What did you do today? 2019 version.

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My wife and I did some yard work for an hour this morning. I was getting hot and started to feel wobbly.

Thought about jumping in the pool, but remembered the people who died recently in France when jumping into cold water. So, went inside to slowly cool down while surfin' the Web.
I have developed a rare disease . It is not dementia as I can remember everything including every time the So left the toilet seat up . My disease is I can no longer reasonably park my car . I park it and then look at my parking and it is bizarre . Today at the Dentist I straddled two parking spaces .Does anybody have a clue what this is and what is the cure ?
I have developed a rare disease . It is not dementia as I can remember everything including every time the So left the toilet seat up . My disease is I can no longer reasonably park my car . I park it and then look at my parking and it is bizarre . Today at the Dentist I straddled two parking spaces .Does anybody have a clue what this is and what is the cure ?

Yes. The disease is called "lack of practice"

The cure is to get a copy of the driver's training manusl from your state DMV and read through the section on parallel parking. It's not really very tricky but you have to do it correctly.

Believe me, I've been there. One or two good practice runs and you'll be good as gold.
I have developed a rare disease . It is not dementia as I can remember everything including every time the So left the toilet seat up . My disease is I can no longer reasonably park my car . I park it and then look at my parking and it is bizarre . Today at the Dentist I straddled two parking spaces .Does anybody have a clue what this is and what is the cure ?
If you are having that problem in a striped parking lot, you may have a depth perception problem. You might want to have your eyes checked.
Yes. The disease is called "lack of practice"

The cure is to get a copy of the driver's training manusl from your state DMV and read through the section on parallel parking. It's not really very tricky but you have to do it correctly.

Believe me, I've been there. One or two good practice runs and you'll be good as gold.

What is really sad is this is just pull in parking . I haven't parallel parked in years .
I have developed a rare disease . It is not dementia as I can remember everything including every time the So left the toilet seat up . My disease is I can no longer reasonably park my car . I park it and then look at my parking and it is bizarre . Today at the Dentist I straddled two parking spaces .Does anybody have a clue what this is and what is the cure ?

If it makes you feel any better IMO parking spots are getting smaller and cars/SUV's are getting bigger. I've noticed this in new stores/builds. Land is pricey and to get the necessary number of parking spots, they just make the stalls more and more narrow. I drive an Altima and sometimes completely fill the stall. It's easy to encroach into another space.
Same as yesterday, I spent about 1 hour doing yard work, and just beat a retreat back into the comfort of AC. It's only 9AM. Temperature is 96F. I was feeling woozy.

Down the street, a neighbor is having a major backyard project. Could not see how many workers back there, but judging from all the debris they hauled out plus new material delivered and carried back there, they have been making a lot of progress. Can't see how people can work all day out in this heat, but perhaps they have no choice if they want to eat. Gah!

Then, I recalled in my late 20s, once took a week off on vacation to build an open patio in the backyard, covered with brick. Timing was all wrong, and I worked that week in 110F temperature, hauling a few pallets of brick from front to back and building that patio that I was super proud of.
I binged watch Ken Burns 'The Civil War' document series on Netflix. Quite good.
Installed six new smoke detectors to replace the ones that started giving false alarms last weekend, with four-month-old batteries in them. They're hardwired, the batteries are for backup.

I had also ordered six lithium batteries for them, figuring maybe they'd last longer than the regular alkaline ones. But the directions specify to NOT use lithium batteries! Does anyone have any idea why? If it matters, the brand is Firex, sold by Home Depot.

Somewhat to my surprise they came with batteries installed. I'm so used to "batteries not included" that it's pleasant when a product does come with them. I have to wonder if they'll last a year though.
I had also ordered six lithium batteries for them, figuring maybe they'd last longer than the regular alkaline ones. But the directions specify to NOT use lithium batteries! Does anyone have any idea why? If it matters, the brand is Firex, sold by Home Depot.

I think the lithium batteries are more of a fire hazard if you really have a fire
I think the lithium batteries are more of a fire hazard if you really have a fire

That would make sense - they were shipped separately from the smoke detectors in in an envelope with a big sticker "Not safe for air transport!" or words to that effect.

I knew the lithium-ion batteries are a fire hazard in aircraft but wasn't sure about any others.

Got a notification from the travel insurance company that they are fully reimbursing me for medical expenses incurred during my recent trip in Scotland. Ironically, I only took out the insurance to cover the possibility of DW's elderly mom getting sick or dying and causing us to cancel the trip. The medical coverage was something that came along for the ride. Bottom line, it saved me thousands. :dance:
Had to let someone go yesterday and someone else this morning. Not a lot of fun. Especially when my chicken**** partner hired them but I had to let them go.

