What was your COVID news for the day?

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I give myself a haircut every day. Just run the Wahl clippers over the noggin. 1/4 inch attachment for the edges and the 1/2 inch one for the fairway. So little hair growth in 18-24 hours it's easy to just rinse it down the drain without causing any clogs.

It takes me about 70-90 seconds. Less than half the time it takes to shave. And no, I'm not bald. Receding a bit in the front maybe.

I used to do that -haircut every two to four weeks- thing but the sweeping up took longer than the haircut. Too much work.
Whew, I just gave DH a haircut! clippers on the sides and back, and scissors on the top like he gets at the salon. it looks pretty tidy, so OK I guess. He still has a full head of hair, and it’s quite thick, so pretty challenging.
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About the mod edit to the quotes in my post #1918, I did not copy paste the entire article. I selected snippets from a long, long article and separated the snippets by ellipses. It may have looked long enough to be a copy paste of the entire article, but it wasn't. No problem anyway. :cool:
About the mod edit to the quotes in my post #1918, I did not copy paste the entire article. I selected snippets from a long, long article and separated the snippets by ellipses. It may have looked long enough to be a copy paste of the entire article, but it wasn't. No problem anyway. :cool:

Please read the link in the mod edit (once again, here)

Copyright regulations and DCMA are not forum policy, they’re law. It doesn’t matter how long the quoted article is, one must limit the amount reproduced to a snippet, a few sentences or paragraph.
Regarding haircuts, some friends of ours who did not want to tackle cutting their hair them selves got the hairdresser who had been cutting their hair to come to their house and cut their hair on their porch. All wore masks. That seems to me to be a less risky way for a person to get a haircut than going into a salon. I am sure they had to pay a little extra for the hairdresser's travel time, etc.
Same for me--I have a simple haircut, chin length, so have been trimming it myself every few weeks and I like the way it looks better than the hairdresser cut. The hairdresser always took too much off. So I doubt I ever go back, that saves some cash, aggravation and time. I am fortunate at age 68 to not have any gray hair!

Wow, no gray hair at 68?! NICE! Maybe it's a genetic thing? My mom already had gray hair in her 30s and I did too.
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Wow, no gray hair at 68?! NICE! Maybe it's a genetic thing? My mom already had gray hair in her 30s and I did too.

Yes, no gray hair at age 68 is genetic. Other family members are the same. Our ancestors came from Ireland. I did some research one time and found there are many Irish people who don't get gray hair. Now if I could find a way to bottle that gene I could make a fortune!
My grandmother had red hair to her waist. Never a gray hair. She would braid it on top of her head. When she took the braids down at night, I would touch her thick red hair in awe.
I put gas in the car yesterday for the first time since early March. A gallon of regular was $1.89. :eek:

It makes me wish I had somewhere to drive to! :D
Yes, no gray hair at age 68 is genetic. Other family members are the same. Our ancestors came from Ireland. I did some research one time and found there are many Irish people who don't get gray hair. Now if I could find a way to bottle that gene I could make a fortune!

Wow, very interesting! I wish I had your no-gray gene!
I put gas in the car yesterday for the first time since early March. A gallon of regular was $1.89. :eek:

It makes me wish I had somewhere to drive to! :D

Wow, that's a crazy-low price! I didn't know, as I haven't needed to refill in maybe 3 months :blush: And my tank is still half full. :eek:
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Noticed today that gas had increased to $1.51, up from $1.31 about a month ago. Diesel has dropped to $1.85. Too bad we can't hitch up the RV and hit the road.
Wow, that's a crazy-low price! I didn't know, as I haven't needed to refill in maybe 3 months :blush: And it's still half full. :eek:

I agree! It's a shame the low prices are wasted on us. :(

My car sits in the driveway except for two quick grocery pickup trips a week. I only had half a tank in early March, right before our lockdown, so it was finally getting low. It may well be another three months before I need to buy more.
Noticed today that gas had increased to $1.51, up from $1.31 about a month ago. Diesel has dropped to $1.85. Too bad we can't hitch up the RV and hit the road.

Wow. :facepalm:

I'm kind of glad I never saw how low the prices dropped here, because I would have felt even more annoyed that I was "missing out" on them, given that my car and I are in strict lock-down and will remain so for the forseeable future (by choice).
With gas prices so low we are taking drives "in the country" every week--like my family use to do when I was growing up and gas was .25 cents a gallon. I have enjoyed getting out of the house and taking drive.
I completely filled up the Venza gas tank with gas, yesterday. The last time I got gas was on March 14th, 76 days ago.

It cost me $31.48.

This is much less than I am used to spending. :eek: I suppose it's a consequence of both low gas prices and almost no driving.

