here is the snow cover. For comparison, last year on this date we had 16 inches of snow depth. Yeah, the neighbors hockey rink is not getting much use this year.

Shorts and flip flop weather yesterday here in coastal S. California, at 82 degrees, which was unexpected but delightful after a run of chilly days. Sweater weather today, however, as we await the first of a series of rain events moving in. We're at the southern edge of the expected storm pattern, so our precipitation should be fairly modest, but watching with interest what central and northern coastal California should be receiving as it's predicted to be heavy up there.
Two weeks after having the cold storm come through Central Texas, where we stayed below freezing for roughly 82 consecutive hours and had wind chills near 0° F for three straight nights, we're now in the 60s to low 70s during the day and 40s to low 50s at night. Pretty much the predicted weather for the next two weeks, even with a few rain storms.

With such nice weather and no hard frosts on the horizon, I pruned our Drift roses on Monday, which had already defoliated. I also pruned our Mystic Spires Blue Salvia to 12" above the ground late last week and removed the rest of the dead leaves yesterday. Definitely ahead of the pruning game this year with that cold snap and now the nice weather.
Yesterday was a record high of 72 in Las Vegas! Sunny and beautiful! Not complaining after a January of mostly below normal temps. Winter comes back tomorrow though.
We've been without the trade winds since the first of the year. 7 (or perhaps 8) storms/cold fronts have passed since then. They have blocked the trades. Now suddenly, the trades are back - with a vengeance. From nothing to 30 mph. The good news is that the trades will likely blow away most of the rain. The bad news is that the noise 30 mph winds make blowing against the leaky windows sounds like Sargent Preston of the North. We also had to add a blanket last night. If it weren't for the howling wind, I'd call it "good sleeping weather."
Starting raining last night and turned to wet slushy snow about 6" at this altitude. Avalanche warnings and road closures, local weather saying we might get feet of snow depending upon altitude.

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