Worst drivers in which vehicle?

As for women being the worst drivers, it's my understanding actuarial tables state otherwise, especially for those under the age of 25, no?

I don't think it is the young ladies, but IMHO actuarial tables are completely useless in determining who are the worst drivers. They only take into consideration who gets into the accidents. They pay no attention to who causes them. ;)
I was having lunch with a couple of cop friends a number of months ago. At one point in the conversation they both said (almost in unison) "Not all A-holes are BMW drivers, but all BMW drivers are A-holes".

I never thought about it before, but my experiences since then have not disproved their saying. My anecdotal evidence since then shows the highest concentration of cell phone talkers/texters while driving are BMW drivers.

reminds me of the old joke:

What is the difference between a Porsche and Porcupine?

on the porcupine the pr*cks are on the outside...
I just found out last year what it means. I don't get out often enough....:blush:

A couple of years ago I had to ask when my 20-something coworkers referred to "cougars" and "snow leopards." :rolleyes:
Bamm, I don't especially like the term, just trying to keep you up on the latest slang from the young folk. I like that this term is equal opportunity trash talk, as a guy could have a butter face too.
Bamm, I don't especially like the term, just trying to keep you up on the latest slang from the young folk. I like that this term is equal opportunity trash talk, as a guy could have a butter face too.

Nope, 'fraid that this one like most sexually derogatory terms is directed at females.

Remember, it's but-her-face, not but-his-face.

When I was in college the cruel thing to say was "put a bag over her head". (&blank her) Gross and cruel.

I didn't like that stuff then and I like it even less now. Life is tough enough without having people make fun of your appearance.

Bamm, I don't especially like the term, just trying to keep you up on the latest slang from the young folk.
Hey, I'm not complainin'...I came to this forum to learn, dagnabit! :D

For the first time the other day, I heard the term "bumpin' uglies". I don't believe that has anything to do with fender benders though.......:whistle:
To me the most terrifying experience is coming up on a full size Crown Victoria with no visible driver, somehow driving itself around turns, staying in lane (mostly), managing stop signs (mostly). Then seeing it park in front of a store or some such. As I go by, usually see a little old lady peering over the dashboard but under the steering wheel. I have now trained myself in such events to look for a little clump of white hair visible between the top od the seatback and the bottom of the headrest.
Then back off a good ways. The directions the car takes or the speed of it is usually independent of the turn signals or brake lamps.

Don't laugh too hard, you and I may eventually end being that magic white clump of hair.:)

I see you have seen my mother :LOL:... but now she is driving a Malibu...

Another sign is a car that has lots of dents and scrapes... my mom will turn to tight at different locations and there is not one panel on her car that does not have some scuff mark or dent...
According to my son who travels constantly it's anyone in a minivan. :LOL:

AHEM! I drive a minivan. :whistle: 260,000 miles on this one and no accidents.

I also concur with the observation about BMW drivers.

I would love to know where Ha was when he had the experience with the dead driver(s). ("I want to die in my sleep like my grandpa, not screaming like his passengers.")
Remember that insurance company ad "Oh, it's you,Bob!" That's my view of me on the road. And yes, i do drive a BMW work rig, albeit 16 years old and a station wagon. Also look as far ahead as possible, stay to the right, and avoid left-hand turns. Also allow people to merge and pull in front of me from off street. Also run with a Valentine One radar detector.
AHEM! I drive a minivan. :whistle: 260,000 miles on this one and no accidents.

Sorry Ed, no hard feelings I hope. I think he wrote the FAQ thing a little bit tongue in cheek. Trying to add some humor and poking fun at his aunt who drives a minivan.

We had a chuckle with this one as well:
What food should one NOT eat while driving?

Well, anything that requires a utensil, but I've known people that eat breakfast with a fork on the way to work.
I did make the mistake once of getting a chili-cheese burrito from Taco Bell while driving from Maryland to Florida one day. It was dark, so I couldn't quite see where the wrapper was and all that. Daggum, it only took a few minutes before a chili-cheese mixture started working its way down my arm. If anyone could've seen me, I'm sure they would've wondered why I was driving while holding a poopy diaper.

Road Trip Rip - FAQs

I have learned that it is dangerous for me to even try to drink coffee behind the wheel. Pizza? Burritos? The mind boggles. :cool:

"I also concur with the observation about BMW drivers".

Older BMWs (including my '93) do not even come with cupholders. BMW agreed w/ you on the safety aspect - if driving, drive.
LOL - if men are better drivers, why do they cost more to insure? ROTFLMAO - we trumpet statistical analysis for our finances but ignore them on this and resort to anecdotal evidence. Men crash more than women, there just isn't any spin on that fact.

Adding my own anecdote, DW and I haven't done more than scrape a fender on a curb in the last 10 years, I once rear ended a car full of Mexicans in a low rider when I was a teenager in L.A. - ended up being a really nice group of guys who were glad to take the $40 bucks I had rather than get insurance involved.....wait a minute....?

DW was T-boned by an agro testosterone male when she was driving a Hyundai Excel and he a truck. Fortunately passenger side or else I think I'd still be single.
LOL - if men are better drivers, why do they cost more to insure? ROTFLMAO - we trumpet statistical analysis for our finances but ignore them on this and resort to anecdotal evidence. Men crash more than women, there just isn't any spin on that fact.
I think we may drive a lot more miles per year. Can you provide stats on accidents per mile driven?
I think we may drive a lot more miles per year. Can you provide stats on accidents per mile driven?

" As reported in the June issue of Epidemiology, American women were involved in 5.7 crashes per million miles driven. Men, on the other hand, clocked up just 5.1 crashes per million miles. Given the fact that men drive an estimated 74 per cent more miles per year than women, the figure is surprising indeed"
I guess the insurance companies get it wrong then?

I don't think so. Since insurance is sold per time period, not per mile driven, combining those two figures shows that in a given time period men are about 56% more likely to be involved in a crash.

Also, I don't think this says much about severity of accidents, which I suppose might be greater for men.

I don't think so. Since insurance is sold per time period, not per mile driven, combining those two figures shows that in a given time period men are about 56% more likely to be involved in a crash.

Our auto insurance takes miles driven into account (or at least they ask for odometer readings before issuing our renewal).

As far as the comment in Epidemiology, I don't find it terribly surprising that people who drive less get in more accidents, because I expect people who are more experienced to be better able to avoid accidents. This is a big reason, for example, that teen drivers have such high accident rates.

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