Puzzling weight gain

I have a body fat monitoring scale and have had wildly varying results over the course of a couple of days.

I believe this is due to varying hydration levels. It was only like 50 bucks, so I guess you get what you pay for.

Also, you need a very good electrical "connection" to the scale. Try wetting the bottoms of your feet, or mixing a salt solution that you can spray on. You should get much more consistent readings
Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9
g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weigh 1.06 kg and one liter of
fat would weigh 0.9 kg.

Five pounds of muscle = 2.14 liters of muscle. So if your added weight is all muscle, it would mean you've added about a half-gallon's worth of muscle volume to your body. That sounds feasible to me.

For some reason, "a half-gallon's worth of muscle volume" brings to mind an image of a meat smoothie, possibly served up by Master Chef J. Dahmer. :eek:

No idea whatsoever if its a half gallon, not even sure how you would even tell. Probably the right answer , though.
HFCS is a huge pet peeve of mine. Its in everything! I'll eat sugar in some form when I want it, but HFCS is in products that don't need it. Kids' food, granola bars, pasta sauce, try to find salad dressing that isn't loaded with it, etc. I very carefully read labels to avoid the stuff, but it is effectively impossible to completely eliminate it from your diet.

It's EVERYWHERE......I had to go through TEN different kinds of iced tea to find one that just had regular sugar in it...........:p

I also quit all diet drinks almost 3 months ago. New studies point to Aspartame causing you to be hungrier than on regaular soda..........:eek:

There's a study that says high fructose corn syrup in almost ALL foods is a leading cause of obesity in the USA. Plus, HFCS magnifies insulin reistance, raising the risk of adult onset diabetes...........:eek:
"New studies point to Aspartame causing you to be hungrier than on regaular soda..........

wow really? Do you remember where you read that study at? I use quite a bit of Aspartame!
"New studies point to Aspartame causing you to be hungrier than on regaular soda..........

wow really? Do you remember where you read that study at? I use quite a bit of Aspartame!

Anecdotally I experienced this. Diet soda (specifically CF Diet Pepsi, the nectar of the gods) was my nemesis for a while.

I used to drink 2 CFDC's per day (caffeine free diet coke). I no longer drink any at all. I have to say I didn't notice a change in weight.
I have a body fat monitoring scale and have had wildly varying results over the course of a couple of days.

I believe this is due to varying hydration levels. It was only like 50 bucks, so I guess you get what you pay for.

Hydration does play a role. I use mine right after I shower and if I go back and weigh myself again ten minutes later I will have a half to a full percent more fat reading. Also, I drink a lot of water usually, but I find when I have slacked off a little that the body fat content goes down. I made a simple spreadsheet and input the daily numbers but pay attention to a ten day moving average.
This is so simple, but here is a real life example: When I was in high school I was a size 10 in women's clothing. When I hit 143-45 I had to go into a 12.
When I was in my mid-50's and lifting weights and walking 3 miles 4-5 times a week, that same size 10 fit perfectly--even wearing a size 8 occasionally--at 165!
MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT! So screw the weight and concentrate on your size.
Nobody, by the way, believed I could weigh 165 and wear an 8-10. I actually had to let them go to my bedroom and check my closets. Can you believe that? But, then again, none of them had ever lifted weights, so how would they know.
And I just saw on tv this morning one of the morning shows flashed on the screen that a woman who weighs 155 should wear a size 16. Are they nuts or am I a freak sizewise? I don't even look muscular either, but that's my body type; so, guess I won't be able to be a World Champion bodybuilder posing on a stage ever. (I'm an average height, too.)
Update - I went back to the dr's office and found out I had lost 4-5 pounds from my last visit. Back to pre-exercise weight. So hopefully that means I gained ~10 pounds of muscle and lost 10 of fat.
Speaking of bedroom weight lifting antics, DW is certainly appreciative of my newfound stamina and improved physique.
HFCS is in almost all breads. It is the second or third ingredient in many loaves of bread these days. We stopped buying any bread with the stuff in it.
This is so simple, but here is a real life example: When I was in high school I was a size 10 in women's clothing. When I hit 143-45 I had to go into a 12.
When I was in my mid-50's and lifting weights and walking 3 miles 4-5 times a week, that same size 10 fit perfectly--even wearing a size 8 occasionally--at 165!

I think you'll find you actually need to measure yourself to do comparisons over time 'cos the clothing industry has consistently made clothes larger but kept the numbers the same. They even do it with mens' pants. I thought that I had recovered my youth when I got back in size 34 pants from size 40, then I discovered some old photos of me in my 20's when I used to wear 34 pants and I looked really skinny. I then measured my waist with a tape measure :eek:

It is more difficult to know the change in womens' dress sizes but it is fairly dramatic according to DW who now wears dress sizes smaller than she ever has in her entire life.

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