A New Way to Waste Time

Every now and then I am inspired to greatness. This was not one of those times, but oddly enough I did laugh!
Oh, these are too funny. Keep posting more of them. I wish I had something to say....
Yes, keep them coming ... I can cancel my netflix. :)
These are all fantastic, I'm afraid to even try at this point!

It's probably a good thing they charge for more then one, or we'd really get stuck in a 'time waster'!

I didn't think anyone would top Martha, but they just keep coming, each great in it's own way. I loved the ER topics and "air quotes" in cardude's and then Westernskies took that to a new level and gets points for finding a way to hit on pig topics by 'externalizing' them. Too funny.

Thank y'all. Thank you vera much.

Well, someone had to take care of this;)


LOL... How did you know? :LOL:

Keep 'em coming folks.... I have a few prominent forum members in mind, but alas, I'm out of xtranormalpoints and LBYM won't let me buy any more...:angel:
I am inspired to create a video on extranormal............:)
xtra points to HFWR for "budda-milk"*! :ROFLMAO:

*edit: or is it "buddamihk"? or buddamuhk or buddamulk?


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