Bear market perspectives

The FED is desperately trying to inflate the economy. If I can count, I think they've got 2.25% left to cut. After that they have 0 room to move

Come on Cyclone. This is the government we're talking about. They can always find a way to make things much worse. If they can't lower rates further, they can always print more money for instance.

Just stay tuned. We will see some virtuoso shenanigans from these rascals in the coming months. You've got to have faith bro'. They're gonna screw this up real bad!
Is there a chart showing say MM assets as a percent of total investment assets versus time somewhere on the web that is easy to access?


Not that I am aware, but I am too lazy to look.

You can see the big money in money markets as manifested in the abdsurdly low t bill rates that have popped up lately.
i think the Caluculated Risk or Big Picture blogs had them in the last month. try searching there.

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