I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

I am on day 6 since first symptoms and I feel almost back to normal. Still a little head congestion, that is all. I retested today and am still positive. Using the free government Roche test kit. My question is how long did it take for you to retest negative. I assume I have the BA 5 strain. I am very tired of isolation.

tested negative day 7
Thanks! Today is my day 7. I still tested positive yesterday. I think I will wait till Monday morning to test again.

Still testing positive, but how do you feel? I understand isolating to protect others but am also concerned about the actual recovery.
Still testing positive, but how do you feel? I understand isolating to protect others but am also concerned about the actual recovery.

I feel good! Probably 95%. I have a little sinus congestion with some drainage. Not unlike allergy issues. However, the achy body and fatigue is gone. Hoping it will all be gone in a day or two.
Don’t skimp on the rest!

Apparently trying to do too much can extend your infection.
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Tested positive today, saw urgent care outdoors and declined Paxlovid. Feels like a cold. Double vaxed and boosted with Moderna. Probably picked up on the way back home from Europe starting Tuesday.
Best wishes MRG! From what I understand, the new variants have a 3 to 5 day incubation period. You probably did catch it on your trip home.
A good friend just returned from a Mediterranean cruise, about 3 weeks. She tested positive the day after landing at home. Vaxxed and double boosted. She got paxlovid and her symptoms improved within 2 days. Tested negative 4 days later. Her husband had COVID shortly before their trip and did not catch it again.
Tested positive after getting home from California Saturday, felt like I was beaten with a ball bat. No fever, minor runny nose, no trouble breathing, just body aches. I figured I'd get it sooner or later, I'm unvaxxed. DW tests negative, she's unvaxxed, also. I'm supposed to have 6 month checkup on Wednesday, will call to get medical advice/cancel appointment.
Finally tested negative after 1 week; felt achy first few days but generally asymptomatic all week. My PCP's nurse said to take it easy, take OTC pain medication if needed. I did abstain from all wine this past week, which is a medical miracle in itself.
My relatives all had Covid shots. The older ones like my wife and myself all had 4 shots, while the young generation all had 2 shots.

Yet, my brother, his wife, and his daughter caught Covid when visiting Stockholm two months ago.

My niece, her husband, and their daughter caught Covid in town and not when traveling.

Most recently, my daughter caught Covid from work, and infected my son-in-law who worked at home.

In all cases, the symptoms were mild like a cold. And the self-administered tests all proved positive. They all got better within a few days. My daughter did have a loss of taste and smell for a couple of days. She had so much work she worked from home throughout the period.

So, we conclude that the vaccination works to reduce the severity.

PS. I told my daughter about Paxlovid, but she and her husband took nothing. My brother was a bit more worried because of his age and did get a prescription of Paxlovid, and I think he was the only one who took any medication.
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Risk of dementia, brain fog, up to 2 years after Covid


CATCHING Covid increases your risk of conditions including dementia, psychosis and brain fog up to two years after infection, a new study suggests.

Now this is not good news! Luckily, I did not suffer from depression during Covid. However as one who got "long covid", including brain fog, I can attest to the fact that you don't want it. To me it felt like dementia must feel to those poor souls who are suffering with that condition.

On the other hand, it's good to know that this actually happens, so that if it happens to you then you know it will go away, and you don't think you're going nuts.

I love that this study (from Lancet) looked at 1.25 million people who had Covid. A big "N" like that gives me more confidence in the study.

Personally, I think I am done with brain fog. In 23 days it will have been a year since I was first hospitalized with severe Covid double pneumonia. I still have some trouble remembering names occasionally, and so on; but then I'm 74 and I suspect it would be unusual if that never happened at my age.
DD started feeling bad a week ago. I had a bad headache, sore throat starting Saturday.

DW, DD and I all home tested Sunday, Sep 4. Positive test for DD and I, DW negative.

Called my Dr today and he prescribed Paxlovid for me at my request. DD has fully recovered (symptomatically).

DW started feeling worse today, temperature up around 101-ish. Probably retest her tomorrow.
I'm well now and have been. DW caught it from me around the 10th of August and still has nagging symptoms. She was like that when we had Covid-19 in April 2020 kept getting feelings better then not.