Just another nail in the w*rk coffin. Life is to short for this stuff.
Gym day for me (DW was having some mild vertigo so didn't go) and on the way home I stopped at Lowes to get some PVC brick casing for the rear sliding glass door. Driving home the thermometer in the truck said it was 101°F outside. I am not going to replace the brick casing today.:)
That would make sense - they were shipped separately from the smoke detectors in in an envelope with a big sticker "Not safe for air transport!" or words to that effect.

I knew the lithium-ion batteries are a fire hazard in aircraft but wasn't sure about any others.


Lithium-ion batteries are a fire hazard anywhere they are abused. But those are rechargeable batteries. Primary lithium batteries (used-once type) may be different, meaning safer.
Traveled an hour and change to pick up craigslist find. 2 4'x8' solar air heaters. They will be installed at the camp. Temp was hitting 92F on the way back around noon. Stopped for coffe at my usual B&N and read Skeptic magazine. Once home took a 2 hr nap. Will wait 'till it is after dark (cooler, fewer people) then go get some food stuff at WallyMart.

My suburban did not start in the morning, likely the fuel pump, usually makes noise, not this time, so had to take pickup truck. I think I'll fixit with my checkbook. 40 gallon tank 3/4 full. No access from top unless chopping hole in floorboard.
I have spent the last few days facilitating younger son's ambition. He decided that now that he is driving he wants a job. We discussed places for him to apply and settled on a local senior community where he has volunteered (and where my step mom lives.). They know him and like him. He interviewed on Wed. And was hired. Did some if the paperwork for the work permit and did the physical/tb test/drug test. Finished the work permit process today and had his tb test read. Because he's a minor I had to go along to sign approval. (He gets the job and I have to work? Lol). Hopefully he will start his pre college career as a dining room server this coming week. In between he opened a checking account with some if his savings and was issued his first debit card. Lots of milestones.

I'm exhausted from all the hoop jumping, but he's very excited to be starting w*rk.
Good for him! I was excited with my first job too, washing dishes in a restaurant. Socializing in a work environment is good training for anyone.
I did some repairs on my recumbent trike. Fixed a broken chain link after de-greasing it and the rest of the drive train, replaced the chain tubes, adjusted the front end alignment, and repaired the rear view mirror. Now I am ready to get back on the road for some exercise.

So far, got up at 5:00 am to go to the garden. It was already 82 deg. and about 90% humidity when we knocked off at 7:45 am. After lunch, we're going to see the movie Yesterday to beat the heat. Predicted to get up to 96 deg. today. Looks like a no-cook dinner tonight.
Yesterday was a nightmare! Water heater broke. In that it was 15+ years old decided it was cheaper to replace than fix. Son said he could do it.Took him from 11:30 until after 2200 to do so! Hot -- 90° but low humidity. I felt sticky all day

At least the dog park had water
Dropped off an orphaned baby squirrel at the wild life society. Made small donation to take care of “Lucky”.

Replaced two bushings in the automatic shifter in my 89 Toyota truck (30 years old!). Shifter was very loose and wobbly. New bushings make it feel young and tight... ;)

Internet amazing source of info for doing this type of do it yourself work.
Same as yesterday, I spent about 1 hour doing yard work, and just beat a retreat back into the comfort of AC. It's only 9AM. Temperature is 96F. I was feeling woozy.

Down the street, a neighbor is having a major backyard project. Could not see how many workers back there, but judging from all the debris they hauled out plus new material delivered and carried back there, they have been making a lot of progress. Can't see how people can work all day out in this heat, but perhaps they have no choice if they want to eat. Gah!

Then, I recalled in my late 20s, once took a week off on vacation to build an open patio in the backyard, covered with brick. Timing was all wrong, and I worked that week in 110F temperature, hauling a few pallets of brick from front to back and building that patio that I was super proud of.

When I was in HS, I worked a couple of summers with my Dad who owned a commercial HVAC company. There were many days when we would be on a roof of a McDs or strip mall where the roofing was covered with tar. It was the hottest, nastiest place I have ever been in my life. To this day, I recognize the fact my Dad was a much stronger person than me because he did that work for YEARS!

Haven't been doing too much outside because of the heat. Daily pool time no coincides with morning coffee. The pool is in full sun by 10 AM, so prime time (for me, anyway) is 8-10 AM.

Looking like we will have some cooler weather on Monday, so that will be "work in the yard" day. Thankfully the hot weather has really stunted the grass growth, so only have mow every 10-14 days now.
Got up a bit early (for me) at 6:45 and grilled some marinated chicken breasts out back, I wanted to get that done before the heat got bad. We are planning to pretty much hide out in the A/C this weekend other than probably a gym day tomorrow.

Yesterday I read up a bit and watched some youtube videos on using the Wagner Flexio 3000 paint sprayer I bought a while back but haven't used yet. Reviews are mixed but I get the clear impression that success with it depends on being able to read and follow directions. But no way am I going outside in the next few days to paint!:hide:
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