Other COVID news: Frank got to work yesterday at his "fun job" for the first time since early March! In our suburb bars are finally allowed to open (if they serve food), and to have entertainment. His job is running sound and lights for the entertainment.

While a singer was introducing herself at length he softly played a recording of Pete Fountain's "Do you know what it means, to miss New Orleans". That went over really well with both the singer and audience since we have all been isolating at home until just recently. Also entertainment is still prohibited in New Orleans (we are a mile outside the city limits). Anyway, it was a poignant moment.
Still using gas, as we try to take 3 "aimless" trips a week to keep sane.
This should (but probably won't) end the false hope hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine is an effective treatment for those with Covid 19:

I was on hydroxychloroquine for about 15 years. I've been off for about six years. My doctor's office, which is affiliated with a university medical center, called and interviewed me. They are doing a study on the effect of the coronavirus on people who have been taking hydroxychloroquine. I guess I'll be in the control group since I no longer take the drug.

This is a very slow acting anti-inflammation drug.

I'm not sure how this will help but this is just an FYI.
A different way of looking at the Covid problem.

Neouroscientist Karl Friston makes mathemathical models of human brain functions and applied the method to Covid.

Fairly long article.

"Conventional models essentially fit curves to historical data and then extrapolate those curves into the future. They look at the surface of the phenomenon – the observable part, or data. Our approach, which borrows from physics and in particular the work of Richard Feynman, goes under the bonnet. It attempts to capture the mathematical structure of the phenomenon – in this case, the pandemic – and to understand the causes of what is observed."

"We also predicted that improvements would be seen in the capital by 8 May that might allow social distancing measures to be relaxed – which they were in the prime minister’s announcement on 10 May. To date our predictions have been accurate to within a day or two, so there is a predictive validity to our models that the conventional ones lack."

Concluding the interview with the article's author he said:
"Just before I spoke to you I declined an invitation to speak on morning radio, and now I’m off for a cigarette."
I completely filled up the Venza gas tank with gas, yesterday. The last time I got gas was on March 14th, 76 days ago.

It cost me $31.48.

This is much less than I am used to spending. :eek: I suppose it's a consequence of both low gas prices and almost no driving.

Other COVID news: Frank got to work yesterday at his "fun job" for the first time since early March! In our suburb bars are finally allowed to open (if they serve food), and to have entertainment. His job is running sound and lights for the entertainment.

While a singer was introducing herself at length he softly played a recording of Pete Fountain's "Do you know what it means, to miss New Orleans". That went over really well with both the singer and audience since we have all been isolating at home until just recently. Also entertainment is still prohibited in New Orleans (we are a mile outside the city limits). Anyway, it was a poignant moment.

Regarding music events--our state is prohibiting all music events for now. The Governor said maybe some small outdoor music events may be allowed later but there is no time table. The concern is singing--there have been superspreader events where there was singing (for example choir practice). The thought is that singing pushes the virus out toward others. Our Church as said that when we reopen in July for outdoor services we will not have any singing--maybe only recorded music or someone playing a piano.
Anyone have luck keeping the hair clippings from going everywhere and cleaning up afterwards?

I used my Dyson and there are hairs caught in this fine filter between the dust receptacle and the motor.
I do my own #1 all over once weekly in the shower. I pick up the bulk in a tissue and the remaining goes down the drain.

I groomed our Maltese today and his hair is horrible. Soft fluffy stuff that sticks everywhere. He was so much better to groom this time. I'm more confident and he picks up on it. However his hair is horrible to clean up. We paid $120 every 6 weeks and it's a steal.

We ate our first meal at a restaurant. I wasn't planning to but DW convinced me that one place outside that has ample room for distancing. They weren't open yet but our favorite Mexican place was. I wasn't too crazy about eating inside but they had 3 outdoor tables and we snagged one.
Regarding music events--our state is prohibiting all music events for now. The Governor said maybe some small outdoor music events may be allowed later but there is no time table. The concern is singing--there have been superspreader events where there was singing (for example choir practice). The thought is that singing pushes the virus out toward others. Our Church as said that when we reopen in July for outdoor services we will not have any singing--maybe only recorded music or someone playing a piano.

That is so sad! I am sorry you can't sing at church when you re-open. Maybe you can sing at home, just to keep the joy of creating music in your life.

I forgot to say that the entertainment I mentioned was outside. Lots of heat, and social distancing of course, but from what he said it went well and tips were very big. It could have been inside according to the new rules, but there wasn't enough room for everyone especially with the 6' rule.
LA city gradually opened up and we went hiking today the first time in 11 weeks. We also went to our local Chinese restaurant and ordered to go, also the first time in 11 weeks.

We plan to go to the beach next weekend. We will drive as far out as possible to avoid any other human being.
We will drive as far out as possible to avoid any other human being.
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