Now this is not good news! Luckily, I did not suffer from depression during Covid. However as one who got "long covid", including brain fog, I can attest to the fact that you don't want it. To me it felt like dementia must feel to those poor souls who are suffering with that condition.

On the other hand, it's good to know that this actually happens, so that if it happens to you then you know it will go away, and you don't think you're going nuts.

I love that this study (from Lancet) looked at 1.25 million people who had Covid. A big "N" like that gives me more confidence in the study.

Personally, I think I am done with brain fog. In 23 days it will have been a year since I was first hospitalized with severe Covid double pneumonia. I still have some trouble remembering names occasionally, and so on; but then I'm 74 and I suspect it would be unusual if that never happened at my age.

Thanks for sharing the link and your personal experience. Good to know things may get better with time.
I came back from my 3 day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico and had a scratchy throat and a cough. I took a COVID test and it came back positive. It’s been three days since I’ve been home now and I’m still really sick. I’ve been vaccinated and had two boosters but I still got a bad case of COVID. I think this is going to be my last cruise for the foreseeable future.
I came back from my 3 day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico and had a scratchy throat and a cough. I took a COVID test and it came back positive. It’s been three days since I’ve been home now and I’m still really sick. I’ve been vaccinated and had two boosters but I still got a bad case of COVID. I think this is going to be my last cruise for the foreseeable future.

Too bad, Ready, hope you get well soon!
I came back from my 3 day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico and had a scratchy throat and a cough. I took a COVID test and it came back positive. It’s been three days since I’ve been home now and I’m still really sick. I’ve been vaccinated and had two boosters but I still got a bad case of COVID. I think this is going to be my last cruise for the foreseeable future.

Can you get the anitviral Paxlovid or it is too late?
Can you get the anitviral Paxlovid or it is too late?

Yes, I’m on dose 3 of Paxlovid. I’m not feeling any better yet. This is the sickest I’ve ever been. There are times I’m coughing so bad I’m afraid I”m going to choke.
Feel better Ready!
Yes, I’m on dose 3 of Paxlovid. I’m not feeling any better yet. This is the sickest I’ve ever been. There are times I’m coughing so bad I’m afraid I”m going to choke.

So sorry. How is your oxygen level? Do you have a Oximeter? Is there any one to help you? Should you call 911? I am concerned for you.
I can't help but notice that the majority of people reporting that they got COVID in recent weeks/months came down with it after traveling. I just had a similar experience. Went to Alaska in late July, stayed at a lodge for 6 days. One guy at the lodge was sick, I don't think he ever tested for COVID, but he spent the last day or two alone in his cabin (before that, I was around him for dinners, etc). We departed for home after that............had a horrible, long, red-eye flight coming home, so I got zero sleep for over 24 hours (closer to 36 hours). Got home, felt sick the next day. Fever, body aches, fatigue. Got a little sleep for 2 nights and was slowly recovering, but then........INSOMNIA kicked in. As tired as I was, I could NOT fall asleep for 4 straight nights - just laid there most of the night, exhausted and frustrated. Felt really horrible after that, so went to Urgent Care to get something to knock me out. They gave me 2 different drugs. Took the stronger one first, and that did knock me out, thankfully. Finally slept, but felt groggy the whole next day, with a dull headache. Took the weaker/safer drug the next two nights (an antihistamine), and slept okay, but felt groggy for half the next day, both times. Finally, last night, I was able to sleep through the night with no drugs. What a relief. Never had insomnia before in my life, but I am reading now that it is not an uncommon symptom after this latest COVID strain. Anyone else have issues with insomnia after COVID? I would not wish it on anyone.........I can see why they keep people awake to torture them. I can handle the fever/body ache/fatigue, as long as I am sleeping at night, but insomnia for several nights is just terrible.

I don't think I will be traveling too far from home in the foreseeable future. Do not want to go through something like this again.
So sorry. How is your oxygen level? Do you have a Oximeter? Is there any one to help you? Should you call 911? I am concerned for you.

I’m at 96% so I think I’m OK there. My doctor said to just take the Paxlovid and tough it out. My partner has been getting me some food and juices to stay hydrated.
Yes, I’m on dose 3 of Paxlovid. I’m not feeling any better yet. This is the sickest I’ve ever been. There are times I’m coughing so bad I’m afraid I”m going to choke.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Hope you feel better soon.

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