Looking for slim front pocket wallet or ...


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 28, 2006
west coast, hi there!
I'm trying to get a nice slim solution for the front pocket to hold my credit cards + bills + drivers license. Security plus convenience is the goal.

Cards: Right now I have a thin wallet but getting the right number of slots for credit cards, library card, loyalty cards, medical cards etc. is a challenge. I need to carry maybe 8 cards.

Bills: Sometimes I carry maybe $100 max in $20's and lower bills. Most purchases are credit card ones. I've never used money clips but they seem like they might be a hassle to get at the right bill quickly.

Photo ID: My current wallet has a photo ID window which is very convenient plus I can store small auto related papers behind it.

Any thoughts on products that have helped with this?
My wife bought this one for me at the BX. Cost about $20.00
Fossil Fairfax ID Bifold FPW Wallet


see amazon.com
How about a card wallet? I have this one, (photo below) although I do not carry it in a front pants pocket since I am not a guy (it goes in my purse). The contents you list would fit easily. I can fit a drivers' license, debit card, half a dozen calling cards, and some bills in it. No coins, though.


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That wallet looks nice.

My latest thought is a 2 holder solution:
1) Slim front pocket credit card holder, with photo_ID + cards and maybe a money clip for $20's only.

2) Back pocket wallet for small bills, less important cards (like library card). I've never had my pocket picked but if it happened it would have only modest impact.

Your thoughts?
That wallet looks nice.

My latest thought is a 2 holder solution:
1) Slim front pocket credit card holder, with photo_ID + cards and maybe a money clip for $20's only.

2) Back pocket wallet for small bills, less important cards (like library card). I've never had my pocket picked but if it happened it would have only modest impact.

Your thoughts?

I would just use a collapsible/expandable front pocket card holder like the one I have. Leave your less important cards at home unless you foresee a specific need for them on that day.

I really thought I needed all those cards (like library card, SS card, professional membership cards, etc) until I put them in a drawer at home. Now it is hard to imagine that I was carrying them around all the time like that.
How about a card wallet? I have this one, (photo below) although I do not carry it in a front pants pocket since I am not a guy (it goes in my purse). The contents you list would fit easily. I can fit a drivers' license, debit card, half a dozen calling cards, and some bills in it. No coins, though.
Nice picture but if I had a purse my problems would be solved. :);)

I'm kind of slim and with jeans (not even tight fitting), fattish wallets are a problem. Can't give up my jeans.
This is the wallet that I use in my front pocket:

MAKR Vertical Pocket Wallet

It contains my driver's license, 6 cards, and a few folded bills. No photo ID window, but I very rarely have to pull my ID out (except when I get carded at the liquor store ;)).
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I would just use a collapsible/expandable front pocket card holder like the one I have. Leave your less important cards at home unless you foresee a specific need for them on that day.

I really thought I needed all those cards (like library card, SS card, professional membership cards, etc) until I put them in a drawer at home. Now it is hard to imagine that I was carrying them around all the time like that.
Leaving the cards at home sounds like an interesting thought. But what happens the first time I'm at the library or doc's and tell them I forgot my card? Maybe a photo copy would work? The library uses a bar code scanner so maybe they'd take that.

Not sure about the doc and if it's an emergency that could be a problem. It's something to explore though.
I just checked - - the five cards (other than my DL and debit card) that I carry include my doctor's card and my dentist's card (both with my next appt written on them). I also have one card with the phone numbers of about a dozen people including my plumber, electrician, lawn guy, insurance agent, handyman, and so on, written on the back (I could probably eliminate that one if I entered the phone numbers into my iPhone, though). I carry my medical insurance card and Medicare card.

That's about it, so my library card fits nicely when I want to carry it. I usually have some idea when I leave home whether or not I am going to the library. YMMV Actually, I confess it is there right now because I forgot to take it out last time.

I can *stuff* $400 into this card holder but it bulges terribly and won't close completely. There would be no problem whatsoever if you carried $100 or so, especially if you made a point of carrying no more than four $1 bills. Four $1 bills, a $5, a $10, and four $20 bills is only 10 bills.

If you carry a lot of credit cards, maybe there is one that you use most of the time and the rest could be left at home? If not, then I guess you have a problem fitting all of them in and I have no solution to that one.

Here are the other card holders that Amazon carries, just to give you an idea of the various styles available.
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I had the same problem with a fat wallet that bugged me. I decided to go back to a method I used some years back and decided to stick with this for awhile. First I went through the fat wallet and got rid of everything I didn't use on a regular basis. Gone are the pictures, discount cards from drug stores and grocery stores, etc. Stuff I hardly ever used and some I didn't know I had. Then I found that a lot of the problem was a lot of low number folding money.

I found a wallet at WalMart that was only about $10 but fit the purpose for credit cards etc. The wallet has a plastic window where I put my drivers license and then there are seven slots for credit cards, medical ID cards or whatever. Behind the card slots are pockets for other misc papers such as medical information, list of phone numbers, etc. Then there is the usual pocket for folding money which I limit to $10 bills and up. Still it's about 3/4 inch when folded.

Edited to add that I went away from the tri-fold wallet and bought a bi-fold. That solved a lot of the thickness problem.

