How to sharpen knives

We used to have a guy who put a bin in the neighborhood hardware store- people would drop their knives, saw blades, hatchets, scissors, etc in to be sharpened, and then leave a check when they picked them up. It worked great for many years until a national chain took over the hardware store. The bin disappeared one day , along with all the sharpened inventory. No one knows where the guy went. I only lost a 10" x 60t carbide saw blade; not sure what everyone else lost.

We use one of these. It works well for us, when we remember to use it.
ERD, where do you live? I am bringing my knives for a visit. :)

Considering some of the heated liberal vs libertarian posts we've exchanged from time-to-time, I'm not sure how to take that :eek: ;)

But if you're headed to Chicago, I wouldn't be far out of your way. It's kinda fun to turn an old dull knife into something that will slice a tomato smoothly. So bring 'em on!

I think Nords' solution is the funniest (tho' the least frugal):
Outsource all food slicing by ordering takeout!!

I think you could extrapolate this to avoid all food-prep related purchases entirely. You could even turn your kitchen into a spare bedroom that you rent out. It could be like a NYC SRO, with just a common mini-fridge and a microwave to store and reheat your leftover takeout. Who needs dishes and a sink when you have that free styrofoam?

I'm only slightly joking here (imagining the $$$ luxury kitchens that get installed by people who hardly use them). YMMV.

to slice meat really thin.. freeze it for a while first
two pages into this topic, and no Loreena Bobbitt jokes yet?

This was the picture that was temporarily assigned to a yahoo news story about a woman doing a little unscheduled surgery to her husband in malaysia, until some editor without a sense of humor saw it and changed it...


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