Then I went on amazon.com and bought a leather covered magnetic folding money clip ($6). In it I keep $5 bills and ones and receipts for purchases. This is carried in my front pocket. I'm happy with the way it has worked so far. I see guys with wallets 1 1/2 " thick and don't quite understand what could possibly be in there. Also, it puts undue pressure on your spine when you are sitting down.

It's just the way I did it and some may say it's not the safest way, carrying your wallet/money in your hip pocket.
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My partial solution is decidedly low tech.

All discount/loyalty cards, along with library cards and several membership cards, are kept in the door pocket next to the driver's seat of my car. When I arrive someplace, I grab the appropriate card and walk in to use it. Upon leaving, the card goes back in the door pocket.
I buy my front pocket wallets from Walletbe. WalletBe® Mens Wallets and Womens Wallets thin wallets are their specialty. DW even got a men's front wallet, as she doesn't take purses that much. They have lasted well for me.

EDIT: i just noticed that on walletbe, on clearance for 12.95 is a 2 in one deal. the 1 wallet that is inside is the classic men's front pocket wallet that is 24.95 otherwise. and the other item in the 2 in one ends up being a great change holder, or I keep my store loyalty cards in them in my work bag. That 2 for 1 was the first think I bought years ago at walletbe, but then it was marketed for men.
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Several interesting suggestions to check out.

I buy my front pocket wallets from Walletbe. WalletBe® Mens Wallets and Womens Wallets thin wallets are their specialty. DW even got a men's front wallet, as she doesn't take purses that much. They have lasted well for me.

EDIT: i just noticed that on walletbe, on clearance for 12.95 is a 2 in one deal. the 1 wallet that is inside is the classic men's front pocket wallet that is 24.95 otherwise. and the other item in the 2 in one ends up being a great change holder, or I keep my store loyalty cards in them in my work bag. That 2 for 1 was the first think I bought years ago at walletbe, but then it was marketed for men.
I took a look at this and the design sounds really great. It's also available through Amazon. Some of the spec'd features:

  • Hand Finished Italian Leather
  • Outer ID sleeve
  • Hold up to 10 credit cards
  • Interior elastic pocket holds receipts and business cards
  • Elastic band securely holds cash in place
  • Protects magnetic strips on credit cards
I don't understand the clearance deal. Is this the same $25 ID card wallet + something else? Seems like an odd way to do things. Why would one purchase the $25 ID card? -- unless they were like me and didn't notice the clearance deal.
I don't understand the clearance deal. Is this the same $25 ID card wallet + something else? Seems like an odd way to do things. Why would one purchase the $25 ID card? -- unless they were like me and didn't notice the clearance deal.

I've never understood the clearance deal either. It's been like that for a while. Maybe it's just a perk for shopping at their site. Except now it is marketed as womens. maybe someone complained that the mens was $25 and the same wallet in the 2 for 1 was $13? so the one for $13 is *presto* a women's! Also, the 2 slot money clip wallet is the thinnest wallet I've ever seen. I did have one of the money clip wallets, but DW took it and uses the money clip feature to clip onto her front jeans pocket when we go to crowded places.
How about a card wallet? I have this one, (photo below) although I do not carry it in a front pants pocket since I am not a guy (it goes in my purse). The contents you list would fit easily. I can fit a drivers' license, debit card, half a dozen calling cards, and some bills in it. No coins, though.

I use this one as well and am very happy with it. I carry it in the back pocket but it does fit comfortably in the front pocket. I currently have 10 plastic cards and my driver's license in it. it can hold more.
How about a card wallet? I have this one, (photo below) although I do not carry it in a front pants pocket since I am not a guy (it goes in my purse). The contents you list would fit easily. I can fit a drivers' license, debit card, half a dozen calling cards, and some bills in it. No coins, though.
I use this one as well and am very happy with it. I carry it in the back pocket but it does fit comfortably in the front pocket. I currently have 10 plastic cards and my driver's license in it. it can hold more.

In case anybody is wondering why I use this small men's wallet, when I could throw a bigger wallet in my purse, it is because I have been trying to reduce the weight of my purse. The older I get, the more I appreciate a smaller, lighter purse.

I really like this wallet and it meets my needs. I am very happy with it too. :D
Don't want to spam ads, but this link from bellroy looked interesting, and I was really impressed with the page. The coolest thing they pointed out is there's no reason to have card slots, as all the leather between the cards just makes it fatter.

Slim Your Wallet - Slim Leather Wallets by Bellroy

I'm also going to see how many cards I can put on my phone, maybe a photo of a library card would still scan.
... The coolest thing they pointed out is there's no reason to have card slots, as all the leather between the cards just makes it fatter.
I've always thought that credit cards should not be placed together, especially with the magnetic strips possibly touching. Then I looked this up and found this web entry:
placing the magnetic stripe of one card against the magnetic stripe of another will not demagnetize or scramble the encoded data on either stripe. The reason is because the coercivity of the magnetic material in the stripes is high enough to resist the magnetizing force capable of being applied by another magnetic stripe. Simplistically stated, the coercivity is the amount of magnetizing force that a magnetic material needs to have applied to rotate the magnetic domains. It takes a significantly stronger field to do this in the credit card magnetic stripe material, such as that used in the card writers or the ESA tag deactivator pads mentioned earlier.
So maybe putting several cards together that you rarely use is a good idea. Any contrary thoughts out there?

Maybe I don't need so many individual card slots in my wallets.
Wow, never knew there was such competition in the slim wallet, front pocket wallet industry.
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